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Did VOY have an Inner Light or Visitor-level classic ep?

NO because they didn't have any actors as good as Patrick Stewart or Tony Todd. Something like Timeless was good for Voyager, but ultimately it still had Garrett Wang carrying the episode (even though he did do a good job.)

The ending of Living Witness is probably the best emotional Voyager moment.

But I haven't watch Voyager for years so I can't remember everything.
I dont' remember the name of the ep but the one where the things that the Borg where running from showed up from another universe was pretty good.

The series had some good story arcs, and Robert Picardo was always excellent. But the central problem was a combination of horrible show running (why those guys got to keeping doing Trek for so long is beyond me) and two main characters (Janeway and Chakotay) that brought anything interesting to a screaming halt the second the camera hit them (which was far far too often).
Funnily enough I've been rewatching Voyager these last few days and though I don't think it does have anything quite that good, I have been surprised at just how many solid episodes there were. I haven't rewatched The Raven yet, but that could be one of the more emotionally powerful eps, since it concerns Seven's parents getting assimilated. Blink of an Eye certainly has an Inner Light flavour, but it doesn't focus on any main characters. Maybe Faces, where B'Elanna's split in to human and Klingon halves?

But the best episodes seem to either involve time travel, the ship exploding, or both. Here are the ones I've rewatched so far...

Timeless - This time Voyager is destroyed by a failed engine upgrade resulting in a crash landing. Brilliant idea and got a great atmosphere to it. Unfortunately, Garrett Wang steps over into melodrama a few times with his angst ridden Kim. It was his fault that Voyager crashed, so he has a couple of "I KILLED THEM ALL - I KILLED THEEEEMM ARGH!" type moments. But it has awesome effects, most of the characters dying and Captain Geordi Motherfucking LaForge.

Relativity - This time Voyager is destroyed by a timebomb. Interesting plot that revisits various periods during the series, as well as Voyager's construction in orbit of Mars, which is nice eye candy. Seven looks hotter in a figure-hiding uniform.

Year of Hell - This time Voyager is destroyed by typical womens driving.

Future's End - This time Voyager is destroyed by a time rift or something. Sarah Silverman doesn't mention her grandmother's cunt for a whole hour and a half.

Shattered - Pretty bad episode that tries to remind us of all of the series' high points, with attempts ranging from marginally successful, to fourth wall breaking lines such as "maybe this is the time we got attacked by an alien pitcher plant, or it could be the time aliens attacked us in our sleep". It doesn't exactly help that it's Chakotay giving us this tour of time. It's funny watching this after Relativity, where the Temporal Prime Directive meant everyone kept schtum about future events. In this episode nobody gives a shit. Correctly predicted that Naomi Wildman would grow up to be hot. Er, incorrectly predicted that she'd be a dirty blond.

Message in a Bottle - In this episode, Voyager doesn't travel through time, get overrun or blown up! And Andy Dick isn't annoying. Miracles do happen at Christmas!

Omega Directive - I don't know why I put myself through this. I already had a strong feeling it was bad, but I got curious. The bits about Seven's interest in "perfection" and some religious back and forth between Janeway is interesting, but there are a million reasons why this episode is terrible. I mean, the entire ship becomes inoperable when it detects the Omega Particle, which seems a bit like a car's breaks being rigged by the manufacturers to fail whenever it detects ice on the road.
Was Latent Image the one with the dead crewmember who'd never been mentioned before and the Doctor has a breakdown at the end but is fine by the next episode?

Yeah, that was pretty good (on its own.)
Was that the one where the doctor had to decide who to kill and who to let live and was all guilty cause he chose his friend?
The one where they met the Romulan through a wormhole but it turned out he was in the past and already dead was quite touching.
When asked what he thought of this episode on a podcast in 2009, Robert Beltran said "I hated that episode!"
I was thinking Timeless too, it's got emo impact, and the epic qualities of something like Yesterday's Enterprise. But does it stand up against the best? I'm not sure.

Maybe VOY just has too much of a stigma for anyone (other than rabid fans, poor dears) to make an objective determination.

I remember always harping on Muse (the Be'lanna becomes Thespus ep, not the awful DS9 ep) as a classic in years gone by. I'll have to watch it again to see it I was right, or if I just needed to change vodka brands.

The Romulan in he wormhole one was great too, although it loses points for the viewer seeing the twist coming a mile away.

Living Witness was a great idea. I'm torn on whether it was executed to its fullest potential. But I like eps like this one and Inner Light, where you just don't see it coming when it hits you.

Anyone who brings up a hologram-rights episode will be deleted from the database. ;)