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AArrrgghhh McCAIN!

I don't like either candidates' education stuff. Screw NCLB. Crap like that inflates grades.
I was going to post something then decided not to because Democrats don't allow anyone to hold an opinion different than the Democratic opinion. Pro-choice - choose abortion!
I was going to post about the ages of the current Supreme Court justices, who appointed them and their delcared positions on abortion.

With the current state of affairs in the country and in the world, abortion is one of those issues that shouldn't be on the table or even high up in the queue of things to worry about.

People have been killing their unborn and new born and even several months old babies since the beginning of time. Those that will do it will do it no matter what the law is. We just fight to the death over it and it solves nothing.

I mean we live in a country where we have to tell children via televised commercials to go out and play for an hour evey day because so many children are obese, type 2 diabetic, teeth rotting out, and have problems with reality because they are immersed in video games, the internet and television. The way these kids are going, they will die before they have children of their own, or they will be such lousy parents, their kids will die out before they reach maturity. Do we really want that to be the epitaph of our country? This is how it will read in future history books about us: "The demise of America came about when they were invaded by __________. The Americans were so fat they couldn't get up and defend themselves and they really didn't care because they couldn't be torn away from their self-entertainments."

I had to go grocery shopping tonight, again. When I was in the shoe department, this woman was trying to force her big fat foot into a shoe two sizes too small for her and she wasn't wearing any socks. I picked up a shoe I was interested in until I saw the inside of the shoe. It was filthy - someone had tried it on without socks and their feet had been dirty. I turned to that woman and said, "you shouldn't be trying on shoes unless you are wearing socks or a footie." She said, "Yes, it fits," in a very thick accent. I held the shoe up so she could see the filth inside the shoe and said, "Yuck. I don't want to buy this disgusting shoe now and it is the only one in my size." She frowned at me then left the shoe department. I'm such a bitch. Fortunately she didn't realize she made me want to spit, which would have made me puke, which would have made me puke, endlessly.

The girl that checked me out didn't understand English either. She pretended she did - "How are you this evening, Ma'm?" and such like. But, when I asked her a question that didn't fit her script, she didn't have a clue what I was talking about.

But, I can't complain about that because that isn't politically correct. It'll be the internet company all over again.
Obviously you didn't follow the discussion on abortion when Sarek, Eggs, Jack, Cassie, Mentalist and others ganged up on me for having an anti-abortion view. They called me a Nazi because I call it murder to suck out the brains of an innocent, defenseless unborn child just because its inconvenient for the mother to have a baby. Absolutely no one was on my side. More than likely anyone with a POV similar to mine was afraid they'd be murdered in their beds.

So far as the PC bit goes, when my son-in-law moved out we put the cable internet service in my name. I was paying it anyway, he went with me, and the service was changed over easily enough.

Then, it came time to pay the bill. I hadn't received a bill in the mail but I didn't worry about that because I always pay my bills online. I went to the site to pay the bill but couldn't access that part of their website anymore. I called the cable company who put me in touch with their customer service people who put me in touch with the people who were supposed to be the tech people. Okay. I am not kidding about this. I spent three days speaking with these tech people about the problem with not being able to access the online bill pay function. None of those people could get very far into the problem solving aspect because the problem was not covered in their script. On the third day, after having spoken with at least 10 different people with very thick accents, one of the two supervisors I had spoken with told me that it was not his problem and that I could pay my bill by mail, take it to the company and pay it, pay it a grocery store, etc. I sent in a request on the cable companys website to please have a person who speaks English as their first language to contact me about the problem. They sent me a very nice email full of smart assed sarcasm and to this day refuse to resolve this problem. I've since spoken to other persons at the cable company who admit that their tech people reside in a different country. The only thing that sucks worse than that company's tech department is dial up internet.
Jack doesn't love me as much as he used to because of our argument over abortion. That makes me sad.
I would like to know why Gonad loves McCain.

I should but I can't. He looks wrong to me. He moves weird. Did he die and they fill his carcass up with milk and robotic parts then encase him in a thin sheet of opaque plastic? All he needs is Christopher Walken's hairline to completely freak me out.
That doesn't sound like censorship on the part of either the alleged Democrats or the cable company.

It is a shame how utilities so often have local monopolies like that, though.
That doesn't sound like censorship on the part of either the alleged Democrats or the cable company.
But, it is. They made me feel like they will never invite me to Thanksgiving Dinner again. Everyone will leave in mass exodus again to some site like Shattered Corpse and won't bother to tell me they are leaving or invite me to come and visit until months and years later.

And, the cable company still hasn't fixed the problem and won't because I asked to speak to a person who speaks English as their first language. I do firmly believe that it is a language barrier problem and a memorized script isn't enough to resolve the problem. They are bastards.

