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Blacks have lower IQ's, make poorer decisions

Trolling can fun. Anyways, back on topic.

I'm well aware of all the arguments that can be made against racism, from "Hey, it's only skin. We're all the same underneath" to "problems are cultural" to "I have black friends and they are well educated and don't do drugs". I've heard them all. And the majority of those stating these cases are white liberals.

For the most part I find white liberals to be... let's just say not to my liking. There a few who I suppose mean well and have a great amount of compassion toward the plight of their fellow man, and there are those who rationalize the disgusting behavior, actions and philosophies of people of color in the name of "tolerance" and "cultural differences". There are even those who claim that people of color cannot be racist since they don't have political power.

If you're white and you're making excuses for blacks, their social ills, the crimes they commit and the conditions they largely have made for themselves then you are not their friend. You are merely accepting the unacceptable. You've accepted the fact that they hold themselves to a lower standard and in turn are making a mockery of them.

Most blacks and liberal whites have little in common outside the rationalizing of social ills. In fact most African Americans are more conservative on average than the whites. Disregard for other ethnic groups, sexism, misogyny and homophobia are quite common and acceptable, generally speaking. For the most part they don't believe in helping those in poverty in other parts in the world citing the "why we gonna send money and food to them? we's got people starving right here" argument. They largely don't care about the world around them. The "me and mine" philosophy is predominant.

If skin color was the only difference between the races then this topic would have little meaning. If culture and cultural differences were the only factor between populations of people then this topic would have little meaning. Even if you take a combination of the two into consideration there's not much to discuss other your neighbor and the culture there of. Clearly this is not that conversation.

One thing I can say that I appreciate about Africans is that generally speaking they are a candid people. They say what's on their mind, regardless who they may offend. You know where they stand on things. They have values that are often the same as mine. Some have values that are merely different from mine. And unfortunately many of them are saying, believing and embracing not only counter-productive ideals, many of them are downright self-destructive.

I am not interested in learning about the differences between blacks and whites or why they do what they do. This things are no secret to me. Nor would I consider these differences "cultural". I, as many other non-blacks have grown up side by side with blacks. We've gone to the same schools, lived in the same neighborhoods, worked the same jobs. In that respect we are of the same culture.

In another sense it seems that to describe the differences as "culture" is an abuse and an erroneous use of the word, since largely what I'm describing is inferior values.

To say that one has inferior values is not the same as saying that one is inherently inferior because of ones race. The values may be indicative of a certain race but doesn't necessarily describe the race itself.

I don't feel the need to pull any punches here. Most of the time people, usually white, speak of their "black friend" who doesn't subscribe to the philosophies that I'm about to describe, citing that they're a great person for any number of reasons. That's fine, there's always exceptions to the rule, but if most people were like the "good friend" then this subject would be an extinct one. This clearly is not the case.

African Americans, more than any other population in this country are separating themselves from the rest of the country, and not in a good way. From coast to coast, border to border there are patterns that are impossible to ignore. Cocaine, weed, menthols and malt liquor are the chemicals of choice. Consumer habits, dress, dietary habits and speech patterns are remarkably similar despite regional differences of the other populations around them. They want to be separate but equal.

There are certainly differences that though questionable, are still valid decisions, say foul tasting "beer", mint-flavored tobacco and entrails of swine served with ketchup. It is however unacceptable to live up to the worst of racial stereotypes and expect them to pass as "differences" and cry "racism" when they're not.

Somewhere along the way, most likely due to mismanagement by a black leader, blacks acquired this notion that they were entitled to a free pass in life. A sense that they were owed a living. A sense that they could do no wrong. Someone put forth the time, the effort and the thought to poison African American minds into believing that not only were owed the world, they could collect on this while earning none of it.

Today you have a population that largely and erroneously has a collective sense of entitlement. They live hedonisticly. And worst of all expect validation in these practices.

