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Avengers: Infinity War

The guardians respond to emergency message the asgardians sent, but only find a wrecked ship and bodies drifting. They run into Thor and bring him aboard. Everyone but Peter is enamoured with Thor.
Thor Groot and Rocket take a shuttle to a place where Thor can get a new hammer, while the rest of the guardians go to knowhere to get the Stone the collector has, Thanks beats them to it, and takes gamora with him.

Spiderman and Tony rescue Strange and kick the alien off the ship, unable to steer the craft they are forced to ride it to titan where they run into the guardians.

Thanos knows that Gamora knows where the soul stone is, and tortures Nebula until she reveals the location. They travel to a remote planet where the soul stone keeper tells Thanos to get the stone must give up the thing he loves the most. He cries then pushes Gamora off a cliff.

On earth the avengers travel to wakanda to see if Visions stone can be removed so it can be destroyed, but Thanos army arrives, and battle commences.

The guardians. Iron man, spiderman and Strange attack Thanos when he comes for the time stone, and come close to pulling the gauntlet off, but star lord looses it when he finds out Gamora is dead, the plan fails and Tony is beaten and stabbed, Strange gives up the stone to save Tony's life.

Thanos arrives on earth with five of the stones, and vision makes Wanda destroy his stone, and him in the process.

Thanos winds back time, and pulls the stone from visions head killing him, and with all six stones Thanos clicks his fingers, and half the people in the universe die.

And with them half the heroes we have grown to know.

In the one post credit scene Fury manages to send a text to captain marvel before he too vanishes.
Was it just bad screenwriting, or some kind of poetic emphasis on Thanos' willingness to do what he wanted that led to the constant "gem for his/her life" scenario. It was like 4 fucking times. Just a weird ass scenario that every gem came down to the EXACT same situation. It was interesting the only other ones willing to make a similar sacrifice were the couples in the movie. (Wanda/Vision and Star Lord/ Gamora) thats because love stinks apparently.

Why didn't Dr. Strange just use the time stone to rewind back to when Tony and Pete almost had the gauntlet off Thanos and kick Star Lord in the cock to prevent Thanos from regaining the upper hand? He looked at 7 million outcomes or whatever the fuck he couldn't have gave Starlord the heads up? "Hey man, dont lose your shit when we have Thanos bound. He killed your gf, sorry. We can bring her ass back with the gauntlet." It was good but its plot was even more comic bookish than the others, if that makes sense. I enjoyed the changes with Thanos from the comic book "I just wanna fuck death cause its a chick" to "50 percent genocide will save the cosmos." as a motivator. But his line about the universe being finite in a movie called Infinity War was real damn goofy. It just wasn't the best story of all the movies. It may have even had the flimsiest plot, but it was good fun beginning to end.

He seem reluctant to murder any of them (besides Loki). Did he just not take them seriously as threats? Which makes sense, he did succeed after all. He was definitely way less annoying than Ultron. Wished they could've shoe horned Hawkeye and Antman in there though.
Arrgh! Don't click the spoilers....don't click the spoilers.....:rwmad:

Tried to go see it last Friday. It was sold out. Going to try and see it this weekend hopefully.
I saw it AT LAST spoilers below (spoiler code is pointless just don't read.)

The movie does many things very well. Probably most importantly is Thanos himself. He hasn't had much personality in his previous appearances but Josh Brolin did a great job here. I was glad his voice was just a normal voice and not altered to sound scary and weird or anything. The CGI for him was excellent too and Brolin did some good action through the motion capture. I liked how killing half the universe actually took a toll on hm and how he genuinely believed it was for the best (even though it quite clearly isn't, you nutter.) I can almost see them having Thanos be convinced to turn things back to normal in part two (but after a big fight.)

I liked how big and epic the movie felt and how well it flowed. This thing last two and a half hours but (for me anyway) it never dragged at all. There was always something going on. I guess that's an advantage of having so many characters to cut between. And the writers and directors really did a great job making the character interactions so seemless. Everyone felt in character from their own movies. The stuff with The Guardians and Thor seemed especially good with them all playing off each other. Humour was strong too (liked all the stuff with Starlord being jealous of Thor because yeah he should be.)

While Thor, the Guardians, Doctor Strange and Tony all got a lot of time, some characters suffered from a lack of screentime. I think we all thought Captain America would be more important (and possibly be a "big death") but really Steve didn't get that much to do. Neither did T'Challa or Black Widow (who mostly talked in one liners.) But I guess that was inevitable wtih there being so many of them. The Children of Thanos could have used a bit more time to establish themselves too, only Ebony Maw (the magic one) really made an impression. Some of the action was a bit too fast and had too many quick cuts to follow what was going on (a problem I had with some of the scenes in Civil War too.)

