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Current missing items

Holy fuck. I'm losing my mind. First off, I *thought* I grabbed some fresh socks to change into after the morning dog walk but apparently not, so I took care of that. And I had some time to kill and nothing to do so I calculated my net worth. I do that every few weeks and keep the little sheets I work it up on to track my progress. When I was done I (thought I) gathered the sheets together and stuck them in the in box on my desk. I was getting ready to go outside and do a little work before lunch and wanted to go back and double-check one of the figures. None of the worksheets is anywhere. They just disappeared in the space of 2 minutes while I was in a different room.

Never mind. I had neatly tucked them in between an oil change discount postcard and a water utility info postcard.
Astonishingly, after 2 months the weekend chore checklist turned up. My laptop case is tucked between the desk and the wall and it had somehow fallen off the desk and slid between the laptop case and the wall. The corner of it was poking out just now and I was like, "this must be an old receipt or something," but there it was.
Washcloths. For staging bathrooms at the last house I got an assortment of (cheap) white towels from Wal*mart--towels, hand towels, and washcloths. I put them in my linen cabinet at home once I rented the place. Actually I think they were just stashed somewhere until I got around to cleaning and organizing my linen cabinet, at which point I put all the white towels there. Well it turned out that I needed to relist that place so once I started getting it cleaned up and ready to list, I started staging. Grabbed a duffel bag and stuffed it with towels, hand towels, and washcloths. Or at least I'm pretty sure I did this. I definitely remember stacks of different sized white towels. I even threw in a few borderline unrelated towels from a previous house, just in case I needed extra and could make them work. Brought the duffel over to the new house, unloaded it and started hanging towels on racks. Pretty soon I realized I didn't have any washcloths. Huh. I'm pretty sure I had washcloths. I'm pretty sure I put them in this bag. Where did they go? They were nowhere. Not at my house. Not at the vacant rental. Not in the duffel bag. Did I imagine them? Had I actually only got towels and hand towels? I guess so. Because washcloths can't just DISAPPEAR. And they aren't anywhere. Buy some cheap white washcloths from Wal*mart. Problem solved.


Just now I was scrolling through photos. I'm sure the refrigerator filters are due to be replaced. I saved the package for the air filter so I know what one to get, but I don't have anything on the water filter. And that sucks because that means I need to take out the existing one, which may or may not shut off the icemaker. Or flood water all over my kitchen. Fuck, I forget. It occurred to me that maybe I took a photo of the filter and it is in my phone, but no. No such luck.

But do you want to know what IS in my phone? Pictures of the bathrooms. And you know what is hanging on the towel racks? Lots and lots of fucking washcloths. Photographic evidence I'm not insane. So where did these motherfucking washcloths go between my house and getting hung on racks in the rental? I'll be fucked if I know. I even checked the bag of spare curtains that I'd wound up not using. Nope. Not fucking there. Will I find them in the next few months? Probably. But I'll be damned if I know where they are.
OMG this is maddening.

Also, someone just told me a story about thier house how they are away from thier house while they are getting a new porch and the builders heard water running and it was the ice maker?! just running/pouring water onto the floor of thier kitchen.