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Battlestar Galactica: The Plan

Mixed opinions on this one. I thought they wove in Cavil's presence in major episodes very well, especially the bit with Sharon in the tool room in "Water". Very neat and did what it said on the tin, tackling the questions we'd all had about the Cylons seemingly having a plan at the beginning, but then sloppily following through on it. The Godfrey explanation was amusing.

Nice to see more of Simon. Shame there was never much time for him in the series.

Some great effects shots during the attack (and the occasional terrible one) and a lot of tits. Felt the nudity was a bit shallow and attention whorish, like it was in Caprica. The camera even focused on some guy's dick at one point. Weird. Fair enough in Galactica's showers, but in the bar as well? Oh well... ooh! It was great to see the other colonies. Pyramids! Should be seeing more of those in Caprica too.
Well, Ellen going to a topless bar made sense...she's a crazy old slut. I thought we would have seen Adama discovering Ellen in the Fleet and Cavil hiding behind some boxes at the time or something.
Maybe the 10 hour extended uncut version will have the scene with Adama finding Ellen, and Cavil's hiding behind a naked woman?
The DVD doesn't come out til Oct 27th, so I'll have to wait 6 days to find out :rwmad:
What about Seelix? All through the scenes with Anders I was wondering if the ginger bird was there as a kind of stand-in because they couldn't get Seelix. Wasn't she in the resistance, or is my memory faulty?
I don't thik Seelix was in the resistance, fact, she definitely wasn't, she first appeared in the season one final when they crashed on Kobol. She WAS a part of The Circle after New Caprica.

And the ginger chick (Barolay) was in the series too.
Oh, good. I thought there was something about Seelix having a crush on Anders back in their Buckaneers days, but glad I'm wrong.
Nah, the crush started at the end of season three when they were both in viper trainig, but then Anders had sex with Tori because they were both hearing the same song in their heads (and really, that's as good an excuse as any!)
I must've got mixed up about what kind of training it was.

It's a shame they couldn't get Sam Witwer, they could've shown how he got to Galactica from the Triton, maybe along with some more important characters.
Socinisus, I think. Yeah. Except he looked older somehow. Just like Tyrol did in his "season 1" scenes with Mrs EJO.

*sigh* It'll happen to us all one day.
I must've got mixed up about what kind of training it was.

It's a shame they couldn't get Sam Witwer, they could've shown how he got to Galactica from the Triton, maybe along with some more important characters.

Did someone say Sam Witwer?

So, did Seelix ever get over that transporter accident that merged him with Tuvok?

I know that would mortify me.
I forgot to rent The Plan, so I saw if for the first time last night. I have a different opinion of it than most of you guys cuz I thought it kinda sucked.

I liked finding out more about Simon. It was great seeing why the Cylon's plans fell apart, I knew it had to be love, but I didn't have any idea that so many of them had fallen for humans. I guess that shouldn't have come as a surprise because we're so lovable! I agree that Simon should have had more to do in the series. If not for Simon, I really wouldn't have seen the point of even making The Plan, since that was really the only new information in the movie.

I wish The Plan had been more about the other Cylons and much much less about Cavil. I don't care for Dean Stockwell in BSG, he just never seemed to fit IMO. He never really properly explained why he wanted to completely destroy humanity, and I don't think the other Cylons should have let him have all the power. Why did they just do what he told them, even though they didn't want to? I don't like silly evil characters, and that's always how I see Cavil.. he would fit right in a comic book movie. His parents love humans, so humans must die DIE DIE! At least now I know where smelling dark matter came from.

There was some good stuff, like Leoban finger painting, and Simon getting it on with his wife and then killing himself because he couldn't kill her and his family. I also liked finding out more about Boomer.. but The Plan just didn't feel like Battlestar Galactica. It seemed like it was slapped together at the last minute. I didn't have that feeling that I was watching the best show EVAR. I guess I expected more, which is why I felt let down.
