
Pinata Whacker
I never thought we'd ever find an intellectual double for Falcy. I hope he appreciates matching wits with a brain of his own calibre.

I agree. He was a nice enough guy when he was a slightly annoying, yet loveable smilie afficianado. But lately he seems angry, bitter, and going off the deep end.

I Love Cunt

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Its funny. I think Aque finds one thing and its funny at first, but then he keeps on going and doesn't stop. He has done that with many posting styles.

Moderation. Balance. Variety.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I would enjoy caving in your skull with a claw hammer.


Retired Account
*hands jack a claw hammer*


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Let's fuck some shit up
I've got an active enough imagination that I can see Jack's face while doing something like that. Bits of skull and smatters of blood on his face. Rythmically repeating "fuck you in the neck, fuck you in the neck, fuck you in the neck." All the while never losing the erotically pleasurable grin on his face.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
and in the background "The Worst That Could Happen" would be playing, and I would time each stroke of the hammer to the backbeat, while grimly lipsyncing the lyrics.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
But, like TK, WF is a legitimate hatechild of TBBS:)

You're still trolled by the original breakup?

Wordforge is a wasteland, lacking in class and filled with retards that like to posse up and play karma games.

The one time I actually posted there it was hopeless.


Retired Account
i hate it, i feel like im going grayer every minute i spend in there.