
moral imperfection
The Herbertlands is more like it. Or Driplands. Mudsticklands. The Squarelands. You guys have turned into a bunch of termites. Strictly out of the wood. Why this emphasis & need for normal posting? Is this TrekBBS? TK's becoming more & more like those HerbertBBSs every day.

I'm the epitome of a poster you'd NEVER want to know IRL. If y'all met me IRL y'all would be running for the hills. Within 5 seconds of meeting me you'd be bolting for your mum's bed & hide under it, all coiled & curled up for days!

I really should post less, EVERYWHERE! I'm too much like a rytalin pumped little fuckwad tike with ADHD who the teachers don't send to the hole enough. And whose classmates don't put in their place nearly enough.

This whole fucking thing lasts 5 minutes. 5, 10 years from now you're gonna be wishing you had Aquehonga!

That is all. I need to rest this dua-, err, I mean, simmer down.

The 4 vices of this here sockp-, I mean aquafeces thing are:

1 - Smiley addiction.

2 - Overabuse of the term aficionado.

3 - User CP karmabox spamming & inanities.

4 - Luci style text abuse. Big lettering in differing colours.

OK! Now move along folks. Nothing to see here. Carry on with your b-board & RL lives.

Damn if that isn't the most coherent, sensible post ever posted by you! Either that, or my standard of coherency has reached an all-time low.