I liked how many places the movie went to and how effortless it all felt. I like that bigness. Of all the Marvel movies this is the one that should feel most big! I liked how they continued to power up Thor building from Ragnarok and he got a good emotional scene with Rocket. And relit a son. Really Thor felt like the main Avenger after this.

I liked Red Skull finally showing up again! Even though it wasn't Hugo Weaving. Nice placement of the "we'll deep fry your kebab" sign in the Edinburgh scene.

The ending is something where it's hard not to think "well, they're obviously going to reverse this in the next movie" but Spider-Man's death at least was still very sad in the moment. And as someone who watches a lot of Star Trek and Doctor Who and reads comics it's easiy for me to think "that was a great cliffhanger but none of them are really dead!" whereas people who are less GENRE SAVVY were probably quite shocked. Like there was a girl sitting behind me who I could hear laughing really loudly (too loudly really!) all the way through, but when the deaths started she was going "OH NO. I DON'T LIKE THIS." So it was a strong way to end the movie.

So yeah I'd call it a big success (and having the biggest opening ever probably means more than what I think!)
I think the originally avengers will probably sacrifice themselves to bring the others back.

It was great to see Rocket and Groot on earth, shame we never got to see Star lord there, but maybe that was deliberate.
I don't really see all of them dying. They're working on a Black Widow solo film and Thor's been powered up so much in the last two movies that it's hard to see how he could die. One of Steve or Tony sacrificing the other on the Red Skull planet (they surely brought him back for a scene with Steve) seems the most likely.
What if Tony has to sacrifice Pepper, and the horror of doing so forces him to give up on being iron man forever?
Saw it this evening at last.

Very good on the whole. The action was frequent, but not soulless and the large number of characters didn’t turn out to be much of a problem. I imagine the neglected ones will get more time in the next one.

Peter Dinklage as a giant was inspired, though his acting was kind of bad. I guess he didn’t really know who his character was so he just ended up as a bored Tyrion with metal hands.

The repetition of the “save a loved one, lose a stone” (or sacrifice a loved one, win a stone) trope struck me as well. Maybe it was intended to drive home a message, or it’s a lazy way to show how noble everyone is, but it was annoying. Dr Strange sacrificed the universe for Tony Stark, who he hadn’t even known for very long.

The ending was quite a downer, but none of the deaths (including Loki’s) had much impact because you just expect them to come back. Like Thanos did. Or Drax. Or thingy with the antennae. Or Thor.

How long til part 2?
Uhhh, let's see now... Cap dies, Stark retires 'cause his spindly Goop-peddling woman won't put up with any more Avenging shenanigans, Black Widow almost dies, but right in front of Banner, which triggers World Breaker Hulk (which is what even the Hulk didn't want to have happen, which is why he wouldn't come out to play in Infinity War), Thanos gets what Loki got in the first Avengers film as a result -- all of this is a distraction to keep Thanos out of the way while Stark is building something that can handle the Infinity Stones, Captain Marvel then wears said thing and undoes all the shit Thanos pulled.

Also there's time travel involved, but to what end I haven't decided yet.
The repetition of the “save a loved one, lose a stone” (or sacrifice a loved one, win a stone) trope struck me as well. Maybe it was intended to drive home a message, or it’s a lazy way to show how noble everyone is, but it was annoying. Dr Strange sacrificed the universe for Tony Stark, who he hadn’t even known for very long.

It showed that the heroes weren't willing to make the sacrifice and they ended up losing, whereas Thanos was willing to sacrifice so he won (though I guess Wanda was willing to sacrifice Vision in the end but she was too late.) Strange said that he only saw one way of winning out of 14 million possibilities and his last line to Stark was something like "it was the only way" so presumably he saw that saving Tony's life would be what ultimately defeats Thanos and brings everyone back.
I'm thinking Nebula gets the gauntlet sets everything right, and changes from cyborg back to regular alien. She gets ahold of it in the original comic its based on so why not? Steve gives Bucky the Cap title, and Tony steps down as Iron Man and sets it up for someone to take his place. That will lead to a new movie with Riri Williams. Somehow Miles Morales gets Spider powers too. He takes Peter's place 2 spider movies later. Thor, and Valkyrie go rebuild Asgard. The next Guardians movie takes place on and around Earth.
Yea it was sad to not get more Justin Hammer. Maybe the Avengers 5 will bring back Red Skull, Hammer, Abomination, Vulture and Whiplash(or did he die?) to fight whoever takes the big 3's place once their contracts are done. I'm thinking the Red Skull will somehow escape the soul gem world in the next movie. And, are those really the only Villains to survive in the movies?