Now fuck me if I'm wrong, but there's nothing more in this country that guarantees failure in live than being born to two black parents. To start with, even if your mother even knows who your father is, chances are he isn't going to be around. He may be living in his own mamma's house, making more babies with someone else, maybe he's in jail. But chances are he isn't married to your momma, and probably isn't supporting you never mind raising you. No, you came to be because daddy liked to have fun. Weed and liquor are cheap, but pussy is free. And daddy loves him some coon-tang pie.

What's mamma's stee-lo? She wasn't raised to have any sense, either. Most likely she learned from her momma, who had three different kids by three different daddies. And why not? The more babies she has the more welfare she collected. It's a ghetto lottery. Only she doesn't think having kids is fun nor does she feel much responsibility towards them. She doesn't pay much attention to them. Doesn't teach them much. Never reads to them. She sees them more as a nuisance than a blessing. She threatens to beat them when they don't listen, which is often, and she does. Her kids can be seen roaming the streets as young as 5 or 6- without supervision. When school starts she feels relief. Got them little muthafuckers out of her hair. Only it's obvious that momma didn't do too much preparing her kids for school. When little DuMel is asked even the simplest of questions such his age or his middle name he replies "I don't know". To everyone little DuMel comes across it's painfully obvious that his momma is only doing just enough. Her job is to make sure he turns 18, either at home or in jail, what ever comes first.

Two things you cannot separate in this country is blacks and crime. You have a population who consist of only 12% of the population making up 44% of entire the prison population. There are several theories behind this. My personal favorite is economics.

A common theory is that the American society is overwhelmingly racist and that blacks just aren't offered jobs, and in effect they are disproportionately poor. Naturally this means that the poor are left to fend for themselves doing whatever it takes, such as selling drugs, robbing stores and banks, carjacking, home invasion- whatever it takes. The Caddy isn't going to pay for it's self.

I have my own theory behind these lack of opportunities. One reason is poor work ethic. It's a value that should be learned in the home, not at school, not from ones peers, not from some so-called community leader. The home. And a great deal of the time these single parent households aren't churning out these strong black men they are supposed to.

Another reason is lack of education. By and large education is not emphasized enough, and again this issue begins in the home.

Yet another avenue to explore is White Flight. There was a time in this country when whites by and large were far more racist on average than they are today. And this fact was exploited by a bevy of real estate agents. Often they would encourage a home owner in a predominately white area to sell to a black family. Once they sealed the deal the agents would poison the well; they would tell other people living in the area that the neighborhood was "tipping" as in the scale of black to white ratio was soon to be tipping and the neighborhood was becoming a black one. This in effect made home owners sell their homes in droves, and a lower than market prices. The real estate agents made a lot of money by this practice, and the neighborhoods often did become predominately black neighborhoods. In recent times however, White Flight had more to do with actual crime rates than paranoid whites. And part of the urban landscape changing is business closing, thus opportunities dwindling.

I reject such notions such as whites not hiring blacks and holding them back. Racism of course does occur, but the vast majority of the time it's not nearly as simple as that. Sometimes it's the applicant themselves and the attitude they carry that is their largest hindrance. And yes, sometimes it's the employer themselves. Justifiable or not, some employers have had their share of a certain members in this society that didn't work out so well. They were the same ethnicity, spoke similarly and wore their pants in a similar sagging manner. In the mind of the employer, they didn't want these people as neighbors, why in the hell does he want then as employees? They have worked for him before, and usually they didn't perform as expected. Like it or not this employer who wants quality employees decides that it's not in his best interest to hire blacks may be largely correct in his assumption, but he's now also guilty of hiring discrimination. It's a catch 22 situation.

Let's step out of the conspiracy theories against the black man and look at hard numbers. As I initially stated many people put the African American crime level squarely of the shoulders of economics; poverty equals crime.

The greatest number of Americans in poverty are white. The U.S. population is approximately 295 million; about 70% white. Whites make up 9% of those living under the poverty line, about 18.5 million. African Americans make up 12% of the total U.S. population, 24% being below the poverty line, about 8.5 million. By this line of reasoning there should be more than twice as many whites in as prison as blacks. This isn't the case; the U.S. prison population, both state and federal come out to be 44% black and 35% white. In this case economics proves to be a justification for crime and little more.

