Attention DevilMan...Your Messages Are No Longer Tolerated At Troll Kingdom...Grow Up.



^^^^^^^Cunt 40 (aka Charles J Wilson) testicle stew^^^^^^^^^^

I came to visit you again yesterday. I knew you were home because your banged up KIA was in the driveway. I also saw you peek out the curtains.

Didn't you want a bite of my fist sammich?

Eggs Breakfast

Your breakfast


Your last message since you started your child like behavior was November 2, 2023...According to the new rule...Trolling was forbidden as of January 2, 2024....I'm the reason the "N" word isn't used here at Troll Kingdom any more<<<YES, I (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) did that.


Not gonna happen. It's funny (in that very sad way) that you think you become relevant by injecting yourself into the conversation. I can see that everyone ignoring you is getting to you. Must suck to not have Jack's attention anymore. I know that's all you used to talk about back in the day.

Makes me SMILE! I'm just giving you a little negative attention because I know it makes you mad, bro.

Hey why didn't you answer the door when I knocked yesterday???? I had a fist sandwich all ready for you

And Another Thang..(1.) You came back after 6 months to defend jack?...^^^That was your first message^^^...jack and I haven't had words since the new rules were instated...(2.)You never knock on my door...I invite you to come to MY house between the hours of 10:00 AM - 10.00 PM... Monday thru Friday...I'm busy on the weekends<<If you don't show up by Friday May 24, you'll be labeled a COWARDLY CHUMP....HOLLA BLACK.


Still in Mom's basement
LOL at the dumbest black bastard on the planet.

Must suck to not have Jack's attention anymore. I know that's all you used to talk about back in the day

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Still in Mom's basement
Eggs breakfast
YES, I (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) did that.

Way I heard it that was all The Questions doing as he checked himself out. LOL never does anything, takes all the credit for everything.

That's our Chuckie.

These your balls?




Still in Mom's basement
Eggs breakfast


Your balls



Still in Mom's basement
jack and I haven't had words since the new rules were instated.

Yeah, he put you on ignore just like everyone else has. No one reads your shit, and ignore makes all your posts invisible.

Makes. Me.



Still in Mom's basement

You viewed this shit thread nearly a hundred times after you took a shit in speak freely again.

Someone likes to look at their shit over and over in the middle of the night no less.

No one even noticed.


btw, keep fucking around and I'll ask Kevin to come back LOL


Still in Mom's basement
According to the new rule...Trolling was forbidden as of January 2, 2024

What's that smell? Why that's the smell of Charles J Wilson's bullshit!




You viewed this shit thread nearly a hundred times after you took a shit in speak freely again.

Someone likes to look at their shit over and over in the middle of the night no less.

No one even noticed.


btw, keep fucking around and I'll ask Kevin to come back LOL

Sad GIF - Sad GIFs
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It you are viewing this thread as a member or guest....Pages you view in this window won’t appear in the browser history and they won’t leave other traces, like cookies, on the computer after you sign out...Files you download and bookmarks you create won’t be preserved. Others might see some of your information, but member mode stops me from saving your browsing activities like.... Your employer, school, or whoever runs the network you’re using... Who your mom is cheating on your daddy with..Your sexual preference (the fact of someone preferring to have sex in a particular way, or finding particular things sexually attractive)... Your internet service provider<<<Was this helpful?



Still in Mom's basement
You viewed this shit thread nearly a hundred times after you took a shit in speak freely again.

and then another 50 times tonight.

Someone likes to look at their shit over and over in the middle of the night no less.

No one even noticed.

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Still in Mom's basement
Needs salt :bigass:



You viewed this shit thread nearly a hundred times after you took a shit in speak freely again.

Someone likes to look at their shit over and over in the middle of the night no less.

No one even noticed.

Members Online...Total: 247 (Members: 5, Guest: 242)<<Obviously someone is reading MY(
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) thread...Troll Kingdom MEMBERS have ME (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
By: CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) on ignore, but they read my threads as GUEST<<<That includes MEMBERS who are either banned, was trollled out by ME or quit Troll Kingdom...:D...Because I"M (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) is that damn great.

^^^Click Here For Complete Story and HOLLA BLACK^^^


Still in Mom's basement
Only you are reading your thread....unless you think bots "read"




^^^Your reading MY (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) post dumbass^^^...How many of these 184 views are yours Steve Cucumber?..Hey Steve Cucumber, you have 9 of the 14 messages on My (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) thread...Why are you here?<<Nevermind<<<The answer is jack supposedly has Me (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT), so he's using your account to troll ME (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers

Kiss Cucumber GIF - Kiss Cucumber Pickle GIFs
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Still in Mom's basement
^^^Your reading MY (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) post dumbass^^^...How many of these 184 views are yours Steve Cucumber?..Hey Steve Cucumber, you have 9 of the 14 messages on My (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT) thread...Why are you here?<<Nevermind<<<The answer is jack supposedly has Me (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
CeeJay-BLACKFOOT), so he's using your account to troll ME (
Crown Royalty Sticker - Crown Royalty Jewels Stickers
