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Battlestar Galactica: The Plan

I agree about Cavil being very much like a comic book villain. I think you have to study the series a lot better than I have to really understand his motivation. Yes, his parents like humans and yeah, they made him more or less a human when he could've been so much more. But that's not enough motivation to wipe out humanity until you factor in a heavy dose of psychosis, which is a bit of a cliche among villains. "Why's he doing this?!" "Because he's nuts!" "Oh... okay then."

Still, given that I didn't like his character much in the series, I thought he was pretty good in this. His scenes were well written and acted and seemed to fit into the events of the series pretty seamlessly.
Maybe he was just made "wrong"? He identified with the machine cylons more than the humanoid ones and the machine ones had been enslaved by humanity and wanted revenge. Plus the thing about his parents loving Daniel more than him because he was the perfect little human robot cunt. And The Plan did show that not all Cavils were evil as the one on Caprica with Anders kind of turned good at the end, didn't he?
Yeah the Caprica Cavil changed his mind about killing off humanity because he saw how Anders loved Starbuck, and that he wouldn't stop loving Starbuck if she was DEAD. He almost shot her and killed her, then something warmed the cockles of his cock and he couldn't do it.

There were no tits or peni shown on the SyFy version. They did show slut Six giving Cavil a handjob under the covers, WHICH WAS REALLLY ICK. Apparently Cavil was the Dr Baltar of the Cylons. He was getting busy with the Sixes and the Threes.. or Eights? I MEAN EIGHTS.
Well when he reprogrammed them to forget who the final five are, he might have also made all the girls find him irresistable.
What about the ELEPHANT? Was Boomer hypnotized, or was there some signal in the elephant that woke her up? She referred to being "under" when she thought she was human.
Yeah, she was a sleeper and the elephant triggered her cylong side...that's why she was surprised to wake up soaking wet in 'Water'.
I thought it was an OK but disjointed recap of BSG for non-BSG people like myself. Although it was confusing trying to tell who was a Cylon and who wasn't sometimes.
I know Boomer was a sleeper, I was just wondering what the elephant was exactly. If it was a hypnotic trigger or something mechanical.
I reckon it was a hypnotic trigger that they put in her head at the same time as adding the memories of her earlier life.
The elephant in the room!

Finding out the other side of Boomer's story was interesting. I spent a lot of BSG time not liking her, but knowing she was so against doing what she did redeemed her a little... then she kissed Cavil and I was all EWWWW again.