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Battlestar Galactica: The Plan

Well, provided it takes less than about six months you'll still manage to watch it before it finally gets shown on TV.

It was pretty good. But I'll just say my main complaint right away, too many recylced scenes from the series. And yes, I know some were necessary to place the new stuff in context, but even they want on too long at times and sometimes the "new" part wasn't really all that interesting anyway. Like we didn't really need to see the Kara/Leoben interrogation again. AND in fact it's worth pointing out that Katee isn't even on the cast but we see a lot of Starbuck thanks to the reclyced scenes. Sometimes it was just hard to get through them and the movie lost focus at times.

ON THE PLUS SIDE when it was focused the Cavil story, it was good. I enjoyed the main them of everything going wrong for the cylons as they got too close to humanity (and started to fall in love and stuff) and the contrast between the two main Cavils in the end. One of them rejects his humanity by knifing a child to death, the other can't bring himself to kill Kara because Anders has had an effect on him.

Dean Stockwell is EXCELLENT throughout and his scenes with the other cylons are the best part. The scene with the Doral discussing his jacket was hilarious. Lots of classic Cavil lines too. It was also cool to see that the Cavils ARE capable of turning good and the final scene with the good Cavil and the evil Cavil talking was great.

The Simon subplot is good and Rick Worthy shows he can act. Would have actually liked to see this plot get more time, if anything, rather than some of the unnecessary clips. The actress playing his wife did a good job.

I know everyone hates Anders but I thought he was good in this.

The attack on the Colonies is well done. Centurion shooting people in cars. Pretty scary!

Tricia Helfer wears lots of different outfits.

I enjoyed it, but it could have been better. Worth watching.
There was two scenes of nakedness with tits (and maybe a penis!) and a sex scene with some ass. None of the main characters, unfortunately.
I just watched it.

I'd agree with the use of recycled footage, there was perhaps a bit too much. That said, as the plot moved VERY quickly through the miniseries and the first and second seasons that it was helpful to have those parts we'd seen before, just so we can remember what episode we're in.

Seeing the destruction of the colonies was anazing, and it was very well done, possible the best part of The Plan. I mean we'd heard a lot about how much the Cylons fucked-up the colonies, but actually seeing it was something else.

The Cavils' and Simon's respective sub-plots were very well done, giving a hell of a lot more depth to Simon and both Cavils, I especially liked just how different the two Cavils got by the end.

I think possible it's biggest weakness was simply that it it had a lot of time to cover over the first two seasons and the miniseries, and it does feel slightly disjointed because of that.

Some people will moan and bitch (and already are moaning and bitching) about how it simply wasn't two hours of answers to questions and how it didn't explain what Kara was and yadda yadda yadda, but they're idiots becuase those questions are supposed to go unanswered.

I liked it.