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Did VOY have an Inner Light or Visitor-level classic ep?

No wonder Jennifer Lien left the show, it doesn't look like they had any clue what to do with her. Just finished watching Worst Case Scenario, which is a great ep (ship gets overrun... on the holodeck. Janeway dies twice) where Kes appears in just one scene, with one line, as a hologram.
Yeah, the real Seska had made it so that the next time Tuvok made changes to the program, a holographic version of her would pay him back for spying on them.
Equinox - I know this is up in a lot of people's faves, but I'd forgotten how good it is! There's some great tension between Ransom and Janeway, much of it subtextual rather than in your face. Pretty much every department is about ten times better than usual, with great writing, acting, set decoration and effects. The Equinox really looks like it's been through the gauntlet. Only letdown for me was the Man in Black guy from Lost who had a really odd delivery. It was like he was reading every line off of a nearby wall or prop. But the character was meant to be the least connected with his morals, so maybe it was all intentional. Pity we didn't see the engineer woman ever again as she was really good, as was Simon the Cylon from BSG. Infact, even Chuckles was pretty good in a couple of dramatic scenes where he defied Janeway. Maybe Beltran just needs good material to really shine, I dunno.

The Swarm - Terrible episode that my 15 year old self had told me was good because it had some cool spaceships and bad guys. Both the A and B plots are solved exclusively through technobabble, adding fuck all development or insight into the characters other than reminding us yet again that they know a hell of a lot of boring technical information that Andre Bormanis came up with while taking a dump the morning before shooting began. The only good thing about the episode is that Kes actually gets some lines for a change, even if they are of the aforementioned bullshitty variety. It's a shame, because the central idea of the swarm is a good one, but they just didn't seem to know what to do with it.
The thing about Equinox is that it's really good, but it's such a fucking cocktease.

You finally meet a ship that went though interesting adventures where things happened and they say "Hi we're the Equinox, we're what Voyager SHOULD have been!" and then they all die and are never heard from again.
True. Very similar stories, with both the Equinox and Pegasus crews abandoning their principles because it's what they believe they had to do to survive. And Ransom and Cain both end up paying for it with their lives, only Ransom's death is a noble one, after a change of heart. Of course, early drafts of the Equinox script did include the crew raping the flying fish aliens, but that was for some reason missing from the final episode. :(

Flashback - Great to see Sulu and the Excelsior again. Didn't realise Tuvok was over 100 (I'm sure in another episode they said he was 70, but in this it's made pretty clear he's 100 at the youngest). Grace Lee Whitney's crumby acting literally made me laugh out loud at one point. There's some nice stuff between Kes and Tuvok as well. I'm starting to think she was really underused. I mean, they could've found lots more for her to do. She's Voyager's heart. Like a less interesting, less cutely hot Kaylee.

According to IMDb, George Takei was sad that he didn't get any scenes with Wang. "I saw him in a play at UCLA when he was a student there and I thought he was a good, young actor, an up-and-coming young man. Now he's doing me at every convention that he goes to!"
According to IMDb, George Takei was sad that he didn't get any scenes with Wang. "I saw him in a play at UCLA when he was a student there and I thought he was a good, young actor, an up-and-coming young man. Now he's doing me at every convention that he goes to!"
Takei WISHES that Wang was doing him everywhere he goes -- WHOA!
Truesay. It was a bit ropey at times (and he didn't look like himself... maybe makeup tried too hard to de-age him?), but who cares, it was Takei. The legend.
How many times did he sing that song about having your balls in a biscuit tin? The man has the patience of a saint. I wonder if he's considered volunteering with retards full time. Must've found it very rewarding.