Dear British boys: keep doing what you're doing


Boobie inspector
Well lets take a poll of the straight minefeilders who actually went to a UK university shall we?

1: No man kisses for me.


Boobie inspector
If it's a random person, then you have a 98% margin of error. If you ask 145 random people, it's 8.13%.

Now, the 145 sample wasn't random - most of it was interviewing entire classes. However, there was a random element of 53 students, good enough for ~13.5% MOE. I wouldn't trust an electoral poll based on that sample, but it's good enough for "guys are making out, like, all over the place".

But was a study carried out at one university.

If you carried out a similar study at the university of San Fransico, would it be representative of all america?


Registered User
But was a study carried out at one university.

If you carried out a similar study at the university of San Fransico, would it be representative of all america?

Three different schools. And no, nobody expects you to have kissed a boy, because you're not aged 18-22.

Dr Dave

When I first saw The History Boys, I was surprised at the casual way all the boys (even the confirmed straights) talked about sucking a cock as if it was just one more common, inevitable thing to try, like smoking a joint.

I like that world. I wish it would move into the rest of the apartments in my building, so I could erect a tollbooth outside my ground-floor apartment that all the tenants would have to go through every day.

You could set up a LLC for tax purposes.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


I want to smell dark matter
I don't know who you are. Please believe. There is no way I can convince you that this is not one of their tricks. But I don't care. I am me, and I don't know who you are, but I love you.

I have a pencil. A little one they did not find. I am a women. I hid it inside me. Perhaps I won't be able to write again, so this is a long letter about my life. It is the only autobiography I have ever written and oh God I'm writing it on toilet paper.

I was born in Nottingham in 1957, and it rained a lot. I passed my eleven plus and went to girl's Grammar. I wanted to be an actress.

I met my first girlfriend at school. Her name was Sara. She was fourteen and I was fifteen but we were both in Miss. Watson's class. Her wrists. Her wrists were beautiful. I sat in biology class, staring at the picket rabbit foetus in its jar, listening while Mr. Hird said it was an adolescent phase that people outgrew. Sara did. I didn't.

In 1976 I stopped pretending and took a girl called Christine home to meet my parents. A week later I enrolled at drama college. My mother said I broke her heart.

But it was my integrity that was important. Is that so selfish? It sells for so little, but it's all we have left in this place. It is the very last inch of us. But within that inch we are free.

London. I was happy in London. In 1981 I played Dandini in Cinderella. My first rep work. The world was strange and rustling and busy, with invisible crowds behind the hot lights and all that breathless glamour. It was exciting and it was lonely. At nights I'd go to the Crew-Ins or one of the other clubs. But I was stand-offish and didn't mix easily. I saw a lot of the scene, but I never felt comfortable there. So many of them just wanted to be gay. It was their life, their ambition. And I wanted more than that.

Work improved. I got small film roles, then bigger ones. In 1986 I starred in "The Salt Flats." It pulled in the awards but not the crowds. I met Ruth while working on that. We loved each other. We lived together and on Valentine's Day she sent me roses and oh God, we had so much. Those were the best three years of my life.

In 1988 there was the war, and after that there were no more roses. Not for anybody.

In 1992 they started rounding up the gays. They took Ruth while she was out looking for food. Why are they so frightened of us? They burned her with cigarette ends and made her give them my name. She signed a statement saying I'd seduced her. I didn't blame her. God, I loved her. I didn't blame her.

But she did. She killed herself in her cell. She couldn't live with betraying me, with giving up that last inch. Oh Ruth. . . .

They came for me. They told me that all of my films would be burned. They shaved off my hair and held my head down a toilet bowl and told jokes about lesbians. They brought me here and gave me drugs. I can't feel my tongue anymore. I can't speak.

The other gay women here, Rita, died two weeks ago. I imagine I'll die quite soon. It's strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had roses and I apologized to nobody.

I shall die here. Every last inch of me shall perish. Except one.

An inch. It's small and it's fragile and it's the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it, or sell it, or give it away. We must never let them take it from us.

I don't know who you are. Or whether you're a man or a woman. I may never see you or cry with you or get drunk with you. But I love you. I hope that you escape this place. I hope that the world turns and that things get better, and that one day people have roses again. I wish I could kiss you.




Can I have Ops?
The boys in that study really don't sound very heterosexual, or even very sexual in the male sense.

Men like to get straight to the cock surely? Everything around / before that is a prelude to the main event. Hetero Male intimacy involving kissing with another male? I am sorry but at some point the cock will appear. "Shall we get down to it then?"

Or maybe the 18-22 modern male psyche is so alien to me now that I cannot see it.


Is this real life?
I think you're missing the point. This isn't a sexual thing. It says so in the text, that it's the equivalent of a handshake. And you see this all the time on the football pitch; men kissing other men in celebration, not out of sexual desire. And it influences how young straight men interact with eachother. If footballers can give eachother a friendly peck on the cheek to say "thanks" or "you're brilliant" and still be considered masculine, then so can the fans who look up to them.

I'm skeptical about how prevalent the behaviour really is, and the guys interviewed in this study seem a lot more liberal minded than most I know, but whisky's argument that "it wasn't like that in my day" is irrelevant, frankly. The article repeatedly reinforces the view that this is a recent trend. It says that several times. "A recent trend", it says, at one point. That men didn't act like this when you were at uni in the early '90s (? Sorry, I don't know when you were there) is precisely the point.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts



Is this real life?
Besides, rugby team initiations are basically just gay S&M orgies.


Boobie inspector
I think a kiss on the cheek is a world away from a kiss on the lips.

92-95 BTW.

2nd BTW, in my first year I did statistics.


Can I have Ops?
I think you're missing the point. This isn't a sexual thing. It says so in the text, that it's the equivalent of a handshake.

Another student, Matt, highlighted how important emotional intimacy was to him, telling a story about breaking up with his girlfriend. ‘‘I was really lonely,’’ he said. ‘‘Really depressed. So one night I asked my housemate who is one of my best friends if I could sleep in the bed with him. He looked at me, smiled, and said, ‘Come on,’ opening the covers to invite me in.’’ Matt continued,‘‘He kissed me, and then held me. It was nice.... I sent him a text the next day saying, ‘I’ve got the best friend in the world.’'

Mmm, no, not sexual at all!

Admittedly I am 40 years old, but in 20 years we have moved from
repressed bloke said:
So, sorry you broke up with er, whatsername
upset bloke said:
yeh, I know it's just...
repressed bloke said:
Woooahhh!, I just said I was sorry, no need to go on about it

ambigous sexuality bloke said:
Here, let's spoon naked to help you through this!



Elitist Redheaded Trollop
So, this isn't like drunk girls who all the sudden start making out with one another?


I want to smell dark matter