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Avengers: Endgame

There is supposed to be a deleted scene of Rocket telling Carol about the Benatars homing beacon, she wasn't rescuing Stark, she was rescuing the guardians, that's why Rocket looked so sad when only Nebula got off, up to that point he only knew for sure that Groot was gone.

Okay, that's a pretty good explanation for that, then. And I can allow that some scenes are cut for pacing reasons rather than for content, so I'll accept that as an answer.
Credit, where due, apparently the entire rest of the Internet is wrong with you, about what the Grandfather Paradox is. Why would anyone want to KILL Grandpa? On the other hand, it makes perfect sense to want to knock boots with Gramma. :soma:

If everybody's got it wrong except you, there's a strong possibility that it's actually you who has got it wrong. What you described is actually a Bootstrap paradox where you create yourself. Like in the Terminator franchise, where Skynet and John Connor end up mutually creating each other and themselves by sending agents back in time.
Sarah was already pregnant by earaehole on her answer machine, Kyle Reese was probably sterile from all the radiation anyway
To be fair, it is possible I was wrong. But it is also possible I'm right and the entire rest of the world is wrong. Moses. Galileo. Hitler. Sometimes the World stands in the way of a great idea.

It is equally possible that someone went back in time and changed the definition so I was wrong. I'll have to look into that. Seems like a really petty and dangerous thing to do.

It's basically Occam's Razor: Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be what happened.

On an ironic note, if you killed your grandfather, but had sex with your grandmother, becoming your own father, you could conceivably avoid either variation of the Grandfather Paradox. You 2.0 might wind up a three eyed window licking retard, but there you go. You might also get a tits Toyota pickup for Biff to wax. You roll the dice.
It is werid that they had Red Skull as one of the guardians of the stones, then had cap return the stones...but didn't show them meeting (though the movie was long enough by that point.)
It is werid that they had Red Skull as one of the guardians of the stones, then had cap return the stones...but didn't show them meeting (though the movie was long enough by that point.)

Yeah, that would have been a WEIRD awkward meeting.

"I em ze Guawdian of ze... HWAT. It'z you. You SON OF ZE BITCH. I vill--!"

"Ah! Ah ah ah ah! Don't make me kick your ass again."

"VAT do chu vant!"

"I'm just returning the soul stone. Here. Take it."

"No! I don't vant it! I vuss chust bout to leave! I vuss going to go vatch some telly-visshion! I hear zat's a sing now. Zey hess moviess chu can vatch at home. I vuss going to --"

"NOPE! Soul stone! Take it!"

"I don't VANT it! Get it a-VAY from me! No! Go a-vay!"

"Nope! Yours. Take it."

"Nooooooo chu son uff a bitch! I don't vant it!"
Also, not to be a nitpicky nitpicker, but...

It's basically Occam's Razor: Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be what happened.

That's actually not Ockham's Razor. That's the Holmesian Maxim. Ockham's razor is, the explanation with the fewest superfluous variables is the most likely to be correct.
I don't get what is going on with the river that's trying to flood them.

The mansion is near a lake, but suddenly there is a valley below the level of the lake?
Also, not to be a nitpicky nitpicker, but...

That's actually not Ockham's Razor. That's the Holmesian Maxim. Ockham's razor is, the explanation with the fewest superfluous variables is the most likely to be correct.
No. You're confused again. Holmes said "whatever can go wrong will go wrong."