Another common conspiracy theory is the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs are locking up black men, and in the mind of many it's inexcusable merely because these offenders weren't violent offenders. It's also in the mind of many, and wrongly so, that most black men are incarcerated on drug offenses. The fact of the matter is is this hardly the case. At the time of this writing the total U.S. prison population was 2.13 million. Of this population 20% of the total prison population are there on drug offenses. Of this population 47.5% are black. While blacks make up 44% of the total prison population, the total amount of the prison population being black drug offenders is only 9.5%, about 188,000. This means there's about 34.5% of the total prison population consisting of African Americans incarcerated on non-drug offenses. Another way of looking at this is that there's 570 blacks in prison on drug offenses per 100,000 blacks. That equals 46 per 100,000 of the total American population.

Yet another conspiracy states that the CIA engineered the drug trade in an attempt to commit genocide on black men, or at least put an awful lot of them in cages. I can neither confirm nor deny this charge. Now to me it sounds stupid on the face of it. If a G-man came to my door and said "smoke some of this" I would have to reply "no thank you". I guess my point here is that the decision to use drugs is a personal one, and a matter of personal responsibility. But let's just say for argument's sake that this theory is true- that the CIA introduced blacks to crack. If they could only succeed in locking 46 blacks per 100,000 Americans, this grand conspiracy isn't going over so well. Let's double this number, to consider the total number of people in prison on drug charges. You still only have 1 in one thousand Americans doing time. Is that the best you can come up with? Shame on you, CIA.
RWC said:
Trolling can fun. Anyways, back on topic.

I'm well aware of all the arguments that can be made against racism, from "Hey, it's only skin. We're all the same underneath" to "problems are cultural" to "I have black friends and they are well educated and don't do drugs". I've heard them all. And the majority of those stating these cases are white liberals.

For the most part I find white liberals to be... let's just say not to my liking. There a few who I suppose mean well and have a great amount of compassion toward the plight of their fellow man, and there are those who rationalize the disgusting behavior, actions and philosophies of people of color in the name of "tolerance" and "cultural differences". There are even those who claim that people of color cannot be racist since they don't have political power.

If you're white and you're making excuses for blacks, their social ills, the crimes they commit and the conditions they largely have made for themselves then you are not their friend. You are merely accepting the unacceptable. You've accepted the fact that they hold themselves to a lower standard and in turn are making a mockery of them.

Most blacks and liberal whites have little in common outside the rationalizing of social ills. In fact most African Americans are more conservative on average than the whites. Disregard for other ethnic groups, sexism, misogyny and homophobia are quite common and acceptable, generally speaking. For the most part they don't believe in helping those in poverty in other parts in the world citing the "why we gonna send money and food to them? we's got people starving right here" argument. They largely don't care about the world around them. The "me and mine" philosophy is predominant.

If skin color was the only difference between the races then this topic would have little meaning. If culture and cultural differences were the only factor between populations of people then this topic would have little meaning. Even if you take a combination of the two into consideration there's not much to discuss other your neighbor and the culture there of. Clearly this is not that conversation.

One thing I can say that I appreciate about Africans is that generally speaking they are a candid people. They say what's on their mind, regardless who they may offend. You know where they stand on things. They have values that are often the same as mine. Some have values that are merely different from mine. And unfortunately many of them are saying, believing and embracing not only counter-productive ideals, many of them are downright self-destructive.

I am not interested in learning about the differences between blacks and whites or why they do what they do. This things are no secret to me. Nor would I consider these differences "cultural". I, as many other non-blacks have grown up side by side with blacks. We've gone to the same schools, lived in the same neighborhoods, worked the same jobs. In that respect we are of the same culture.

In another sense it seems that to describe the differences as "culture" is an abuse and an erroneous use of the word, since largely what I'm describing is inferior values.

To say that one has inferior values is not the same as saying that one is inherently inferior because of ones race. The values may be indicative of a certain race but doesn't necessarily describe the race itself.

