Ask Bickendan


Shifty sumbitch
What was the first film you saw at the cinema?

I honestly don't remember. For some reason, Jurassic Park comes to mind, but this makes no sense, as I was sufficiently old enough when JP came out (hur hur) and I know I've seen other flicks in the theatre before that. But I can't remember what.


Shifty sumbitch
Bickendan I thought of you the other day. I wondered how you would feel if a woman tattooed a map across her breast, or perhaps a bridge on her backside. Why I was thinking of this I do not know. If this doesn't exist I would like to at least see or attempt a photo shop of this image. Thoughts.

Aside from Rich's excellent examples, this is a real thing.
For example, these:

The Portlandmaine one is a girl.

Not so sure with this one.

This chick is making an interesting statement here. Consider Africa's position. Is this an unfortunate coincidence or is she subtly saying her opinion about Africa? That said, is she into anal -- what does that say if she is?

Foot fetishists would love this.

Similar questions posed as the above ass map, only this time regarding Madagascar... Here, I can't tell if it's a guy or gal, though I suspect it's a gal. Three more:

Ask this chick if you're ever lost in Hannover. Also, I suspect she'll know everything there is to know about Hannover.

For Yub.

Pos karma to whoever can figure out what city this is by this map ;)


Shifty sumbitch
Tell us about when you went on your ministry.

I didn't; I put in the application, my bishop and stake president signed off on it, and Salt Lake thanked me for doing so and said they didn't need me and were honorably excusing me.

Was a shock to everyone involved, but at the same time, somewhat of a relief and disappointment.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
What are your thoughts on eating pussy?


beer, I want beer
Does it turn you on Bick? The map tats? And do you like ass more than pussy?

back tattoos like the above give you something to read while fucking doggy style. Nothing wrong with that!


beer, I want beer
Aside from Rich's excellent examples, this is a real thing.
For example, these:

The Portlandmaine one is a girl.

Not so sure with this one.

This chick is making an interesting statement here. Consider Africa's position. Is this an unfortunate coincidence or is she subtly saying her opinion about Africa? That said, is she into anal -- what does that say if she is?

Foot fetishists would love this.

Similar questions posed as the above ass map, only this time regarding Madagascar... Here, I can't tell if it's a guy or gal, though I suspect it's a gal. Three more:

Ask this chick if you're ever lost in Hannover. Also, I suspect she'll know everything there is to know about Hannover.

For Yub.

Pos karma to whoever can figure out what city this is by this map ;)

These would be awesome for a lengthy road trip, but how the hell do you fold 'em and get 'em back into your glove compartment?


Shifty sumbitch
What are your thoughts on eating pussy?

I'm quite sure Lexicdark would be quite upset. :meh:

In seriousness, it depends on whether the SO was into it or not. If she wasn't, I could foresee some snags in the relationship, not just stemming from that.


Shifty sumbitch
Does it turn you on Bick?
Eating pussy? It doesn't turn me on, but I wouldn't ever say no. Actually performing cunnilingus... yeah, that would heighten the mood.
The map tats?
They certainly are good conversation pieces.
And do you like ass more than pussy?

Mmm, I think I'd like the girl more :bigass:


Shifty sumbitch
You stole my question! :rwmad:

How long have you had your map tattoo fetish, Bick?

Never. I don't find tattoos of any kind especially attractive. If my SO were to have them, I'd hope it'd be an interesting design (a map would certainly qualify as such) as well as the story to go along with it. A map would, at the very least, have a very interesting story to go with it because a map says a lot more than what it shows.

To wit, I have given some thought as to what I'd get if were to get a tattoo. It wouldn't be a map; I'd become dissatisfied with whatever I chose to map on myself. It'd be something musical, most likely a member of the clarinet family.


Shifty sumbitch
back tattoos like the above give you something to read while fucking doggy style. Nothing wrong with that!

"Hon, why'd you stop?"
"That map on your back?"
"That interstate's in the wrong spot. It's distracting."


Shifty sumbitch
These would be awesome for a lengthy road trip, but how the hell do you fold 'em and get 'em back into your glove compartment?
My friend, they ARE the glove compartment, if you get my drift... ;)


Shifty sumbitch
Did you know Penguins are putting moose antlers on their heads and going to Canada?

That's a piss-poor impression of a beaver. Tell those penguins to try harder.