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Re-reading old posts in this thread from when I lived in an actual civilized place has me now feeling slightly melancholic.
Had an interesting one during an afternoon nap today:

Dreamed I was in a moderate sized city, in a sort of shopping/entertainment district. I find a street with a one story white, windowless offices-sized building, so out of curiosity, I go inside and see that it's really, really old by how yellowed and curled-at-the-edges some of the placards on the walls and desks are. Also, the typeface on those placards lends the place a sort of 'disused military research installation' feel to it.

So I'm snooping around and find a stairwell leading down. Downstairs, it looks like a kind of a nursing home for retired military researchers. They're being kept there so that, in their various states of senility, they don't blab about what they were doing, which I get the feeling is still highly classified. At one point, I walk up to a table of these Top Secret oldsters and it occurs to me that I saw a placard with an arrow and the word 'Bridge' on it, and I start to suspect what they were working on. So I ask the oldsters if any of them still remembers where the bridge is.

Most of them don't even look up, but one old lady gives me directions and looks all smug 'cause she remembered. So, as directed, I find the elevator and hit the button for S25, which I somehow instinctively know is Sub-Level 25. Elevator goes down 25 floors and I step out into a Star Trek TOS corridor set -- except it isn't a set. There's a knocking sound coming from the technicolor pipes, dust on the concrete floors, the overhead lights are sort of dimmer than they should be and yellow-ish with age.

Then, after a while, I find the Bridge, the corridors were surrounding it along with some machinery rooms and in one corner a huge ass 1960s era mainframe computer in a shaft that goes another 20 floors down at least. Well, the Bridge isn't exactly like the TOS Enterprise bridge, it's more like the NX-01 bridge in layout but with TOS consoles and jellybean controls. Most of the consoles are either un-powered or just worn out with age, and the main viewscreen is just an absurdly huge 1960s tech black & white television that displays static when I turn it on.

I find one of those wedge-shaped TOS tablets and plug it in to a cigarette lighter power adapter on the big chair, and when it finally powers on, it has multitouch like an iPad but a ridiculously unintuitive operating system. All I manage to find on it is a log entry from a "station supervisor" detailing a visit from a G. Roddenberry, M. Jeffries, & W. Chang.

I'm like, "Uh huh, that figures."

Then I realize I'm gonna bust if I don't find someplace to take a piss, and start checking the various doors to the bridge to see which one leads to the head. That's about the time I wake up.
Well, The Cat officially gets dreams where she's still alive while the only 2-3 dreams I've had about The Dog were pretty clear that I understood she was dead IRL. The rest of the dream has some pretty straightforward dream symbolism, along with a few things from stuff my friends are up to thrown in there.

There's this train. But it's having problems. Eventually it winds up stalled at a station. It's supposed to be going there, but every morning it's still there and they can barely manage to keep power, climate control, etc to the cars. I'm in some kind of house with a big fireplace and there's some kind of not-so-secret passage into the house through the fireplace. My cat is in the house with me but every time I go through the fireplace, these 2 black kittens try to come in. They're cute and sweet but I've already got a cat and I don't need 2 more. Around this time some wise old crone foresees that my cat doesn't have much time left and that's when I remember she's dead IRL.

