Coming this November to The Mine Field


Pinata Whacker
I've been trying to be really cool about not appearing in any of Dr Daves stories. You know, like the nonchalent guy at the side of the hall in the teenage disco, when ACTUALLY I REALLY REALLY WANT TO APPEAR IN ONE AND CRY SOMETIMES WHEN I DONT

Could be worse, you could be in the story as a crossdressing nobody that gets pushed off a boat by a Chinaman and is never mentioned again.


Pinata Whacker
You were not a nobody, you did get a name I think.

Well yeah I guess....but I was pushed overboard and never heard from again. I was hoping to turn up again eventually though. I know I'm more of a fringe/honorary MF'er but still...


Can I have Ops?
Yehh loktar at least I just came across as desperate rather than churlish. It's a thin line I accept, but I think I kept within the realms of Internet "bit sad really" rather than internet "angry"


Pinata Whacker
Yehh loktar at least I just came across as desperate rather than churlish. It's a thin line I accept, but I think I kept within the realms of Internet "bit sad really" rather than internet "angry"

I said I was sorry, OK?

Read the karma comments as well as the posts.


I want to smell dark matter
Dead means dead in the Dr Dave story universe. HE HAS WRITER'S INTEGRITY.


I don't even exist in the Dr Dave universe. I at least thought I could be the Joker to his Batman, but no. Nothing. Zip. Nada. I'm going to cry, cut myself and listen to Linkin Park.


Crawling in my skin these wounds they will not healzz SO ALONe so alone wHY won'T DR DAvE LLUVV MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE