Intelligent, artistic talent of some type (writing, dance, paint, ect.), over 35 (rare exceptions made...but no one under 30 EVER), I usually prefer women slightly older than I am, well read, sensual and sexually aware. At least curious about submission. Wise, and honest. Healthy and able to keep up with me physically (i.e. 5+ mile hikes, or dancing for about 2 hours or so).
Widely traveled is a plus. Scars (physical) are a turn-on for me, as are the stories behind them, usually. Talents I do not have, such as languages or skills, are a BIG plus.
Turn offs: Masochists who don't have a submissive side, stupid people, indecisive people, liars, couch potatoes, immaturity.
Physically I'm an open book. I've found beauty in almost every human variation.