I've mentioned it before, but on a technical note, I have my strongest dreams during the snooze alarm morning. Got to bed around 2am and woke up around 4:30. Couldn't get back to sleep so around 5:30 I got online to fuck off here. Finally ready to go back to bed at 6:45. Alarm was going to go off around 7:30. Decided not to shut it off. I do not remember the alarm going off, but I did start the countdown timer on my watch so it must've and woke me up enough. I don't have an alarm clock with a snooze so the countdown timer on my watch is set to a 15 minute repeating alarm. Slept this way for another 2 hours, being woke up by the watch every 15 minutes or so. I thought you had to be in deep sleep to dream, but I apparently dream very nicely in a very light sleep.
DISCLAIMERS: 1) I'm going to ramble a bit on setting up this tale and 2) when I finally get going some of the points will likely reveal far more personal things than is probably wise to share.
I was in Dream Purgatory last night. I used to write in a journal when I had insomnia. I've gotten lazy about that and it turns out my last entry was 2013. (Actually now that I think about it, I may have a Word document on my computer that has some more recent entries, but really, the book and a pen is the way to go.) Lately I've been consistently waking up around 4:30 and not being able to get back to sleep. Eventually I'll drift off and dream that I'm awake and can't sleep. At some point, something will usually happen that makes me realize I'm dreaming. But obviously, I don't get too much quality rest from these kinds of nights and, of late it has been causing me to oversleep. Working nights 2 days a week doesn't help either. And I've been drinking a lot more that I probably should of late. Finally, I'm in the middle of a Vendetta War with Facebook. To recap: All I want from Facebook is to see what my friends and relatives ate for lunch today--and similar things. But Facebook keeps telling me I need more friends and all the cool groups it "suggests" I join. In response I've pared my Friends list down from a few hundred to 71. I've deleted all biographical information except my birthdate and the significant events of Khan being set adrift in space, Skynet becoming self-aware, and a crack commando unit being sent to prison for a crime they didn't commit. First I took Messenger off my phone and yesterday I deleted the app. (I'd better remember to bring a book to read during breaks at work tonight.)

This is a long way to go to say that my routine is a little shaken up right now. Tried to go to bed before midnight. Got up after 1 and dug out the journal to write in. Didn't noticeably help, although it was 4:12 the next time I realized I was awake and went and used the bathroom. Didn't feel like turning on the light and dragging the journal back out so I just laid there in the dark. Eventually I drifted off and dreamed I was still awake.

I put in laminate floor in the bedroom. Turns out the subfloor isn't as level as it should be and there are some imperfectly installed areas. But it's mostly OK. Except when I'm dreaming I can't sleep. Reached down or otherwise realized the floor next to the bed was totally fucked up so I proceeded to work on re-laying it. I tipped the bed (which is way too heavy and unsound to tip) up so I could work under it too, but once I was done it was just as bad as it had been.

Then I woke up enough to realize that this teenage boy from a family that is staying with me (in the dream) had been going through my stuff and reading my writing. I caught him red handed at my desk and called him out on it and he came over to the bed and made a pass at me. I think I beat the crap out of him in the dream. Then his hot sister came in and wanted to go do something social with me. And about that time I woke up.
Should've written this down while it was fresh. Weird interesting but disjointed dream today.

First part I remember I'm in some banana republic and I'm watching some army thugs getting ready to set off a bomb they planted on a journalist as she walks off down the street.

Next day I've got way more stuff to get done than I have time to do. And I know I'm going to fail at at least some of them. On top of that, I didn't get a decent night's sleep. Then this little orphan asks me to check his mail drop to see if he got anything. I'm on my way to a lunch meeting and I realize I didn't write down the mailbox and I don't actually know the orphan's name. I do know the building manager, so I'm hoping I can coax him into helping me and he'll know the kid. So I'm at this lunch meeting and Sean Connery drops by. And it is definitely supposed to be Sean Connery (circa about 1979) only it looks nothing like him. It looks like Phil Hartman playing Sean Connery in an SNL sketch. But at any rate Connery wants to roughhouse with me and I've got to go get stuff done. For some reason I'm wearing like, 3 undershirts (a long sleeved undershirt, like a waffle print long sleeved shirt over that, and a Captain America T-shirt over that) under my shirt, tie, and suit jacket. And my thumb is getting stuck in the middle shirt and I'm getting tangled up while Connery keeps pushing me around and laughing. Eventually I just take all the undershirts off so I can put my shirt, tie, and jacket back on and get on with my day. And I realize my increasing unrest in the dream is because it is after 8am and I really have to pee IRL so I wake up.