I don't feel the need to pull any punches here. Most of the time people, usually white, speak of their "black friend" who doesn't subscribe to the philosophies that I'm about to describe, citing that they're a great person for any number of reasons. That's fine, there's always exceptions to the rule, but if most people were like the "good friend" then this subject would be an extinct one. This clearly is not the case.

African Americans, more than any other population in this country are separating themselves from the rest of the country, and not in a good way. From coast to coast, border to border there are patterns that are impossible to ignore. Cocaine, weed, menthols and malt liquor are the chemicals of choice. Consumer habits, dress, dietary habits and speech patterns are remarkably similar despite regional differences of the other populations around them. They want to be separate but equal.

There are certainly differences that though questionable, are still valid decisions, say foul tasting "beer", mint-flavored tobacco and entrails of swine served with ketchup. It is however unacceptable to live up to the worst of racial stereotypes and expect them to pass as "differences" and cry "racism" when they're not.

Somewhere along the way, most likely due to mismanagement by a black leader, blacks acquired this notion that they were entitled to a free pass in life. A sense that they were owed a living. A sense that they could do no wrong. Someone put forth the time, the effort and the thought to poison African American minds into believing that not only were owed the world, they could collect on this while earning none of it.

Today you have a population that largely and erroneously has a collective sense of entitlement. They live hedonisticly. And worst of all expect validation in these practices.

Now fuck me if I'm wrong, but there's nothing more in this country that guarantees failure in live than being born to two black parents. To start with, even if your mother even knows who your father is, chances are he isn't going to be around. He may be living in his own mamma's house, making more babies with someone else, maybe he's in jail. But chances are he isn't married to your momma, and probably isn't supporting you never mind raising you. No, you came to be because daddy liked to have fun. Weed and liquor are cheap, but pussy is free. And daddy loves him some coon-tang pie.

What's mamma's stee-lo? She wasn't raised to have any sense, either. Most likely she learned from her momma, who had three different kids by three different daddies. And why not? The more babies she has the more welfare she collected. It's a ghetto lottery. Only she doesn't think having kids is fun nor does she feel much responsibility towards them. She doesn't pay much attention to them. Doesn't teach them much. Never reads to them. She sees them more as a nuisance than a blessing. She threatens to beat them when they don't listen, which is often, and she does. Her kids can be seen roaming the streets as young as 5 or 6- without supervision. When school starts she feels relief. Got them little muthafuckers out of her hair. Only it's obvious that momma didn't do too much preparing her kids for school. When little DuMel is asked even the simplest of questions such his age or his middle name he replies "I don't know". To everyone little DuMel comes across it's painfully obvious that his momma is only doing just enough. Her job is to make sure he turns 18, either at home or in jail, what ever comes first.

Two things you cannot separate in this country is blacks and crime. You have a population who consist of only 12% of the population making up 44% of entire the prison population. There are several theories behind this. My personal favorite is economics.

A common theory is that the American society is overwhelmingly racist and that blacks just aren't offered jobs, and in effect they are disproportionately poor. Naturally this means that the poor are left to fend for themselves doing whatever it takes, such as selling drugs, robbing stores and banks, carjacking, home invasion- whatever it takes. The Caddy isn't going to pay for it's self.

I have my own theory behind these lack of opportunities. One reason is poor work ethic. It's a value that should be learned in the home, not at school, not from ones peers, not from some so-called community leader. The home. And a great deal of the time these single parent households aren't churning out these strong black men they are supposed to.

Another reason is lack of education. By and large education is not emphasized enough, and again this issue begins in the home.

Yet another avenue to explore is White Flight. There was a time in this country when whites by and large were far more racist on average than they are today. And this fact was exploited by a bevy of real estate agents. Often they would encourage a home owner in a predominately white area to sell to a black family. Once they sealed the deal the agents would poison the well; they would tell other people living in the area that the neighborhood was "tipping" as in the scale of black to white ratio was soon to be tipping and the neighborhood was becoming a black one. This in effect made home owners sell their homes in droves, and a lower than market prices. The real estate agents made a lot of money by this practice, and the neighborhoods often did become predominately black neighborhoods. In recent times however, White Flight had more to do with actual crime rates than paranoid whites. And part of the urban landscape changing is business closing, thus opportunities dwindling.

