Cat punches old woman, blackens her eyes

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Because they're known to do that.

Well, I was sleeping one night and one of my cats was curled up on the pillow next to the pillow my head was on when the other cat decided that she wanted to be on that very same pillow and closer to my head. They got into a fight, lasted just a few seconds, but one of them, claws out, tried to jump over my head just as I was sitting up to get away from the cat fight. She caught me with one of those razors up the side of my cheek and then on my forehead. Healed up all right but sure looked like I'd been in a cat fight until it did.
Oh, just read the story - didn't see the link before.

I used to live next to some people with a cat that would rush out and grab hold of my ankles everyday when I got home from work. He was too rough and it hurt but he was just playing rough. He did leave some bruising and scratches. So, I don't entirely discount what that woman is saying. And, at 80 she is likely more easy to bruise. Still, it sounds a bit fishy. I wonder if she doesn't have some issue with her neighbor or she just doesn't like cats in general.

I keep my cats indoors and don't let them run around outside except when I'm out there because we have a problem with wolves and coyotes in my area. Just last week I found several dead possums and some bird remains in my back yard. Some of my cats in the past were killed by other animals too. We have an ordinance in my town about animals running at large also - cat or dog - and it is a pretty hefty fine or they are picked up for impoundment if they are found loose.
Just odd that he would attack her face like that.
Never know with cats.
They are like the Spanish Inquisition.
I wouldn't take that bet.

However, now I have to tell you a story about my old cat Aggie.

Aggie was seriously mean.

One day, the neighbors dog was out loose and that dog ran up and grabbed Aggie off my front porch, where she was sitting beside me, and took off with her in his mouth. I knew she had gotten away from him when I found her somewhat later sitting on top of the neighbor's house. Next time that dog came out into his back yard, she jumped on him from off the roof and tore the crap out of him. Her little 8 lbs. nearly murdered his 60.

I don't know that puppy dog would have had blackeyes, but I do know he never, ever, ever, ever thought about grabbing up Aggie and taking off with her again.

Just because they look sweet and they are all purring and cuddly and loveable and small and furry does not mean they can't clock you.
Oh, I have no doubt about the claws and teeth being used as weapons but that woman doesn't have any visible scratches.

I've got two cats of my own and I've always had cats in my life, I'm well aware of their eccentricities. That's one of the many reasons I love them.
Hey, FW, this is the time of the year I get really busy with my in real life stuff. If I'm out for a few months and I don't see you, hope you stick around and you are still here when I have more time to post. You're an interesting and diverse poster.
Oh, I have no doubt about the claws and teeth being used as weapons but that woman doesn't have any visible scratches.

I've got two cats of my own and I've always had cats in my life, I'm well aware of their eccentricities. That's one of the many reasons I love them.

Ah, I dunno 'bout that... it's said in the text that the woman wore glasses - if the cat hit those with its whole body in the right angle, that would exactly be the injuries that would occur. Woman is 80, and the tissue beneath the eyes very sensitive.
And there are claw marks: the two dark spots on the visible side of her face.

Anything else in that article though - over-reaction, much?
You could be right but I've never seen a cat body slam someone before, much less directly on their face. And I would think the bridge of her nose would be cut or bruised as well if the glasses dug into her face.

AND! She probably deserved it if it's true. Black cats for president!
^lol, hey, it's a cat. Since when do cats need a reason? :D

AND! She probably deserved it if it's true.
No argument there. Look at that mean old biddy, she probably forced the the poor cat to keep out of her catnip!
I wouldn't take that bet.

However, now I have to tell you a story about my old cat Aggie.

Aggie was seriously mean.

One day, the neighbors dog was out loose and that dog ran up and grabbed Aggie off my front porch, where she was sitting beside me, and took off with her in his mouth. I knew she had gotten away from him when I found her somewhat later sitting on top of the neighbor's house. Next time that dog came out into his back yard, she jumped on him from off the roof and tore the crap out of him. Her little 8 lbs. nearly murdered his 60.

I don't know that puppy dog would have had blackeyes, but I do know he never, ever, ever, ever thought about grabbing up Aggie and taking off with her again.

Just because they look sweet and they are all purring and cuddly and loveable and small and furry does not mean they can't clock you.
Actually, pound for pound, the house cat is the most viscous of all killers. Were they the size of their heroes, the lions, they would swallow him in a gulp, and not bat an eye.