Dexter is a terribly written tv show


Pinata Whacker
Yeah, and it's a good thing it's impossible for people to look up such information on the internet. :techman:

Well yeah, but with the exception of MF'ers and a few other people I've interacted with on other messageboards and websites, I'm not exactly dealing with the best and brightest(and computer savvy) people.:p So yeah I'm not worried.


I want to smell dark matter
Have any of you boohats seen the season six finale?

Because it was really fucking stupid.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I didn't watch any of season 6! I completely forgot about it.


It kinda jumped the shark with the ending of Season 4. Nothing will be as good as John Lithgow was in that season. Season 5 was OK, but you know the longer this show goes on, what is a pretty stretched premise to begin with, will get stretched to almost epic proportions.

Having said that, I still find it watchable. I don't need plausibility or credibility in the storylines, so long as the performances are good.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah it'll always be at least watchable with Michael C Hall still in it...but holy shit the thing they did to Deb's character this season is inexcusable.


I want to smell dark matter
She turned into a toasted scone.


beer, I want beer
The Deb character has pretty much always grated on me.


Is this real life?
Same here, never understood the love for her. Whenever she was threatened in any way I was rooting for the bad guy.


Forever Empress E
Plus, Dexter and Deb aren't married in real life anymore.

Haven't watched it since I got rid of satellite TV the end of the season with Jimmy Smits. Sorry to hear the show has gone south. Was hoping to get it on DVD, Netflix, or Amazon Prime or something to catch up.


I want to smell dark matter
You might still enjoy it!


Forever Empress E
Was John Lithgow that awesome?


Forever Empress E
Well, that is always something, not to devolve into scone toasted. Even though, right now a cup of coffee and buttered toast with orange marmalade would be really nice.


I want to smell dark matter
I heard Quinn's character arc next season will involved "getting drunk" and "sleeping with a murder victim/murderer/Angel's mum."


Staff member
I never finished season six. I really didn't get hooked by the story line at all this year. I'll probably try and pick it back up for season 7 since I want to see how it ends.

Breaking Bad is the best now.