I reject such notions such as whites not hiring blacks and holding them back. Racism of course does occur, but the vast majority of the time it's not nearly as simple as that. Sometimes it's the applicant themselves and the attitude they carry that is their largest hindrance. And yes, sometimes it's the employer themselves. Justifiable or not, some employers have had their share of a certain members in this society that didn't work out so well. They were the same ethnicity, spoke similarly and wore their pants in a similar sagging manner. In the mind of the employer, they didn't want these people as neighbors, why in the hell does he want then as employees? They have worked for him before, and usually they didn't perform as expected. Like it or not this employer who wants quality employees decides that it's not in his best interest to hire blacks may be largely correct in his assumption, but he's now also guilty of hiring discrimination. It's a catch 22 situation.

Let's step out of the conspiracy theories against the black man and look at hard numbers. As I initially stated many people put the African American crime level squarely of the shoulders of economics; poverty equals crime.

The greatest number of Americans in poverty are white. The U.S. population is approximately 295 million; about 70% white. Whites make up 9% of those living under the poverty line, about 18.5 million. African Americans make up 12% of the total U.S. population, 24% being below the poverty line, about 8.5 million. By this line of reasoning there should be more than twice as many whites in as prison as blacks. This isn't the case; the U.S. prison population, both state and federal come out to be 44% black and 35% white. In this case economics proves to be a justification for crime and little more.

Another common conspiracy theory is the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs are locking up black men, and in the mind of many it's inexcusable merely because these offenders weren't violent offenders. It's also in the mind of many, and wrongly so, that most black men are incarcerated on drug offenses. The fact of the matter is is this hardly the case. At the time of this writing the total U.S. prison population was 2.13 million. Of this population 20% of the total prison population are there on drug offenses. Of this population 47.5% are black. While blacks make up 44% of the total prison population, the total amount of the prison population being black drug offenders is only 9.5%, about 188,000. This means there's about 34.5% of the total prison population consisting of African Americans incarcerated on non-drug offenses. Another way of looking at this is that there's 570 blacks in prison on drug offenses per 100,000 blacks. That equals 46 per 100,000 of the total American population.

Yet another conspiracy states that the CIA engineered the drug trade in an attempt to commit genocide on black men, or at least put an awful lot of them in cages. I can neither confirm nor deny this charge. Now to me it sounds stupid on the face of it. If a G-man came to my door and said "smoke some of this" I would have to reply "no thank you". I guess my point here is that the decision to use drugs is a personal one, and a matter of personal responsibility. But let's just say for argument's sake that this theory is true- that the CIA introduced blacks to crack. If they could only succeed in locking 46 blacks per 100,000 Americans, this grand conspiracy isn't going over so well. Let's double this number, to consider the total number of people in prison on drug charges. You still only have 1 in one thousand Americans doing time. Is that the best you can come up with? Shame on you, CIA.

Does anybody have the number for the International Guild of Chronic Insomniacs?

Blacks are the Achilles' Heel of my society, and no amount of your fetishes with black dicks masquerading in startrek pajamas and fake noses will convince me otherwise.

Let's focus on the basics, your lack of knowledge on the subject. You know little about my beliefs and assume that I am a White Supremist when I am actually a White Nationalist. I googled a nice little primer so that you can study up on your terminology. Since I already know what a douchebag is, you don't have to explain yourself for my benefit.

What is White Power?

White Power is an empowering philosophy of White racial nationalism and ethnicity. It refers to a diverse range of philosophies from leftist National Socialism, to White Pride, to rightist White Supremacy. Perhaps the simplest imperative about what White Power stands for exists in the "14 words" coined by former Bruder Schweigen member, David Lane:

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children."

Where does the term White Power come from?

Although it is possibly a response to black nationalist Stokely Carmichael's book _Black_Power_, the phrase "White Power" was a popular term coined by participants at a George Lincoln Rockwell rally in Marquedt Park, Illinois in 1967. Spontaneously the attendants started rallying behind the call for White Power. It has been a popular phrase since then and was the title of George Lincoln Rockwell's book _White_Power_.

