Chicken George is HoH! *spoilers*

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I dunno about this plan. If Janie and Howie are the next two to go, Dani, James and CG will end up being 3 against the CT3. Will's charm won't work on anyone anymore, and they'll have to start actually competing to get further. And James and Dani know how to win comps when they have to. Something's not right...


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
Dani knows how to win? Um no, that bitch just knows how to pathetically whine to get her way, that is not "winning". The only hope those two have is if all the following competitions involve intense whining.

I'm still going with Woogie for the win.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Blah... all my BB All-Star dreams have been shattered.