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A perfect end to a perfect day...

S. SaDiablo

New member
I'm posting this here, 'cause I don't have time to contact everyone (friends, etc. etc.).

I am being forced (against my will) to go to the ER. I blacked out (only for a minute or two) SO despite insisting that all I need is rest (it IS the weekend)... guess I'll be back in a few hours.

Doubt they'll admit me, but... you never know. *shrug*

Someone keep my bed warm for me. ;)

There are people here who actually converse with her, fuckwit. Maybe she was letting them know what had happened?
HeroicFool said:
Did I deny that possibility in any way?
You shoved it aside in a manner I would hesitate to even during the 'Twat List' drama.

Oh, you weren't around for that.
Yeah.. I'm sure I missed out on some good spamming and the bitching probably reached an exquisite crescendo.

How will I ever recover?


I don't give a shit.

Whew, that was a close one.

Not sure if it would be called "fainting" or "blacking out"

Stood up and the next thing I knew I was on the floor...Don't think I was out long enough to dream.


Now I am going to go to bed.
That's the "Chronicles of Riddick" smiley. You can tell by the eyes and the shiny bald head...
Quick update, then I'm back to bed.

It took a little over 2 hours, which sucked because in January, I was in and out of the ER in an hour (talk about service). They drew some blood, gave me meclizine and told me to rest the next couple of days then follow up with my doctor. Luckily I WORK for my doctor, so going in on Monday won't be a problem (lots of people on vacation right now).

Basically, I've been eating and sleeping too little and drinking WAY too much caffeine (google the words Meniere's Disease if you want to know why that's such a bad thing).

So, no, much to your dismay I'm not dead yet. ;)
Wow, I've known some attention whores in my time, but getting your family to take you to the ER when all you need is some food and sleep...that's about the best attention whoring I've ever heard of.

s'funny, but I've worked 60-70 hours a week for the past 5 years, barely stopping for a sammich, and I've never felt the need to dramatically "black out".
