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Another thread about advertising for headvoid, OKAY?

Your opinions are requested.


I think it's a good advert, but THE SHAT has caught be broadside and always wins in my head. I cannot look at it without this bit of genius casting.

I saw this commercial last night for the first time... I was all WTF IS THIS? I immediately thought about posting it here and forcing you to watch it. Also, I wonder if the Third Eagle of the Apocalypse has seen it.

This one's weird but cool. THE BOY WHO BEEPS! He can talk to machines.

5 days ago

So let me get this straight. We have a mutant toddler able to control electricity from the sound of his voice, sounds like a subliminal message to install those RFID chips. Then he gets exploited to work around the world and obviously is not getting paid much because he is still in the same house, sounds like child labor to me. Then he is alone in the backyard with no parents around. Why is GE implementing children that young get into a intimate situation, this is an outrage. LOL. If this commercial was done by Obama that is how republicans would try to view it.

10 hours ago (edited)

+DJ Full K25 is exactly right you shoople. Then again, So are you. If you knew the designs the have on us..on you, youd just vomit and contemplate a peaceful suicide. see ya when the robot army takes control or what ever computer designed plague requires an implanted cure. cuase i'll be in the quarantined internment camp with you. peace
Headvoid are you sad that the Argos aliens have returned to their home planet?

The aliens were really not loved by anyone at all apart from the people in the Marketing department and agencies of HRG (Home retail group).

That is one of the worst self congratulatory wank fests I have seen for a while.

(Been away again with no internet BTW)
Strangely there's a few "Nooooo don't let the aliens leave I'll shop somewhere else now!" type messages in the YouTube comments, but then again they're YouTube comments.