What is ZOG?

ZOG (for Zionist Occupation Government) is a euphemism for those governments which purport to represent white people while actually subscribing to an anti-white agenda. These governments often put "Israel First," while seconding the interests and desires of racial and nationalist whites for the interests of multi-racial societies and world government.

Aren't all White Power advocates White supremacists?

No. Supremacy refers to an alleged right to rule over other races. Although some White Power people are White Supremacists, many are not. Those who are not supremacists are actually White nationalists or separatists and advocate for the formation of a White homeland in a manner which does not deny the human rights of non-whites.

What differences are there in White Power groups?

There are many different viewpoints collected under the term White Power. A few of the philosophical viewpoints are:

Supremacists - Supremacist arguments state that the White race is inherently superior and therefore is justified in ruling over other peoples. They often state that Whites assuming power over all of the earth's inhabitants is doing them a favor since Whites are the only people superior enough to make good judgements.

National Socialists - based on Adolf Hitler's doctrine as outlined in his book Mein Kampf, the adherents of this viewpoint often don't see this as a "right-wing" cause but rather as a racially progressive left-wing movement. National Socialism is founded on several doctrines: nationalism, the long-view of history and racism. It adheres to the viewpoint of The Leader Principle whereby a people are best led by strong leaders rather than by their inherent weaknesses which democracy brings out.

Christian Identity - this religious doctrine believes that Whites are the true Israelites described in the bible. It adheres to a doctrine of two-creations in Genesis whereby God created all of the other animals and races and then created the Adamic (White) race. They cite the fact that Adam means "able to show blood in the face" which would refer uniquely to the White race. They also believe that Jesus's message has become corrupted because he did not come for all peoples, but as said in Matthew 15:24 "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

White Nationalists - this refers to a number of ideological viewpoints which view the White race as an ethnic nation which must have its own homeland in order to survive. Its adherents believe that the only state which can legitimately represent the White race is one which is purposely organized to represent it.

Separatists - this catch-all identifier applies to many people who are not ideological at all. They merely recognize that we Whites are a different people and that we must survive as a people. They advocate the separation of the races, usually with different homelands for the different races. Some separatists advocate "The Northwest Imperative" which calls for the formation of a White homeland in the Pacific Northwest.

Often, many of these viewpoints are expressed within a single group. The members of these groups bring differing ideas about what the goals of White Power should be, what programs can best attain its ideals, what a good White society is and how a White nation-state should be organized. But, despite these differences they are all agreed on one point: The White race must survive.

What is a race?

The word race derives from the Spanish word raza which means "line." It may also derive from the latin word "ratio." It refers to genetic lineage. A race is a lineal ethnic group which because of its genetic heritage, exhibits unique phenotypic features or patterns. However, despite these genetic features, race also refers to an ethnicity and an ethnic identity that is based on these features. As racists use the term, it is not equivalent to the biological word "race" which is merely a sub-breeding group of a species. Although as racists use the term a race is a sub-breeding group of the human species, it also refers to a set of group ideals and norms consistent with the maintenance of that ethnic group and an ethnic society.

What is racism?

Racism is the promotion of a race and its interests. It refers to a desire to maintain a unique ethnic identity closely bound to the physical characteristics that define that group. It also refers to a whole body of social norms which are consistent with maintaining that group and promoting a society which is consistent with racial ideals.

What is race-mixing?

Race-mixing is the mixing of races, also known as miscegenation. The term "race-mixer" refers to those who advocate mixed-race societies as an ideal and those who engage in sexual relations with those of other races. Race-mixing is highly frowned upon by racists and race-mixers are often severely admonished.

Why do you hate?
Why do you hate Jews?
Why do you hate Blacks?
Why do you hate everybody?

White Power advocates love their race. Because of that, they are strongly opposed to any attempts to harm it by means of loss of territory, loss of economic or political self-determination, loss of cultural identity, disenfranchisement or race mixing. In order to preserve their race and its interests, they are often willing to engage in hostile acts against perceived threats to it.

