
Retired Account


Factional Warfare
I've got an active enough imagination that I can see Jack's face while doing something like that. Bits of skull and smatters of blood on his face. Rythmically repeating "fuck you in the neck, fuck you in the neck, fuck you in the neck." All the while never losing the erotically pleasurable grin on his face.

I see it more as Fuck.(thwack) You.(thwack) In.(thwack) The.(thwack) Neck.(thwack).... repeating.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Un Banned
Aquehonga, stop posting in The Badlands, on TK altogether.

And every b-board you pollute with your bullshit spam & inane posts. QUIT IT!

You went from being a feces poster to being a diarrhea poster. So, go post in Podunk or on a Basket Weaving BBS instead. M'kay? Kapeesh? Great.

OK! We can move on people. The Aquehonga Plagues been neutralized. I can't imagine why T'Bonz permabanned Aquehonga. He's GREAT!:rolleyes:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Try swallowing occasionally.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Is that your adams apple? Or are you just happy to see me?


lkjewro23piqjur2oijkslfaw e
Rubbing Bengay on them makes fapping better too, or so I hear.


Introducing a hungry dog can only but serve to make things more comfortable, too.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
try toothpaste too, then when your getting some head, it can double as a toothbrush, and the sensations are just tremendous!


Pinata Whacker
You can be permabanned for revealing RL info about other posters:nono:

Are you retarded? RL info=stuff like your first and last name, city and state, social security number, workplace, etc. It doesn't include a wild stab in the dark about your tiny, flat penis and your methodology for getting your rocks off.