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Nightmare at the end of my dream where I was in a crawl space and had to get out and there were spiders and spuder sacs
Fucking gross I cant even type it
OK. This morning's dream cycle was a mash-up of a military dream, an office dream (including a feature from a previous dream that I didn't even remember) and a few other things thrown in for good measure.

Start of the dream, I must've been the duty officer or something, because I was sleeping at the office. Then a bunch of bigwigs showed up and started doing military things. One of them, who was kind of modeled on General Eisenhower (and may even have been in black & white, IIRC) needed to borrow my USB charger. So I fumbled around and gave it to him, hoping it was the right thing. I accidentally gave him a few other things from my desk too as I scooped it up. So then I started going back to sleep [I'm remembering more stuff as I type this] and thinking "wait, I can't be sleeping if I'm on the job." But then I think I rationalized that it wasn't my shift. Then at some point we're riding in some kind of tank for a sort of "Mythbusters"/"Top Gear" show about armored vehicles. A Jaimie Hyneman character is talking about how all the armor in the turret protects the passengers from shrapnel and the effects of shockwaves. I started getting claustrophobic and needed to get out (this may have been because of a dog curled up right next to me and a cat laying on my feet). Next I' School? 80s movie? And there's some cute, possibly slutty alterna-girl who seems to be interested in me--even though I think I'm my actual age in this dream. But then the rich spoiled bad guy, who was modeled on a young Corey Feldman starts to cockblock me. Pretty soon I think at least one of us has to leave for mission?...I forget. Oh. John Wayne is there in full cowboy attire, busting my balls too. In the mean time, I realize someone has broken into my drawer in the bottom of the file cabinet and all the change that was in it is all over the floor--even under the floor. It's a badly done laminate floor and there's a big bump where a bunch of coins are wedged. This is annoying because I got roped into this project, collecting from the other employees, and keeping track of the money has been impossible. Meanwhile, whatever the money was supposed to be for has been forgotten about so I'm just left with this coffee can full of change that I know I don't have a good account of, if anyone ever remembers and asks for a status update. At least it looks like all the money is probably there. It was probably just a scheme by Corey Feldman to make me look bad with the girl. Eventually, I was able to get alone with her to talk (all the while, she's sitting with her legs kind of up and shorts/a miniskirt on and I'm trying to tell if she's wearing panties or not--and if she wants me to figure out if she's wearing panties or not or not. But of course it's a dream so that's about where it ends.
Pretty obvious what's on my mind from the imagery in last night's dreams. All pretty much unrelated instead of transitioning along in one big dream.

First off, I took my motorcycle out. Nothing fancy, just moving it from one place to another maybe, but I got on some wet grass or something and it went down. This wasn't at any kind of speed, just idling along maybe even with my feet on the ground, but both wheels got hopelessly bent. No idea where I'm going to find parts for a 32 year old bike they only made for a year. Next dream, the battery on the Timex Triathlon I bought this summer was already dying. In my experience, you can only change the battery on these things 3-4 times before you chuck it and have to get another. And in 2022 it is not a trivial task to find a digital sport watch.

Then there was some kind of gathering. Family gathering? Funeral? And people came over to my house...after? I'm showing them around my yard and the graves of my dog and cat. There are also a couple graves for humans? One might be an infant. They are possibly people I know and/or are related to, although my brain started glossing over that part and trying to shove it back under the rug. Anyway, at one point a woman there got out her cell phone because she'd known my dog and cat and wanted to take a picture of their graves and I just started crying uncontrollably in the dream.
Not been sleeping well since Sunday so hardly any dreams, I do remember after watching ambulance I had a lot of dreams that night that they were operating on my stomach.
That was supposed to be a hug emoji BTW, they used to be easier to work out, or maybe I am just getting old.
Crap. I had some wild ones this morning, but now I've forgotten them. I left off last night's because it had one bit that was a little TMI, but I guess I can leave that bit out without hurting the narrative.

Thursday night had elements of "Night of the Living Dead" and perhaps "Red Dawn." And while I was me in it, my dad was in it, only played by George Peppard with a kind of pornstache. So this black guy I know (in the dream) gets me and tells me we need to get to the school (the school was my 5th grade elementary school). He's got a .38 police revolver and when we get to the school, it is being guarded by multiple people that are armed with what look to be .22 rifles. He points the revolver at someone but we manage to not get shot. We get inside and go into the gym, where a bunch of people are gathered. Then I...go to help with the defense(?)...which is being organized by Dad/George Peppard. There were, I think, some adventures after that, where we were out looking for more survivors, but I don't remember them.

Poop. I was hoping while I typed all that, this morning's dream came back to me, but it hasn't.
Bah. Had an interesting dream cycle this morning. But I didn't write it down and now I've forgotten. Pretty sure my dead Mom, Dad, and favorite Aunt were in them, but I only remember the boring stupid opening dream.