It is a shame how utilities so often have local monopolies like that, though.
Well, actually, the railroads hold all the cards with utility easements and energy transporter facilities. At least here in Texas they do. Probably one of the reasons why electricity is higher here than anywhere else in the country.
I'm still all gooey over McCain from the 2000 GOP primaries. A leader! A maverick! A federalist! He's got some dark stuff in his past but not any of those scary CIA things like Bush Sr. He really does work with democrats to get things done. (I know, I know, they're all pals in the senate.) He isn't (or wasn't at one point in time) afraid to say what he thinks, or to tell hard truths. He does (did) what he felt was best for the most part and screw party platforms.

This isn't necessarily the case this time around, he has policy views that directly oppose policy views from the 2000 campaign, and I think that he changed his views to ingratiate himself with the social conservative republican base. He even started going to church which is unusual because he is not a particularly religious person (I think Obama is more religious than McCain.) My biggest fear during the 2008 primaries was which McCain would I be voting into office, the 2000 McCain or the 2008 McCain?

Both candidates will attempt to bring change, I have every confidence in that. However, I always have qualms about voting social conservative, and as a result I will be voting for the Obama/Biden ticket. In August I was literally having dreams that I voted for a McCain/Leiberman ticket and I would wake up with a warm happy feeling.

Probably not the answer you were looking for, Eloisel. I'm tired and I'm not going to put the effort into looking up lots of different facts. I do hope this post has given you further insight into why I love McCain. As happy as I am to be back into politics, it is bittersweet because everytime I see him I feel that this should be *his* eighth year in office, and that by voting for Obama I am turning my back on him.
Gonad, are you voting for Rossi? I met him while he was campaigning four years ago, nice guy.
Jack doesn't love me as much as he used to because of our argument over abortion. That makes me sad.

That would be utterly fucking bullshit. I respect your views and love you as deeply as ever. I don't have to agree with you to respect you, remember that.

That also doesn't change my opinion that you're ignorant about Democrats = Baby Killers as your foundation rhetoric when you espouse said opinion on abortion.
I'm still all gooey over McCain from the 2000 GOP primaries. A leader! A maverick! A federalist! He's got some dark stuff in his past but not any of those scary CIA things like Bush Sr. He really does work with democrats to get things done. (I know, I know, they're all pals in the senate.) He isn't (or wasn't at one point in time) afraid to say what he thinks, or to tell hard truths. He does (did) what he felt was best for the most part and screw party platforms.

This isn't necessarily the case this time around, he has policy views that directly oppose policy views from the 2000 campaign, and I think that he changed his views to ingratiate himself with the social conservative republican base. He even started going to church which is unusual because he is not a particularly religious person (I think Obama is more religious than McCain.) My biggest fear during the 2008 primaries was which McCain would I be voting into office, the 2000 McCain or the 2008 McCain?

Both candidates will attempt to bring change, I have every confidence in that. However, I always have qualms about voting social conservative, and as a result I will be voting for the Obama/Biden ticket. In August I was literally having dreams that I voted for a McCain/Leiberman ticket and I would wake up with a warm happy feeling.

Probably not the answer you were looking for, Eloisel. I'm tired and I'm not going to put the effort into looking up lots of different facts. I do hope this post has given you further insight into why I love McCain. As happy as I am to be back into politics, it is bittersweet because everytime I see him I feel that this should be *his* eighth year in office, and that by voting for Obama I am turning my back on him.

Sorry, wrong. Think Keating 5 and the Iran Contra bullshit. He's a maverick like my pucker is a maverick.
And believe me, I have LESS faith after last night that Little Black Sambo will do anything more than status quo the government should we elect him, which it looks as if we will.
It's creepy, we're totally fucked no mater what happens. 175 banks will fail in the next 12 months (well, 117 anyway) unemployment will reach 9 percent by next may, because this is going to take three or 4 quarters to muddle through. Someone you know, if not yourself will lose their job in the next year. Christmas shopping will be for the first time authentic home made gifts made from love this year, because most people won't have the money to "shop". Should be interesting in that sociologic regard.

Gonad might even have to sell some of her museum on eBay to pay the rent ;)
Obviously you didn't follow the discussion on abortion when Sarek, Eggs, Jack, Cassie, Mentalist and others ganged up on me for having an anti-abortion view. They called me a Nazi because I call it murder to suck out the brains of an innocent, defenseless unborn child just because its inconvenient for the mother to have a baby. Absolutely no one was on my side. More than likely anyone with a POV similar to mine was afraid they'd be murdered in their beds.

Oh please.. you wanted everyone to gang up on you or you wouldn't have started flinging shit in the first place. It's perfectly fine and dandy for you to be anti abortion, but it's ridiculous to paint all Democrats as "baby killers". I'm not even a Democrat and I can see that.

No one was on your side because you came off as a kook. You basically said anyone who doesn't agree with you is a murderer.