Also, throughout the dream my conscience is tormenting me that I'm facilitating this orphan to maintain his life on the streets when I should just get him the help he needs instead of checking to see if he's gotten any messages.
Last thing I dreamed was that my garden was huge, like a field, and there was concrete bases all over that I could build sheds on, and even a load of abandoned windows I could use in the construction. Never built anything, I was concerned that there was another house at the end of the garden and I needed to find out where our border was.
Oh, so the soldiers and the bomb? They were so happy about it. They were dancing around and betting on who got to blow up the reporter.
Had a really long dream where the Japanese women's professional wrestling company Stardom were putting on a show in my old house's back garden. Though at one point they were also converted my childhood dining table into a wrestling ring (I was worried it would be too hard to land on.) My mum was worried that the show wouldn't get enough viewers for Stardom to be able to pay her (why didn't she ask for payment up front!) but I showed her a website where the viewer count kept going up. It was weird.
Had one a few days ago that I didn't feel like sharing. Basically some African nationals had showed up at my dream home (being nothing like my actual home) to tell me 4 people who needed to be killed were hiding out in my upstairs. They showed me the paperwork and it all checked out so I went and used my Luke Skywalker binoculars to give them all the info they needed to make 4 quick, humane headshots.

They proceeded to randomly fire up through the ceiling from the floor below. Periodically someone would throw down a severed head of one of the Bad Guys.

I have no idea where this dream came from.
Had a dream last night about visiting a sporting goods store (that I actually did visit a long ass time ago, on the order of decades ago) and sat on the floor with the employee looking at some really cool knives. Thing is, they didn't have handles -- not as a separate component, I mean. The entire knife was one solid block of steel that had just been sculpted into the shape of a complete knife, with the handle just having an aggressively bead blasted finish to give it a 'grippy' texture.
Interesting (if slightly derivative) dream last night: I'm The Doctor or Sherlock Holmes or some similar brilliant eccentric character. And I have... a car on a train? Room in a hotel? I have a discrete space that is my own and is furnished with my stuff. But things have started to disappear from it. And people. And memories. And not just disappear--never existed as far as anyone knows. (Yes, it's basically a Star Trek: TNG episode, complain to my subconscious.) Here's the dilemma: I need to be in the room to try to figure out what is happening. But the phenomena is localized to the room. If I'm in the room, I can be affected. My memory can be erased and I can forget. Further, I won't realize when something disappears because it will also be effecting me. If I stay outside the room, I'm not effected, but I also can't figure out how to stop it as easily. Eventually, there's a little girl sitting on the back of a couch in the room and she says she feels a chill/cold place. I think this might be an important clue but then realize it is only the AC vent, blowing toward her. But then something that disappeared comes back and I realize that the temperature in the room was causing the phenomenon. As the room cools down things start reappearing. Although then I have to shepherd this through because, like, in the dream there was an octopus or something and it disappeared a little at a time and now it is reappearing in reverse order--but in discrete parts. So I need to spot each part when it reappears and get it into the aquarium/bowl and reunited with the other parts--without damaging it in the process.
This morning I was on a space ship that was outfitting a space station. We had to dock with it and deliver gear for a crew of 9 or so. We also had to upload some programming to its computer. It was slow going because it was cramped workspace. Also we had to write and test the code for the program on the spot. Meanwhile we kept having to deal with asteroid showers and space pirates and things, so we kept having to scramble back into the ship, undock, and hide/take cover
Sounds awesome, I very rarely dream about space. I do have a lot where I am playing ultra realistic video games where the characters are real people.

Sexy people more often than not.
Well it was much more 20th century NASA than Star Trek: TNG. The spaceship was tiny and cramped and the space station was about the same. The programming was like text-based C++
As often I was in a shooting game, but with real people, I was so good at the game, and had killed so many people that Hitler started following me, getting closer with every kill.

