Troll Kingdom

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Bored? Come join the TK Soap Opera.

S. SaDiablo

New member
Running my hands over the velvet dress, I admire my reflection in the large mirror. The midnight blue fabric hugs my curves in all the right places. A diamond necklace rests delicately above the ample swells of my breasts, drawing more attention to the mounds. Two slits on either side expose my long legs all the way up to my thighs. My bright blue eyes are offset by smokey eyeshadow and my full lips are painted with a soft, glossy pink. Tendrils of blonde hair frame my face while the rest is secured in a fancy upsweep. Saying I look fuckable is an understatement.


Packing my purse with all the essentials, including a small, deadly syringe, I head to the party.
Rommie stood in the corner, as usual, watching as the others had their fun. He was still nursing the same beer that he had gotten when he arrived.

When all of a sudden, a newcomer caught his attention. She would stand out in any crowd. Her dress seemed to have been molded to her body. And those legs.......

He looked up and was almost swallowed by the depth of the blue swirling pools that were her eyes.

Surely she had to have come to the wrong place. She was too good for this crowd. Perhaps she had gotten lost.

"Good evening, Miss. What brings a gorgeous girl like you, to a place such as this?"
keekeen always lurks deep beneath the shadows of everyone's consciousness. Within the perspective that is both encompassing and all consuming, keeken remains yet again a steadfast mofo. Yes, keekeen is here, and there and everywhere. keekeen is your worst enemy and your best friend all rolled up into one. keekeen is often under the influence of one or the other substance of life. An eye is open and then the other other. The subsconscious is not always accessible to the id unless we make a concerted effort to look beyond our selfish, egotistical selves. Very difficult, indeed. To be proud is to be human. To be ashamed of ourselves and what we do for a living is also to be human. The meaning of all of this pointless exercise otherwise known as life is still very much elusive. Although, keekeen has begun to unravel this mortal coil within the context of a well-thought out experiment whose aim is to reveal a glimmer of hope of one day finding out what this is all about. To live without purpose is to die a coward. Yet life is a mystery. Why do we live here, now? Why not during the 5th millenium A.D.? Or better yet why not during the first Ice Age?

What is experience? What is existence? What is this thing called electron which permeate our consciousness, our behavior, our product, our lives? What is that? What the fuck is TK? keekeen doesn't know, but he's having a heck of a good time finding out.

The above was written as an exercise in free style writing whereby I write every thought that comes to mind at the moment of writing. No editing.
Fuck yeah!
Shatna drove around the block a fourth time, cursing as he glared at the address scrawled on the smudgy paper in his hand. "WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS PLACE?" he snarled. Somewhere, a dog barked.
Rose heard a dog bark and shivered, she really shouldn't be trying to hitch a lift on a night like this, but she needed to get to the party. She hoisted her skirt a little higher, cocked her hip and stuck her thumb out. In the distance she could make out a set of headlights

Give me a lift Shatna ;)
Chaddee was already there, trying to figure out how to unload the hors d'ouvres and other finger snacks the hostess had ordered in the most efficient way. Sometimes running your own business had its perks, but you were always directed to the 'servants entrance' or the 'back door'.
Shatna saw the woman lifting her skirt and nearly drove off the road. He pulled over to the curb and rolled down the window.

"Do you know where 1313 Troll Lane is? I can't read my own damn SHUT UP, YOU STUPID DOG handwriting."
Rose smiled at the handsome stranger

"What a strange coincidence, I am going to 1313 Troll Lane as well, if you give me a lift, I'll give you directions"
Shatna opened the door for the woman and cleared off the candy bar wrappers, newspapers and assorted traffic tickets from the passenger seat. "Sorry," he said sheepishly.
TQ watched them pass, his drab grey suit blending into the night, and smiled lopsidedly from under his drab grey fedora as he hiked a thumb lazily in the direction they'd sped off in.

Prize for the first one who gets the reference.
Rose slid into the passenger seat, smoothed down her skirt and closed the door.

"Thanks for the lift...Troll Lane is only a few blocks from here, turn left at the next intersection.....I said the next intersection, not this one" she sighed...why couldn't men follow even the simplest of instructions.
"Wait, here?" asked Shatna as he turned down a one way street. The woman seated next to him shaded her eyes and sighed. Shatna frowned and gunned the motor, executing a 180 in the middle of the street and headed back towards Troll Lane.

"Ah," he said as they pulled up in front of a giant gothic mansion. "There it is. Heh."
Rose held on to the edge of her seat as he whipped the car around....compensating for something? she thought to herself

"So it would seem, and we arrived in one piece....thank you for the lift Mr?
Shatna was about to answer "Shatna" but as he started to climb out of the car he banged his head in the door frame. "Godammit rassin frassin ow ow ow ow" he cried, dancing about and clutching his hair. The woman raised an eyebrow and got out of the car on her side, then stood there watching as the rather bizarre Yank continued to stagger and swear.

"Well, this is turning into a rather ripping evening," she muttered to herself.
"it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Godammit rassin frassin ow ow ow ow, and I must say that's a most unusual name, a little long, I'll just call you God for short...I'm Rose..Now, if you've finished staggering, we should go in"

She turned and headed for the she climbed the stone steps she turned

"are you coming"
Shatna nodded, grimacing with pain, and stumbled behind her as she led the way to the house. From outside they could hear the sounds of loud music, laughter, and more than a few screams of pain. This was going to be an interesting evening...
One bored little witch sat with her legs hanging out over the balconyrailing on the 3rd floor, watching the new arrivals. Dangling with her feet.. her high heeled pumps almost falling off her feet. Carelessly she sipped the champane in her glass and dropped the glass from that height.. just for the cheap thrill of hearing it shatter far below her..
Shatna jumped as a champagne glass shattered at his feet. He looked up, dumbfounded, to see a beautiful woman sitting three stories above on a balcony, swinging her feet and guzzling champagne. He touched the sleeve of his companion and pointed.

"Check it out!" he exclaimed. "Beautiful Swedish bombadiers! Now this is a party!"