Troll Kingdom

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Bring Back The Smut!

Gap toothed?? That makes no sense seeing as for
one :Sadi posted no pictures
two: I don't believe I posted pictures for you to be able to tell, but I have no gap in my teeth. Perfect teeth resulting from braces Lucy.
Fuck you're stupid
RommieSG said:
Why do I always miss these conversations?

'cause S found out you're a fat, middle-aged loser in love with Sailor Moon, and doesn't want to have anything else to do with you. DUH! :lol:
S. SaDiablo said:
Hear that, SB? Get your hot ass in here and get the ball rolling... ;)

My Dear Miss. SaDiablo,

Your "begging" technique leaves a lot to be desired. I shall have to contemplate a correction for you before I proceed.

It's for your own good, my dear. Not every Dom or Sadist is as nice as I am and I would hate for others to hear that I had not taught you at least some manners, being one of your first exposures to BDSM.
I believe Sir, that she was only overwhelmed by the prospect of seing your excellent writing.

I know I for one, always love it..
(chuckle) My little delightful one, Miss. SaDiablo will just have to handle the consequences herself. If she makes mistakes, it gives me a chance to correct them, and she benefits in the end.

Still, your compassion is sweet, Miss Aurian.

So, for you, a story I call "Incomplete Redemption".

A story about a slave in dis-favor…for a time.


For the briefest moment, I was concerned. The scent was not a feminine one…but then I recognized it. It was my shaving soap.
I saw her in her short blue-silk night-gown, bare feet, her hair back, standing in front of the sink with steaming water flowing into it. She gave me a fleeting smile as I walked past her, dropping off my computer into the study next to the Murphy bed I’d been using the last couple of days, leaving her alone in the larger bed in the other room. I continued wandering into the bedroom.

There were fresh tea-lights in the sconces and candles, the oil-lamp was already glowing, casting soft light around the room. There were a couple of towels on the bed, the straight-razor, and one of the training collars on the night-stand. She had pulled the “fixed” ropes attached to the bed-posts from under the bed and neatly coiled them on top of the coverlet.

I took all of this in, and then took off my shirt, boots and jeans…hearing her stirring the soap into foam. I pulled out my robe and a pair of very soft flannel pajama pants. I sat down on the bed and started to braid my hair. She walked in with two cups, one of hot water and the other with a head of foam on it. She set them down next to the straight-razor, and then took the training collar. She stood before me for a moment, the collar was on her palms as she held her hands in front of her. She lowered her eyes and waited.

I finished braiding my hair, slipping another band around the bottom, and then looked up at her. She stood before me, her hands still holding that collar on the platform of her hands, the night-gown was essentially shapeless, but tight enough that I could see her breasts and the flair of her hips shaping it…enigma shape.

“Didn’t you get a laser treatment last week?” I asked.

“Yes Sir, but I need a trim”, she said quietly.

“And that collar?” I asked.

She melted into nadu, and raised her hands just above the level of her eyes, which were still down-cast.

“It is only a training collar, Sir,” she whispered.

I nodded…she was wearing some sort of scented oil…one I had used on her before when giving her a massage. She wasn’t missing a detail here…the oil’s scent reminded my hands of how her body felt under my hands, the skin and muscle relaxing and perfect as my palms and fingertips ran over them. I took the collar from her hands.

She held position. I turned the leather with it’s simple, non-locking buckle and hasp on the back. I had made this collar…years ago. The leather was still good, but the stamping had faded a little. The word “Obedience” was still readable, but no longer so deep into the leather. I had not thought that a stamping would fade like this…but it was appropriate it seemed. Next time I should actually tool it into the leather…

“What do you want, XXXXX?”, I asked her, using her name. Not enigma. She’d have to re-earn that too. I saw her frown.

“I want you not to reject me” she said bluntly, and I smiled.

“And what else?” I prodded further.

“I want to be inspected, Sir, and trimmed…and whatever else you want” she said.

“For a supplicant, my dear…you have some pretty specific ideas,” I said gently.

She opened her eyes. Those green eyes looked up at me.

“Please Sir, don’t play games with me…I can’t take them just now,” I saw that the tears were just hovering at the edges of her eyes, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think and I did something I regret. I screwed up. I’ll take any punishment you want to give. I’ll do anything…” I held up my hand.

“Do you have any idea of what ‘anything’ might entail?” I asked her. “I’ve had some pretty dark thoughts…thought of calling up ZZZZ and telling him to bring along his ‘boy’, letting the two of them have you while you were in the kneeling stocks for 8 hours or so. I’ve thought of throwing a party with crops handed out at the door and your ass as the guest of honor. I’ve thought of giving you away to L…just because I know he creeps you out. Maybe I’d video the entire thing and sell it, or better yet give it away on the internet. Scenes of you fucking a man you can’t stand for all the world to see.” I leaned down closer to her face. “I’ve thought of tying you to a chair while I called r and m over and spanked and made love to them both. I’ve thought of sending you alone to the City for a corset fitting in nothing more than a slip and a pair of heels and with a pair of vibrating balls in your pussy. I’ve thought of telling you to go to the Savoy and come home with a stranger’s panties in your purse and her taste on your lips. I’ve thought of asking Mistress M to come over and see if she really CAN fit her fist into your pussy. I’ve thought of ordering you to bring sweet little Miss. K here from your class and presenting her to me on the bed, wet and shaking...”. I settled back.