It's not fun getting chased by Hitler.
Ooh. That reminds me. Snippet from this morning. For some reason I need to be armed. So I'm picking out my load. But I can't decide between a .45 and a 9mm. Not for performance reasons. It's like, I've got the ammo for the 9mm but I've got the .45 and the holster and everything. So yeah, while performance is a factor, a bigger factor is deciding if it is easier to find the ammo for the .45 or to find the 9mm that I have ammo for. (In 95% of my dreams guns are useless so this fits the general model, even if it is a novel variation.)

I think I'd already settled on AR-15 over M-14--or shotgun.
2 this morning (well, 2.5). First was pretty obvious and straightforward. I'm in my 30s or so and in the military. Working long hours and being frustrated. Trying to get out the door and go home for the day but my boss is talking to his boss, who wants to bust my balls for some reason. He's annoyed that I don't manage my time well enough and prioritize things so...he is going to make me stay late so he can lecture me about wasting my time instead of focusing on the important things. In fact he's going to make me go for a run with him and my boss (running is an important part of life in the peacetime USMC). During the run he's grilling me on my thought processes and prioritization, second-guessing everything. Then he goes to do something and me and my boss are stuck waiting around for him. After awhile I decide to "take initiative," "prioritize more effectively," and go home--even though I kind of feel like I'm supposed to wait until I've been dismissed. My boss kind of backs me and for some reason has me sign for the package the FedEx guy just happens to deliver at that point. All about how I feel pressed for time and tied up with stupid things when I should be out doing other things.

Other dream is more interesting--although also typical of my dreams, and much more cryptic. I am, for some reason, in a dorm room with 2 hot girls of my acquaintance (similar background and hotness but from at least 10 years apart in my life). Some other random guy (who maybe lives in the dorm?) is supposed to show up for some kinky group fun. Dorm roommate is there, but he's being quietly unobtrusive at his desk. Other guy is running late and the girls have dimmed the lights and are in lingerie and making out on the bed. I'm eagerly stripping down and hoping I'll get them both to myself. I'm just about to peel off some crisp new whitie-tighties and an undershirt when someone's fumbling with the lock. I figure it's the other guy so I'm going to let him in so he doesn't open the door wide while the girls are going at it--but it's a bunch of my hippie acquaintances from Oregon who are at the wrong address--but now apparently won't leave. Meanwhile the girls come over to see what is going on and someone's flipped on the harsh overhead dorm fluorescents. It's one of those where the light is on 2 switches and now we can't figure out a combination to get the lights back off. And that's about when the alarm rang.

Against all odds I managed to doze off and get back to that dream. I think one of the girls had gotten bored and left, but the other was there for sure and I was trying to salvage things but something else happened that ruined it and by that point it was pretty much time to get up for the day.

Oh, and for some reason early '90s late night talk shows were on in the background. At one point it sounded like the host was Johnny Carson and I was like how the hell is Johnny Carson on?
I should be documenting more of mine here, because I've had some crazy weird ones over the past several months. Most of them seem to involve dead acquaintances. For example the other night I was sitting on my bed having a deep conversation with my first girlfriend who kicked the bucket about a year ago. She had purple hair for some reason.
Dead loved ones in dreams is an interesting thing to me. Lots and lots of dreams with my parents and my favorite aunt. They all feel very real and have this odd dichotomy where they take place in their homes--while I know they can't be living in those homes anymore because I got money from their wills.

Meanwhile, I loved my dog and cat very very much but have relatively few dreams with them. I think it is because of the species gap making it hard to work out any issues involving them (or using them to work out my own issues on other things)--Even when they were alive it was often a struggle to find out what they wanted or were trying to tell me. And they can't very well talk in my dreams without blowing any illusion of reality, so there isn't very much my subconscious can do with them. Still, I'd love to have the occasional dream of walking along the creek with my dog or brushing my cat.
2 good ones this morning. But I forgot 1. Someone has this surplus ship. It's got a ton of paint on it. (Probably literally). And it is chipping and peeling. Someone is ripping huge thick strips of paint off the hull. The base coat looks ugly, but as more paint comes off, it is realized that the ship is a Top Secret military ship with special radar absorbing paint. It's also a lot faster without all the accumulated paint.