Got up around 4:50 to go to the bathroom. Could not get back to sleep. Eventually fell back asleep while dreaming I was laying in bed unable to get to sleep dream. This eventually transitioned to having the car at the dealer and the dealer telling me I needed new tires and I called him out for being a lying cocksucker because I'd just gotten 1 new tire at a tire store in September and he just laughed at me.
Eventful night of (mostly) uneventful dreams: Largely, I dreamed I was watching television. How lame is that? It was all secondary channel/public access type stuff. There was some Q&A game show and then I found some "adult"/risque channel (complete with title card bumpers between commercial breaks). There was a commercial for some kind of burlesque troupe and then there was a cartoon about someone dressed up like Robin from Batman who got caught by the Nazis. He eventually got someone to let him go, but only on the condition that he got to tattoo "PENISMAN" all over him. So now he was on a quest for revenge because it was a publicity stunt for some porn company or something. In the final confrontation, the evil porn guy was going to shoot him with some kind of weird Videodrome flintlock pistol if he didn't leave, but apparently the tattoos made him bulletproof.

Then, just before getting up, my brother came to visit. One of the headlight protectors on the A-Team van is busted IRL and in the dream he was coming over with welding gear. We were pulling into the yard and there was a big dead, half-eaten and/or rotting deer in the driveway and I was a little nervous because it hadn't been there the day before and whatever brought it there must've been pretty big. Then that was forgotten (it's like my brain was like "OK, I don't know where I was going with that plotline. Just forget about it and we'll get back to the main plot.") and we got down to the details of whether to stick-weld, wire-feed, or oxy-acetylene weld the brush guard; what the voltage and amperage settings should be, that it was aluminum and radically different thicknesses and that the paint and other stuff likely needed to be cleaned off it first.
There was a mouse walking boldly through the living room, when I looked more closely it was a mouse sized kangaroo.
This morning's dream was an...interesting mash-up: It was part school field trip, part military drill weekend, and part fetish weekend. We start with me coming in from the field and trying to turn in my gear but Supply won't take it because "they're going to be issuing the next group a darker shade of green." So I need to get a piece of paper and a pencil and write up all the stuff I was issued and bring it to them for...reasons. The guy behind me says there's also a Bible or something in the conference area that was issued that we can't get back. Problem is, the head Dominatrix has started making demands for her event so people are trying to scrounge enough TVs etc from the shitty motel we're in. Meanwhile some of the group seem oblivious to the fetish even and I'm trying to discreetly separate some bondage gear from some college kid's Pikachu binder. On top of that, apparently the binder owner and at least one other person is Muslim and it is Ramadan or something because the BDSM banquet isn't going to happen until after dark so they aren't going to be able to eat. No, other way around. Muslims can't eat until after dark during Ramadan. So some other religion or belief. Of course it was one of my dreams, so nothing sexy happened related to the fetish event.
Woke up for my 5am bathroom break at 6:39. And had to go back at 6:56 for a sit-down. This obviously screwed up my sleep schedule for a 7:30 wake-up. Wound up sleeping about 40 minutes later than usual and, surprisingly, had a few dreams between snooze alarms. Crap. Now I forgot the first one. Maybe it'll come back to me. Other one was motorcycle problems. I decided to take the motorcycle out and it was non-stop mishaps. I got stuck on a sidewalk/hill/steps to a storefront where there was no good way to turn around or get it out onto the road. I couldn't even find a good spot to start the engine and every time I'd try to move it, I'd get in a worse spot. I dropped it a couple times and all these neighbor kids that were swarming around, watching me wasn't making it any better. Eventually I got it out but then I was on muddy ground and the kickstand was sinking in and other things and keeping it upright was impossible.

Nope. Can't remember the other one. But it was in a similar vein--difficulties and frustrations.
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Dreamed I was driving through Wales which contained many mile high castles that looked like they should be from lord of the rings.

Later on I had to hold off a swat team from an airport hanger armed only with flare guns.
OK. I gotta get this down because it was trippy. Woke up around 2 to use the bathroom. Then again at 5:26. Hadn't remembered for sure if I'd got up around 2 but I'd had a glass of water and left the glass on the sink. Oh, I was supposed to have a fairly early appointment this morning, so I was worrying about that. So I couldn't get back to sleep. I've also been napping a lot more than I should. It gets dark so early and it's been fairly cold and I don't have any solid commitments right now. So it's easy to snuggle up on the couch with The Dog and The Cat. And they'll lay there forever, snoring and purring, respectively, if I don't get up. So I figured not being able to get back to sleep for the next 2 hours was the price I'd be paying.

