Troll Kingdom

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SaintLucifer said:
Why do you continue to post responses to me? I am ugly remember? I should be most appreciative if you could keep that belief in your head.

It is considered polite to respond to a person who responds to one's post. I am so sorry that this offends you so. But, I guess I am a carbuncle on your ample backside. Ouch! Thank you for sharing.
Enkephalen said:
Thank you Jack. I have you and MM to thank for allowing it to become animated.

ENKIE sweetheart!! Please view my picture. Just click below:
TA DA!! Bet you want me now more than ever you fucking cunt?!
Why, thank you Luci, but I think I'll pass. You be a good boy and run along and play nice with the other children. You don't want me to put you on restriction -- or do you?
Enkephalen said:
Why, thank you Luci, but I think I'll pass. You be a good boy and run along and play nice with the other children. You don't want me to put you on restriction -- or do you?

Wow! You finally 'get it'! Yes I do want you to put me on 'restriction'. In fact, I will ask you nicely to do just that. She FINALLY understood the hint that I have been passing her way since the very first time we yapped. Fuck but the people in here are slooooooooooowwwww.