Troll Kingdom

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Conchaga said:
I like to jerk off on my key board because it helps my fingers get a better grip on the keys so there's less accidental typos.

So... you are a Sarek dual then.
In order for something to be bait, you need to get a response that is negative in nature towards yourself. I was merely holding conversation. Though, to your limited trolling intellect you thought it was a defense. When, in reality, it was an insult aimed at Sarek supported by your comment. Now, since I insulted you due to your assumption that you had successfully trolled me, you have succeeded in actually baiting me. You can now pat yourself on the back. You've accomplished what EVERYONEELSE can do. Mediocre at best.
Eh, it's just not the same when the message isn't seething with anger. There's no spark, there's no inspiration, there's no depraved need to strangle me. Now, dig deep and show me just how much you hate my CO guts.
You no pussy eating bitches jump on my post, talk all you want but your faggoty asses dont troll much.

Not sinch lord raffles died anyway, LOL that was kick ass.
Conchaga said:
E Now, dig deep and show me just how much you hate my CO guts. Plow me in the ass with you fist.

You and sarek have a good time. :roll: