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A serious question: why do women chase married men


Elder Statesman
Is it because they've shown they will commit?
Is it because they are "safer" because they can't give their "all" emotionally?
Is it a female ego thing to "take" a man from another woman?


No agenda, just genuine curiosity.
Is it because they've shown they will commit?
Is it because they are "safer" because they can't give their "all" emotionally?
Is it a female ego thing to "take" a man from another woman?


No agenda, just genuine curiosity.

Because unthankful, hateful, selfish cunts always want what they can't have or what belongs to someone else?
Is it because they've shown they will commit?

Well, I'm not sure I ever chased a married man, although I've had special relationships with married men. But, speaking for me, married men like women. It's not just that they have proven they will commit [although that's part of it] they have shown that they like the company of women.

After a certain age, single men are really demonstrating that they "don't" like the company of women on any long term basis. It's not that they haven't met the right woman, they simply don't want to spend that much time with women. That's not a crime, or evil, just a preference, but it does signal to women "Stay away if you're looking for companionship, etc."

Just my opinion. I'm sure the other questions you raise apply to some women. There's no 100% single answer.
Is it because they've shown they will commit?
Is it because they are "safer" because they can't give their "all" emotionally?
Is it a female ego thing to "take" a man from another woman?


No agenda, just genuine curiosity.

They don't; defunct, emotionally bankrupt slags do....
Why do some woman get chased by married men over others? Do they have a sign on them saying, "Yes I want to be a part of your affair and not be the woman, but the other woman"

When a woman finds out a man is married she should run the other way.

Would one rather have the house, the kids the dinner parties or would one rather have his body heart and soul?
Can one have both?
Is the married woman with the house and the kids happy because she is taken care of and she doesn't have to have sex with her husband?

Is it a female ego thing to "take" a man from another woman?
The ring is like a red flag from a matador to the bull with some bitches.
Here's the allure strictly speaking. Slag me as you like for my opinion, I dare to share it.

I've been married monogamously 30+ years to the same woman. Absolute monogamy.

Pure eros to just about any female I bump into these days.
And lusting after Wheezie and Mirah still allows me the nomenclature of pure monogamy.

I'm faithful, not dead.
perhaps there is the same reason that applies to men being interested in women who already are in a relationship: They tend to overlook them as long as they are single and only get interested when someone else got them, the general thought presumably being "if he finds her interesting, there must be something about her.."

Personally, I drool a bit over some men who are already in a relationship, but I wouldn't dream of making a pass at them. It's just something one doesn't do. Either the relationship holds, then they are apparently happy and wouldn't be interested in me anyway, or it doesn't, in which case I am ready to take over. No need to interfere in either case. And as we Bavarians say: another mom, too, has a handome child.. ;)
There's so many fish in the sea.
The "flip side" of the coin is valid too: why do married men chase other women.

Usually I'd say it's a case of Ego. I have been guilty of this, but never physically un-faithful (in the sense of "cheating") and when it has become physical, it was with my partner's blessing (and if they were married, their spouse's too). In fact, they were usually present.

However, I do know that it's very difficult (personally) to not smile back if an attractive woman takes an interest.
Am I the only one who noticed that most of the women who re to this thread flip it to men chasing women rather then the original women chasing men?

I wonder what that's all about...

Ladies - You psyche is showing AND ITS PRETTY DAMN SEXY!
now that's indeed surprising because with that reek (what you like to call pheromones) every woman is sure to take a detour around your town, thus leaving you to always having to "help yourself".

On the other hand, if at your age you still haven't discovered how to masturbate, it sure does fit into the general picture...

Ok, taking pity with you: Masturbation for dummies, lesson #1 (basics) :
You take one hand (or, if they are small, both hands) grab your dick like you'd grab a dagger for an upward slice [assuming you were in the Army and got at least the basic combat training] and rub, starting out slow and gentle and getting faster and tightening your grip as the need arises.
lesson #2 follows once you've mastered #1.
Am I the only one who noticed that most of the women who re to this thread flip it to men chasing women rather then the original women chasing men?

I wonder what that's all about...

Ladies - You psyche is showing AND ITS PRETTY DAMN SEXY!

Whenever I was chasing, I was hoping to have a threesome or join in the union, but I think I am over that phase now.
Especially after my last encounter, I've realized how dangerous it can be. It also helped me realize something last night.
Put into the mix a woman in a loveless relationship and a man in a loveless relationship. They both want and that is the appeal. The desire and passion is so great and heightened.
Compare that to a single guy who is fishing in the sea, picking up the fish, throwing them back in, sometimes having a feast, sometimes not, but when he meets you he may not be as hungry......unless his meals have been terrible for quite some time. Maybe that is the one I am looking for. I want that hunger and that passion, I do not want complacency.
Gear, I think you misinterpreted our intentions. Naturally, I can't speak for all of my fellow females here, but as far as I am concerned I meant to point out that not only are women after married men but men often are after married women and that presumably in both cases the same reasons applied.

Mirah, I can understand your hunger for passion, but isn't that a very ephemeral matter? Once either of you is satiated he or she will leave and the other one will remain hungry once more. I'd rather have a long-term relationship based on mutual love and respect. In my experience passion can very easily be created and rekindled on the basis of deep and genuine feelings as long as *both* the involved parties are willing to keep the relationship going.
Especially after my last encounter, I've realized how dangerous it can be. It also helped me realize something last night.
Put into the mix a woman in a loveless relationship and a man in a loveless relationship. They both want and that is the appeal. The desire and passion is so great and heightened.
Compare that to a single guy who is fishing in the sea, picking up the fish, throwing them back in, sometimes having a feast, sometimes not, but when he meets you he may not be as hungry......unless his meals have been terrible for quite some time. Maybe that is the one I am looking for. I want that hunger and that passion, I do not want complacency.

You're on to something there. I love that/