“So think carefully, when you say you’ll do anything.” I said softly.

She re-closed her eyes. “None of those involve you touching me…Sir, or allowing me to touch you” she said with a quiver in her voice.

That threw me back emotionally…my anger had been very close to the surface as I listed off my ideas that had dwelt in my head the last day or two…and I realized she was right. It was all rejection…punishment but with no redemption.

She continued, “I want you to touch me. I want you to see me and look at me very closely. I want to see if, when you do that, you are pleased by what you see. And if you are pleased by what you see and touch, I want to please you with the rest of me...”. She sighed and opened her eyes, one tear was on her cheek. “and if, after all of that, you want to send me away like you just said, then yes, Sir, I will do anything. If I cannot please you as I am, then if seeing me with another or doing these things…then I want to try to make you happy that way too.”

I was stunned. I was still turning the fact that my most evil fantasies were all of her with someone else, sent away, humiliated, but not touched by me. I was quiet as I thought on this. She was quiet too…giving me time.

She was reading me. She broke the silence. “It’s what I want, Sir, it’s not your responsibility…” she said very quietly.

“No enigma…I am not going to allow you to take the responsibility. That is for me alone…” I still looked at her for another moment. I don’t think I had ever found her more beautiful than this moment. And it was the fact that she really knew me, that she saw things so clearly, that made her beautiful in the lamp-light.

I brought the collar up, and fastened it around her neck.

Wordlessly, I had her lay on the bed, bringing the ropes on the headboard to each of her wrists, binding them securely. I slid the short gown up over her hips, and she obediently spread her legs wide. There was the soft down in unruly wisps along side her lips and over her mons. The laser didn’t remove all of the hair every time, there was always a little more. But it was soft down….it needed a very sharp blade to catch and cut the fine hair.

The water was still warm, I took a wash cloth and slowly soaked the skin, seeing the inner lips just barely peaking out. I saw, even before the cloth touched, that she was wet. The warm water washed her, and I took the lather and the brush and with slow circles added to soap around her puss. She would occasionally shift or wiggle as I did this, but I paid her little attention.

“Don’t move” I told her as I brought up the straight-razor to one side of the stripe of hair I typically left on her mons. The stroke was against the grain of what hair there was…the soft scrape sound was very quiet, the soap made things easy. As I brought the blade up and away from her skin, I looked up at her face from between her legs. Her nipples were visible poking up the silk of her gown…her face was peaceful, eyes closed. She was perfectly still.

I took my time, gently restoring her mons and outer lips to hairlessness…as I liked her. Taking away even the slight insulation that the fine hair placed between her skin and sensation. Maintenance of a part of her…a part she wanted me to inspect and change to my liking.

The water was luke-warm by the time I finished, but it was still warm enough to wash away the last of the soap, leaving her clean and smelling of clean. I set the cups and razor and cloths aside, and brought my face close to her puss again. I kissed her just over where her clit was shyly under it’s hood, and I heard her sigh and draw in a breath. My hands traveled from her hips, up to her breasts…my fingertips brushing back and forth over her nipples as my tongue slid inside of her…tasting the renewal of her excitement. I touched her…letting my hands roam over her body…touching her everywhere as I played with her pussy and clit as I wished. I enjoyed the taste…drawing away from her only when she started to move for more contact. She figured it out quickly, and became still again, letting me touch and tease and taste only where I willed. Her control only broke as the first orgasm hit her, causing her hips to buck upward. I held her breasts tightly as her body shook…and then kissed her now more prominent clit again.

I sat up…using the wash-cloth to dab her excitement out of my beard. I saw her straining against the rope at her wrists a little. Her eyes were pleading, for touch…for permission to touch…for something from me.

I chose to be kind, and cruel all at once.

“You, enigma, are beautiful, and your body and reactions pleased me…but not as much as your insight and mind,” she nodded…still silent but the tears starting again, “and I do love you…”. I knew she wanted to ask for something more…but I wasn’t going to allow it. I kissed her tummy once more, and then turned to put the shaving kit away.

I left her tied there for a few minutes, I know she heard me fold the bed in the study I had been using since our fight, back up. I walked back in and untied her wrists…but held them in my hands. I turned her on her side…spooning her from behind as I joined her in our bed again.

“Maybe tomorrow you will be allowed to touch me…” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her. I was un-sure if the quiet shaking of her crying was for joy or sadness…

Big Dick McGee said:
'cause S found out you're a fat, middle-aged loser in love with Sailor Moon, and doesn't want to have anything else to do with you. DUH! :lol:
So that means you brought me back some Sailor Moon from Japan? :bigass: