I want to smell dark matter
It's Bea up for eviction against Marcus and David. At the same point in last year's show, Nicole was up against Sara and Lisa. She got 94% of the eviction vote, a BB UK record. Can Bea beat it?
Objectively, Bea is a much worse person than Nicole. "Rex's Girlfriend" (as she was known for weeks before entering) was selfish, upherself, bitchy and showed remarkable insensitivity to Mikey (WHO WAS BLIND) when doing the Thriller task. But she wasn't Bea. She didn't turn on her best friend for no reason and try to bully them out of the house, she didn't get "REALLY UPSET" and pretend to cry for a different stupid reason every day, she didn't run to the Diary Room saying she was being "bullied" just because someone wouldn't put up with her mindless hatred...and so on.
SO CAN SHE DO IT? Can Bea finally achieve something great!?
Objectively, Bea is a much worse person than Nicole. "Rex's Girlfriend" (as she was known for weeks before entering) was selfish, upherself, bitchy and showed remarkable insensitivity to Mikey (WHO WAS BLIND) when doing the Thriller task. But she wasn't Bea. She didn't turn on her best friend for no reason and try to bully them out of the house, she didn't get "REALLY UPSET" and pretend to cry for a different stupid reason every day, she didn't run to the Diary Room saying she was being "bullied" just because someone wouldn't put up with her mindless hatred...and so on.
SO CAN SHE DO IT? Can Bea finally achieve something great!?