Dear British boys: keep doing what you're doing


Is this real life?
They're not having sex, though. They're just being touchy-feely, and that includes spooning and (I imagine) very quick, reassuring kisses. Guys do talk about their emotions a lot more now and aren't as reserved in showing how they feel about eachother, provided everyone knows they're not being gay. It doesn't matter if your behaviour is what would have traditionally been considered feminine and overly emotional if, when it comes down to it, you still like minge and everybody else involved knows it.


Registered User
Yes. They're not gay, they're merely smashing heteronormativity!

(These dudes, however? Probably gay.)



Elder Statesman
Hey, if guys are kissing and cuddling other guys, that means there are more frustrated women out there for me to kiss and cuddle.

I approve.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I refuse to allow this thread to be derailed by the Soulless Minions of Orthodoxy.

It's not about sex. Some guys are just more comfortable with their bodies...






Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
And they aren't afraid to be there for a friend...






I want to smell dark matter


Boobie inspector
I don't know why you are getting so upset Eggs, the thread specifically says straight british boys, I just posted what a straight british boy likes to see.

Now if this had been what gay men like to see I wouldn't have posted anything, and you could have had "your" thread.

If anything the act of two hetrosexuals acting like homosexuals is more on topic than the majority of the posts and pictures here, or is the real problem that it was two women?

Which strikes me as being sexist.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
This thread makes me want to cuddle.


Is this real life?
I welcome pictures of people cuddling, snuggling, spooning and canoodling.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I had a cuddle buddy the other night, but sadly didn't take pictures. Maybe next time. :(


Boobie inspector
Ok Eggs, since your clearly not taking the highground.

You say to me can "we" not have one thread?

Who is the we?

If its gays I can think of several threads you have, including one not a million miles from this about gay films.

Have I ever complained when you get bored and post a load of twinks?

Do I ever complain when every lost thread becomes you slobbering over Iam Sommander?

Have I ever in fact complained about any gay content of this board?

No, and I never will.

You and Sausage have gone to great lengths to say the men in these pictures are straight, not gay, so as a straight man, how is this not my thread?

Should I start a thread about how all gay men would turn straight again if they just had the right cuddle from the right woman?

No, because that would be rediculous and offensive, but somehow its ok when someone suggests something similar about men.

I await the next hypocritcal neg.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Aww, come on...It's HEARTS DAY. Can't we just have a group orgy?

Tisi ~~ Feeling very loving today


Boobie inspector
I think we're only allowed to hug people of the same sex now.*

* provided they are the right gender