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Do you Think? At the Movies With Love Child

Has there been a big budget film like Caligula in the last 20 years?

What, as in sexually explicit?

I guess Showgirls, Sliver & Basic Instinct all had sexual content & could be considered 'Hollywood budget'. None of them were any fucking good, though, and had nowhere near the quality of cast that Caligula did, not to mention the shock value.
Saw Avatar last night, liked it. It was too late and the theatre was still crowded even at 9 PM. It was a little long.
I like a little salt and butter myself, even tho your fingers get sticky in the process, just lick em off or wipe em on your jeans. But really plain is fine, that way is best.
But then those stupid kernals get stuck in your teeth.
Do you know I wash my hands after handling dvd cases from the dvd rental place? Those cases always feel grimy.
Gross. I hate one line responses, I should at least add another sentence so you feel like it was worth it to click on this thread again.
No, it was me, not you. NOT YOU DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! IT WAS ME I SAY! ME! I don't know what I"m talking about now.
I have to go back to work tomorrow and be normal now.
At the Movies with Love Child Continues for at least another week that is and when I don't lose this stupid thread.

Today I watched Twilight. I gave in and got it last night while at the store. I began watching it with the intention of browsing the internets, checking email, updating facebook, but that didn't happen. Twilight is a good movie and I enjoy it and now I recomend it to others.
I would rather keep this a secret however.

The other day I watched the Herbie movie. I loved Herbie from way back when so I thouroughly enjoyed this movie and loved Lindsay Lohan in it, she was totally hot.

The Proposal with Sandra Bullock, good movie. I would say great but I don't want to embaress myself. Really I loved the scenery.

Back to Twilight, that is what I enjoyed about the movie as well is that, well it takes place in WA. You have to watch movies that take place in your state.

I rented The Hangover, but due to distractions and a short rental time I did not get to watch it. Maybe next time.