And of course at some point I fell asleep and dreamed I was awake. I was laying on the floor and someone climbed on top of me for sexy domination play. At first I was worried that it was this girl I'd dated in that vein a few years back--or maybe even a guy--but it turned out to be a hot girl with long frizzy dark red hair and a tiny waist. And it was so real. I could feel her weight on me; feel her grabbing my face and her breath on my ear and the taste of her mouth. So of course I immediately woke up. Actually, I dream woke-up. Because at that point I started worrying about if I'd remembered to set the alarm or if I was going to lay in bed too long and miss my meeting. So I tried to check the clock but I couldn't read it in the dark. But I did find some switches on the back that let me change the ring tone and even play recorded voices for the alarm and make a cuckoo bird pop out the front of the clock when the alarm went off. I was amazed that I hadn't noticed any of these features before on my alarm clock. But I still needed to see what time it was so I checked my watch, but the nightlight on it was acting wonky so I couldn't read it. And there was some kind of issue with the phone that kept me from looking at it. I don't think my subconscious even cooked up a rationale for that one.

So next I'm in some kind of fancy pretentious fetish show/party. It isn't as terrible as some are, but it's kind of boring. So I'm going around...collecting images?...of the scenes. It wasn't like I was actually watching things so much as taking snapshots to look at--only the snapshots were more like some kind of antiqued posters or something. Well I finally went upstairs and found a room where a cool scene or two were actually happening. More guys than girls, it seemed, but at least it was interesting. But I kept getting in the way. Then I eventually stumbled and fell onto the couch where everything was happening. Thinking quickly, I acted like I was sick and had lost my balance. And whether I was method acting or had really lost my balance, after apologizing and announcing that I was leaving, I fell down trying to get off the couch and decided to crawl to the steps (which were wide and sweeping and stone, like maybe in a hotel lobby.)

I felt better when I got to the steps and started walking down. On the way down, there was a side room with a couple cute, sexily-dressed girls. It was called "Sidebet" or "Sidebar" or something and it was an offshoot of the other event. Initially I was just going to go home, but I could see inside and it looked interesting and the cover wasn't too bad and I had a lot of cash in my wallet so I went in. I wound up making my way to a bar in the back where I had to "meet the cook," who was a hot woman of indeterminate age who may or may not have been partially nude. She was really more of a bartender but she was talking to me and maybe getting ready to read my fortune or something sexy when the place started getting busy. There were a bunch of costume party types there, including a dick in a pirate costume who sat down next to me. I made small talk with him (by now The Cook had slipped into more conventional clothes) a bit. It eventually died down for a little and I figured I might as well have a drink. So I asked for a black & tan. Instead I got what looked like a small glass of pilsner or lager but I decided not to make a fuss about it. I went to pay for it but the wallet in my pocket wasn't mine. And it was all damaged. The people behind the bar took it because they knew something about a missing wallet and were looking for the number to contact the owner when I found another half of the wallet in my other pocket that had an ID or a credit card or something in it. But with further digging I did find my own wallet. It was also damaged (did I sit in water for a long time or something?). At first the ID was missing but then I found that deeper in my pocket. That's about when I woke up. Very strange dream. Cohesive and extremely vivid but with totally different imagery than I've had in any other dream.

(Then in the end my morning meeting wound up getting postponed, so I had time to type this out before I forgot it.)
Was on a bus, my father in law was on it, but not near me, I sat near the back but this hot girl sat on top of me with a summer dress and started grinding on me, I knew this wouldn't go down well with the in laws, but he wasn't paying attention so made the most of it
Dang it dang it dang it!

I told myself to leave myself a note here about my dream last night. It was most unusual.

I recall another dream where I was at my old job again and woke up thinking I hadn't finished something and also thought that in the middle of the day. Strange. What was last nights?

I was just going to log in and type 1 word. 1 word to remind me.
Not such a good one last night, in holiday somewhere a hotel high up, my son and wife were on the balcony, he was in one of his autism anger rages and couldn't be calmed, he jumped up on the ledge facing me still angry, I tried to reach him but he stepped back and off, grabbing my wifes arm as he fell, dragging her over too, I screamed knowing they were both dead, but I couldn't bring myself to look over and confirm.
Nothing much last night. Restless light dozing from about 4:30 on. A few times I got the feeling that I'd been dreaming, but couldn't remember anything. Then this morning there was a brief snippet where there was a castle in winter that was divided into quarters with a...opening down the middle (I guess that makes it 2 castles real close together.) Each quarter had a slightly different culture/clan/fief and I was investigating something about 2 of the sections so there was this kind of door ward who was letting me into each of the quarters. He was actually a noble or gentleman or something so I felt a little bad about making him walk all over in the snow and we were making small talk going between quarters and I said for all his walking he should have a carriage or a horse or a motorcycle or something. But then I realized the big piles of snow-covered dirt (rock formations?) in the passageway made walking the only practical way to get around. Then I think there was some little dream with my brother, but I forget that one.