Why don't you get a life?

White Power advocates do have lives which are based on different principles and ideals from those of race-mixers.

Your next retort will obviously be to propose that I move to a White nation. In case you aren't aware, that's my plan. I'm busting my balls in school so I can aquire marketable skills which will increase my chances to be accepted into a better nation, such as Sweden. Since you don't respect the nation your people built and are more than happy to lazily watch, sit by passively as it degenerates into a jungle, much like gagh and the rest of you who are too busy watching Startrek dance and sing as he pulls the rug out from under your birthright, enjoy what's left. This country is history and your children will inherit a curse.
RWC said:
Why don't you get a life?

I have one, you insolent pup. I'm also very tolerant of all those round me in RL. Not so much on here, but there you go. This makes me quite a well rounded person. You? I see nothing but a lot of anger, and nothing else.

Since you don't respect the nation your people built and are more than happy to lazily watch, sit by passively as it degenerates into a jungle, much like gagh and the rest of you who are too busy watching Startrek dance and sing as he pulls the rug out from under your birthright, enjoy what's left. This country is history and your children will inherit a curse.

FYI, I am English. For somebody who claims to be so well read, you appear to have difficulty in reading the location in my profile. Get back to lecturing your fellow countryman, arsehole. They must be so proud to count you amongst them.
And you're soon going to be living in the United Islamic Kingdom. Once you had an empire, now you've got a slum.
RWC said:
And you're soon going to be living in the United Islamic Kingdom. Once you had an empire, now you've got a slum.

And you're soon going to be living in the United Islamic Kingdom. Once you had an empire, now you've got a slum.

Oh, it's both funny and true.

Btw, thanks for hand-feeding this victory; thanks for being a fan.
Victory in what? Being an ignoramus? You have that one won.

Oh, and what sort of pretentious arsehole quotes himself in the next post? Only Jillian used to do that, and she's at least four full rounds of sandwiches short of the picnic.

Being a racist little toad, with no personality is not a ticket to victory. I'm not interested in your arguments - just flaming you, because that's pretty much all you're worth.

Who cares. You're just a middle-aged fat fuck with a startrek fetish and a penchant for rambling.

I don't care about your opinions and I don't care about the history of the board. You blew your load silly parody and now you're left with "flaming". You go girl.

What is funny is that I've trolled you and touched on a real emotion. There's no anger here, but I do sense a little frustration from you. Feel free to deny it, it'll only confirm my conviction. Even reading these very words are making me laugh.

Thanks again for following my words; thanks again for being a fan.
Gagh and CU have so completley owned the living shit out of this peaon that I will just add this:

Well it's a good thing you have pictures of retards instead of debate skills, but I'm a little concerned about how neatly your head fits into Gag's rectum.
RWC said:

Who cares. You're just a middle-aged fat fuck with a startrek fetish and a penchant for rambling.

I don't care about your opinions and I don't care about the history of the board. You blew your load silly parody and now you're left with "flaming". You go girl.

What is funny is that I've trolled you and touched on a real emotion. There's no anger here, but I do sense a little frustration from you. Feel free to deny it, it'll only confirm my conviction. Even reading these very words are making me laugh.

Thanks again for following my words; thanks again for being a fan.

C'mon you're among equals, believe it or leave it. You should care about the history of the board. It's every exquisite serendipity has allowed us all the present and prescient pleasure of each others company.

I'll tell you what. I understand better how things work around here since I first arrived. It's the bestest board in the universe. You know what else? Whether you give a fuck or not, you could be a most excellent part of it IMO
jack said:
It's every exquisite serendipity has allowed us all the present and prescient pleasure of each others company.

I just push the button that says "power" myself.
jack said:
C'mon you're among equals, believe it or leave it. You should care about the history of the board. It's every exquisite serendipity has allowed us all the present and prescient pleasure of each others company.

I'll tell you what. I understand better how things work around here since I first arrived. It's the bestest board in the universe. You know what else? Whether you give a fuck or not, you could be a most excellent part of it IMO

Eagles may flock to the same mountain, but eagles fly alone.