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Another thread about advertising for headvoid, OKAY?

The bread advert that made me really puke recently was this one:


So, bread makes me attractive to the opposite sex? Why? What the fuck? But it still makes you a twat to slightly overweight women with glasses? I get it. You are a twat but we are going to try and make you less like a twat by making you a single parent. YOU ARE STILL A TWAT.

Horrible, dirty grubby little advert. Apparently it matches the owner of the business (So I hear)
I guess "sandwich thins" are the new thin(g) because that's what the Kingsmill "your mother died recently and bread is the only thing holding the family together" advert was for too.

See if you can figure out what's got the MRAs crying!
I had to look up MRAs. I wish I hadn't. It depressed me.

I sometimes feel like I am the equivalent of an Advertising agency having a resident Marvin the Robot from Hitch Hikers. I have been here for ever and am deeply depressed.
I kind of hope Jesus comes back, just so he can laugh at all the idiots doing stupid shit in His name and tell them they have it all wrong. And then they get LEFT BEHIND lol!
The dead kid advert didn't make sense. What were all the funny hedgehog things? At one point a girl kissed the boy so he was physically there, but at other times kids ignored him.

As ever when agencies do work like this for their "portfolio" they end up forgetting simple storytelling rules and discipline. They end up doing every idea they have had rejected over the last year.
The good thing about the dead kid ad was that it inspired a good #HashtagWars one night on @midnight.

I fuckin love that show.

I saw this on tumblr and thought, gems from tumblr or the ad thread? I PUT IT HERE, OKAY?