Detective Jibbles on the case:


RIP 1970~2018
I have some of iggys new pi already. She knows she can trust me. Sorta. In time she will know she can trust me just as much as you can jack. You dont see me tossing your number and address about. Dennis found you from a general location and a full name. The klan has connections. Send him an email and ask him to forward you the original email i sent him.

Are talking to me?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
No, he was talking to me. But I'm back on ignore now I guess.


RIP 1970~2018
Better watch out for the klan.

[did I really just type that?]

Or as I like to call them - A shadow [pun intended] of their former self.


The Question

Ah, this thread has inspired a gigantic turd. I shall now wander into the lavatory and release it.

. . . . .

Ahhhhhh, yeah.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Wait...I missed dick picks?


moral imperfection
^Just ask Cody, I am pretty sure he will personally sign his dick for you, make a picture, and post it here.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Meh, that's ok. I've already had one texted to me this morning. I'm good.


moral imperfection
heh, it's so cute when they do that.
I take it you didn't exactly request that one, either?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I never request them. Like take the other night for example:

Him: What's up Juggs?

Me: Literally just pulled into the driveway.

Him: Sweet.

Him: Dick picture enclosed.

See...yeah. Not an invitation.


moral imperfection
I think they believe we get instantly wet whenever we look at those pics.

Or they hope that if they do it, we will in turn send them pics of our pussy and tits at random times, as well.

Or they are just fishing for compliments, not realizing how that can backfire.

Men are so complicated ~sigh

The Question

See, real men post their dick pics here on TK. You can look -- you can elect to not look. All the same to me. :)


moral imperfection
rofl! Well, since it is all the same to you, I guess there is no need for me to tell if I saw it or not, either....


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Mine's a little bruised from playing mailbox baseball this morning, but it's all good.

The Question

I have two overarching goals in life.

First: To be hated by communists. Or, more accurate, for the abstract idea of my existence to send them into literal convulsions of irrational, violent fury sufficient to cause them to do grievous harm to themselves, their friends and their belongings.

Second: To meet an elf with a macaroni-and-cheese fetish. And then sell said elf to a circus.


RIP 1970~2018
I asked him to write something on his dick to prove it was his. Somehow that became me requesting a cock pic and I was a faggot.

It's surprising how little it take to turn queer. Watch out fellas.