At the Movies with Love Child Continues for at least another week that is and when I don't lose this stupid thread.
Today I watched Twilight. I gave in and got it last night while at the store. I began watching it with the intention of browsing the internets, checking email, updating facebook, but that didn't happen. Twilight is a good movie and I enjoy it and now I recomend it to others.
I would rather keep this a secret however.
The other day I watched the Herbie movie. I loved Herbie from way back when so I thouroughly enjoyed this movie and loved Lindsay Lohan in it, she was totally hot.
The Proposal with Sandra Bullock, good movie. I would say great but I don't want to embaress myself. Really I loved the scenery.
Back to Twilight, that is what I enjoyed about the movie as well is that, well it takes place in WA. You have to watch movies that take place in your state.
I rented The Hangover, but due to distractions and a short rental time I did not get to watch it. Maybe next time.