Cold Season


I love you
I went to answer the phone just now and realized I did not have a voice! LOL. And here I thought I was feeling better. I have had a cold for 2 days now. Woke up last night all hot and sweaty and feeling yucky. It sucks being sick and no one to help me. : P

Everyone I know is sick right now. Blah.


Be patient till the last.
feel better soon! Do you have ginger tea?


I want to smell dark matter
My nose has been blocked badly for days now and my throat is dry from breathing through my mouth. But an hour ago I got a BAD nose bleed and tons of shit came out (and blood) so hopefully it'll get better now.


Touching the monolith
Staff member

A lady called me today, she was doing one of those surveys, and she had a terrible cold. I felt bad and instead of hanging up I took the survey.


I want to smell dark matter
It's not as bad now.


I love you
feel better soon! Do you have ginger tea?
I do! Thanks! Drinking some now with lemon and honey. Also gargling with salt water. mmmm Yum. : )

Of course everyone you know is "sick," observe where you happen to be posting!
Of course!

A lady called me today, she was doing one of those surveys, and she had a terrible cold. I felt bad and instead of hanging up I took the survey.
That is sweet! I had to make phone calls today it was fun. I felt great most of the day. I should have left for home at 4. I have the next 3 days off.

It's not as bad now.

Glad for that. Sick is the only time we can talk about mucas!


I want to smell dark matter
Go in the decon chamber.


I love you
I went to the doctor today. It is only the flu. Had to-for my boss. Its all good.

Anyway, you know what is annoying? When your office mate at work begins "sanitizing" everything saying, "We don't need anyone else getting sick around here"

And my nose is totally raw and all that spray shit fills the air and it fucking makes me feel worse. I should not have been at work anyway.


I love you
I think I am finally feeling better. I already told my boss I would be staying home however. I had a fever as late as 3 PM. I forgot the flu is a little different than a cold.
: (
I spent 2 hours coughing last night.
But I think tonight is better! Woooo
Do I go to work tomorrow or stay home?! I am so bored! AAAAaahhhhhhhhhhh!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I've had bronchitis since last Friday. I thought it was a cold since I wasn't coughing and was running a fever, but then Sunday I guess my body decided to change symptoms without notifying me and have been hacking up a lung ever since.

Got the good cough syrup though. Helloooooo codeine.


Can I have Ops?
They have been testing the Norovirus recently and had to ask for volunteers. The people researching for a vaccine called the volunteers heroic. They were asked why.

Do you know what these heroic volunteers did?

There is only one way they can infect themselves with the Norovirus...

They have to ingest diarrhea orally.

That's right, they have to put someone's shit on a sugar cube and swallow it.

Just thought I would share that.


I want to smell dark matter
It's my gums that are bleeding now and I couldn't sleep last night from the pain. I wish I was making this up.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I slept funny, and woke up with my neck and shoulders completely stiff. They still are. It hurts to use the computer, which is great since I'm currently at work. Ow.



My Stars!
I had a work related accident yesterday and ended up spending five hours at the urgent care facility. Every single person in the overcrowded waiting room (save me) had bronchitis and, as Tisiphone said, hacking up what was left of their lungs. I am so susceptible to bronchitis. I may have gone in for my injuries, but I'm afraid I may have come home with a brewing case of bronchitis in my lungs. I've already had it twice this past year.

Mirah, stay home and get better. Don't go into work and give them the gift that keeps on giving.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Fucking codeine is making me extremely sick to my stomach, I'm still coughing (doesn't help I smoke, though that's been cut back since I got sick) and I just want to crawl in bed for a month.
