

Vuhlkansu Wihs
So you created a topic is Daycare to do and say what you're doing and saying here already?

Really not to bright, are you?


So you created a topic is Daycare to do and say what you're doing and saying here already?

No! I was giving you a chance to say what you wanted to say. You pussied out like I figured you would.

I don't have the power you have Sarek, so use me how you choose. I've been down that road before.

You got the power captain, and I know you're itching to use it. If you're trying to bait me in being Daycared or Banned you might as well do it now.

Restore my post back to Speak Freely or considere your punk ass a complete PUSSY/coward. What you gonna do?

Touch your elbows bitch.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
No! I was giving you a chance to say what you wanted to say. You pussied out like I figured you would.

I don't have the power you have Sarek, so use me how you choose. I've been down that road before.

You got the power captain, and I know you're itching to use it. If you're trying to bait me in being Daycared or Banned you might as well do it now.

Restore my post back to Speak Freely or considere your punk ass a complete PUSSY/coward. What you gonna do?

Touch your elbows bitch.

I'm going to laugh my ass off at your inept attempts to play the tough chimp on the block.

BTW, I've never daycared or banned anyone. It's far more fun to fuck with a moron than to sweep them under the rug.


Pinata Whacker
Jack, Seph and Loktar accused me of being "chatting Flag" before I left. Why would you post online that Jack is your best friend online? That's just plain out right dumb as a bag of bricks......genius.

Oh well, I'll sign up at Enke's board in a few. See you there Donovan.

1)I never accused you of being anyone other than Blackfoot and/or your obvious duals.

2)How you gonna sign up, dawg? Noone has given you the link afaik.


Forever Empress E
If you ask me nicely I will give you the address to a message board.


Forever Empress E
Ok - you don't really have to ask nicely. I'll tell you anyway.

It is:


and, that part of it is in all uppercase like that.

Also, you need to know the special trick code word when it is flashed at you - you must respond within a millisecond or it won't let you in - so, be quick:
might want to copy and be ready to paste it - here it is:

You might need to jump up and down on one foot, rub your tummy, and click your tongue three times too.


beer, I want beer
Ceejay check your PM.


Retired Account
Why do I want to be in before you? Because you followed me on Dark Pickle and Dirk Funks message board. I'm always ahead of you. You'll always follow in my foot steps nerd.

I joined and was staff on both boards before you joined either.



If you wish to address Donovan, please put the term 'TK Tech Admin' in the title, cheers.