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This week's was really good.

"Why do we fight other Alphas every week?"

Brent Spiner = good. Obviously.

Charlotte = Um. Well she had a cool power anyway.
I thought this week's was another strong episode. I couldn't figure out where the plot was going and I kept changing my mind on who would be the traitor. I was convinced it would be Rachel, since she was acting more nervous than normal, and that Micro Expression guy was helping her because he fancies her (LIKE I DO?) But then I thought Rosen was being weird and it would be him. Then it turns out it was a Face Dancer. Okay, that might seem like a bit of a copout, but realisitically they wouldn't have one of the team being evil.

The stuff with the characters all interacting was really good as they all feel like developed, realistic, well written, well acted characters reacting to each other naturally. Lots of continuity references to just about every episode. Gary's lying about puddings or whatever was funny. I guess something is going to happen to Bill's power since it's the focus again.
I liked it ALSO. I was really worried one of them was going to be a traitor right up till the end. Good acting, and everything.

I'm really surprised they haven't ruined the show by introducing a character with a real super power. I AM IMPRESSED! Don't fuck it up SYFY :rwmad:
Really good ep. I liked how the recap at the beginning gave us really good reasons to suspect them all. I think Nina or the sharpshooter guy (I can never remember his name... Hicks?) were the most likely candidates as Nina's been critical of Rosen for some time and was resentful about babysitting Gary, and whatshisname's always a bit distant and never really wanted to be in the team from the beginning.

I liked that we got to hear Gary actor's real accent (well, almost, he's a Brummie really) and see him acting like a "normal" person.
So the finale was really good. Probably the best episode of the season. It was sad when Autism Girl died. The big fight scene was obviously limited by their budget, but it had some cool moments. Then the show's Magneto is reveal and he seems like an interesting character (just looked him up and he's the guy who played Vergis on Caprica, and I remember enjoying his acting on that)! And then Rosen brings the awesome at the end. I hope we don't all die before season two.
It feels so strange to watch the season finale of a new sci-fi show and not be thinking "Oh it would've been so good in it's second season if it hadn't been cancelled!".
You know what I think is so cool about Alphas? DO YOU? well, I think it's really cool that the little twists come, and I don't see them coming, but then they make complete sense for the characters to do the twisty thing.
This episode was what Heroes took four years to do, but better and without all that angst about wanting to be "normal".

I've really enjoyed the fights they've had in the last couple of episodes as well, which is another thing Heroes always buggered up despite their higher budget. The fights in Alphas are cheap, but inventive, especially when Hicks is involved.

Did anyone else recognise Rosen's daughter from SGU? Bit creepy that Dr Rush was probably about the same age as Dr Rosen.

Poor Gary. :( Still, he seemed fine again at the end.
The only stupid bit of the finale was sending Nina in with the strike team. They even pointed out that her power was useless with her eyes covered.
I really hope they re-run the series soon, because it sounds like I could get into it if I'd been able to watch it week after week. Problem was it was up against something else and I don't have DVR. Yet.