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Being True To Yourself...

And the nutso holocaust denier is the only one who steps up to defend poor widdle Friday.

Hear that, Friday? That's the world's tiniest violin playing just for you.
My world can embrace both a Bonz and a missmanners. What that says about me is unknown, but probably something very alarming. :D
^And you've got the HeadMatron of TrekBBS, Frau "Oh My God Was That A Nipple?" Bonz cheering you on.

Who's worse off, nancy?

I'll take the TBBS admin over the Nazi apologist any day. You see, when Bonz permabans people, they don't really die. When Hitler killed Jews, they DID die! Unlike Friday (and, apparently, yourself) I don't subscribe to the absurd politically correct notion that we should respect eyone's individual "gifts," no matter how crazy and fucked up they are.
T'Bonz said:
Not to mention that she'll switch from emotionally needy/semi-sweet to snotty bitch.

Sorry, not buying the sweetness or honesty or whatever the fuck you're trying to promote.

Holy shit, I actually agree with you!!
WordInterrupted said:
I'll take the TBBS admin over the Nazi apologist any day.
In case you haven't paid attention Fauntleroy, he's not a Nazi apologist. Since you seem to be stuck in this "nazi apologist" rut, you're either 1)deliberately ignoring the fact that he's not defending Nazism (nothing new here), or 2) you're a fucking idiot (as in brain damaged, you know, anesthesia accident. drooling-in-a-cup stupid)

You see, when Bonz permabans people, they don't really die. When Hitler killed Jews, they DID die!

Really? He did all that? People died in Nazi Germany during WWII? Fuck all, I shoulda took better notes in 6th grade history, huh? ('s sarcasm Buttal, before you get your lace knickers all a-twist).

Unlike Friday (and, apparently, yourself) I don't subscribe to the absurd politically correct notion that we should respect eyone's individual "gifts," no matter how crazy and fucked up they are.

Not really politically correct, sparky. People, in general, are due some bit of respect for whatever their individual gifts may be, but that doesn't mean you have to like those gifts. It's when they act like, let's say for instance, an overblown windbag with delusions of omniscience and a penchant for interminable yet insignificant spectacles of verbiage and self aggrandizing smugness (in short, a pedantic putz like you) that they earn whatever disrespect they've got coming to them.

In any case, and in the event that you weren't paying attention, Friday was a regular cheering section for you in days past (not that this behavior is any surprise bearing in mind you're big on forgetting when folks scratch your back.)

Better be careful, nance, with such open antagonism toward people who are compassionate and their ideas, you might lose your Bleeding Heart Liberal Decoder Ring.


ps to Shatna: Not really making a comment about you or Bonz. I just couldn't resist giving her a rib after the "avatar-wardrobe malfunction" scandal. (And really, there's just a delicious irony when Wordin, of all people, goes around "Jolan Truing" her.)
Appreciate it Pete, but I wouldn't care if you did make a comment about me and Bonz. I take as much grief for being her friend as I do for hangin' with any and all TK-ers, so it evens out.
Let's settle this right now, Petey: TQ believes that the holocaust never happened an that the U.S. should practice "National Socialism." Do you agree with his views? Yes or no?
WordInterrupted said:
Let's settle this right now, Petey: TQ believes that the holocaust never happened an that the U.S. should practice "National Socialism." Do you agree with his views? Yes or no?

Those aren't my views, nimrod. Those are, on one hand, your misinterpretation of my views, and on the other hand an outright lie.

To the first: I do not believe that the Holocaust did not happen. A. I don't "believe" one way or the other. I do have a tentative conclusion regarding the matter, but it is neither a solid positive, nor a solid negative. To the second, I do not believe that the United States should implement National Socialism. I have made my position on that clear on this board many times. I do not advocate socialism of any kind -- that, obviously, includes National Socialism. That doesn't mean, though, that I'll willfully ignore the positive impact it had on the people for whom it was intended; the problem was that it achieved its positives for only a very brief period, and at great expense to those who were subject to it but not accomodated by it.
I do not believe that the Holocaust did not happen.

Oh really? Then why did you say this:

all the evidence that demonstrates the "six million were exterminated" claim to be a fat, money-grabbing, power-grabbing fucking fraud

As usual, ol' Danny Kaden lies and flip-flops when backed up against a wall. At least he's backing off his more absurd claims. My efforts over the last few weeks have had an effect.
As usual, ol' Danny Kaden lies and flip-flops when backed up against a wall. At least he's backing off his more absurd claims. My efforts over the last few weeks have had an effect.

If you mean you've bored us all to tears, you are, for once, 100 percent correct!
That's the third time you've asked me that question.

If you're all about "well presented, logical, air tight arguments that can't be controverted", what difference does it make what I think?

Unless, of course, your admitting that it's really about you tearing down the person instead of the argument.
Why are you afraid to give your opinion? You're usually eager to post looooooong disquisitions on any given topic, but on this issue you refuse to answer my question? Why? Are you afraid of me?