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Cult and Cows.

The last part of my dream I was inside a cult and there was a mass marriage going on, but something terrible was about to happen (I can't remember what now) and while everyone was dancing outside one of the leaders snuck down to an underground place-which had a hidden type door in the corner of the floor, so I stole the locks and piled stuff up on top of it.
Later in the dream I saw that the place was now a city park.
wtf kind of strange stuff is that?

At some point in my dream there was a neighbor house with dogs and cows. That is all.
Fairly sleepless night last night. Got up for a bathroom break around 1. Worrying about whether I should buy a house or not and something alerted The Dog shortly after I got back to bed. Up off the bed, challenge-barking and going from room to room. Got back up to investigate and saw nothing so I opened up a curtain behind a couch so she could see out. Eventually she came back to the bed, but proceeded to do this snort/grown thing for who knows how long. Between that and "should I put in the formal offer? do I know what I'm doing?" worries I eventually drifted back to a light sleep that involved dreaming, but only one little scene that stuck--and stuck vividly:

So there's a bunch of us laying around on the floor of a loft/studio space, cuddled up in blankets and pillows and watching some movie/performance that may have had some sexy aspects. I'm getting warm so of course rather than just take the blanket off, I slip down my pants and underwear. Then when the thing ends I'm trying to unobtrusively put my pants back on. I think I've accomplished this and get up, shocking my brother's dream girlfriend (they were laying a few feet behind me). My brother's girlfriend in this dream was kind of a younger, more butch Sharon Stone. I embarrassedly pull my pants up quickly but she's got a kind of open mouthed smile on her face and she's clearly checking me out and says something like "maybe we should date sometime"--joking/not joking. I'm definitely interested but know it would be a shitty thing to do to my brother. Also, I almost never get laid in dreams.
OK. Lots of dreams that weren't really related but somehow strung together. Forgot all but one. Thought about that one when I woke up and remembered a lot of the rest. Now I've forgotten them all but lets see if they come back.

The one I remember, I'm working for the military and I'm hanging around with a handful of other people to enter a secure command center facility. One guy unwittingly jumps the line by skipping all the standard procedure and then proceeds to hold up classified material while the door is standing open in such a way that anyone walking past could see it. We're all griping to each other because we know the guy is an idiot.

Nope. Apparently all the rest is gone.
I had a conversation with a dog who was so happy I could understand him that he ran off to tell his mother he was getting married to me.

I tried to tell him he'd got the wrong end of the stick.
Sometimes a short dream can be creepy.

We were walking together from one bldng to another when I stopped to remember something and when I started again you were gone. Vanished. And then I noticed there were no cars and no signs of any life around.

* * * *
I was laying in bed and then my girlfriend ( in my dream) walked over but sat on the floor by my if she had just had a bad dream! ( maybe it was me!) So I comforted her.
I've been having dreams lately, but not remembering them. Although...I think last night I dreamed I was looking at an infographic on how to eat pussy. That or it actually happened, but the graphic was so odd that I figure I must've dreamed it.
I've been trying to get back into going to church Sunday mornings. This is hard enough because I've gotten in the habit of having breakfast and catching up online in the morning as well as having a dog that needs walking in the morning. But the last two weeks, in spite of going to bed at a reasonable hour and getting some pretty decent sleep, I've been having a hard time waking up in time. Too many dreams.

Many that I don't remember from last night, but the recurring theme seemed to be contests/competition. And also really small rectangular spaces. Some kind of bicycle race in a space about the size of a basketball or tennis court but the long edge is pretty steeply sloped. So you pedal uphill then over, then downhill and back. I was doing OK but there was a big chunk of debris (like a foam kickboard or boogieboard that had been run over and busted up) in one lane on the uphill and I was getting blocked so I had to slow down for it. Then I found and opening and got briefly in the lead, but I overdid it so on the next uphill I had to get off and walk and push the bike so I got passed up again.

Then we're out boating (waterskiing?) and we're wrapping up when someone else comes in to waterski. And they're idiots. One of our people is still in the water so he helps the skiier get set up, but then we realize their tow line is tangled with our boat. They keep getting ready to start and we keep yelling at them to wait. Finally they listen long enough for us to free up the rope and head for home. But not long enough to let us get clear. At this point there's an overhead view of the water and it is again, small and rectangular--barely enough space for one boat, let alone 2 with a skier behind one. And there's lots of obstacles. There's also a jump. I don't know if you had to take that to get out of the water or our skipper (me?) just wanted to but the ski boat is in the way so we manage to cut him off but then something messes us up so now the ski boat is pissed at us because we didn't do the jump but we screwed up their run.
The theme for recent dreams seems to be the stupidity of big organizations. The one I remember from last night, my organization (job, I don't know) had mandatory weeklong training on how to use commercial airlines. So we're all waiting around for the bus that is going to take us to the training facility. I've got to go to the bathroom but also don't want to miss the bus. Then we get there and, for some reason the mockup of a plane does not have a door. You have to climb through a window in the cockpit. I'm starting to but remember I needed to go to the bathroom and decide I'd better take care of that before I get stuck on this stupid fake plane for God knows how long.
I had a dream last night that Spiderman studied magic and became evil, the only thing I can distinctly remember is Spiderman appearing in lid air high above new York in four places at once each carrying someone them bamfing away nightcrawler style leaving them all to fall to the ground. I'm not sure they were even bad guys.
Back to pseudo-documentaries again. Last night it started out like, I dunno, "Yellowstone"? I've never watched it. Eeevil greedy mob enforcer is about to run a family off its farm. For some reason I need to sign his paperwork to make it happen. I decide to use the opportunity to try to take him out but fail. Luckily I've got ahold of him and the mother/grandmother (modeled on my Mom's oldest sister) kills him. Of course now we've all got to leave anyway to escape retaliation, so we start herding the flock along. At this point the narrator mentions that it's been awhile since these animals have followed their natural migratory routes but they still know the way and then talks about the little isolated homesteads from people who left the trek.

More than one of these people lives in a beached 17th-19th century ship that is wedged between trees way up in the mountains. The narrator is explaining how the ships got there but my brain just got lazy and just was like "don't pay attention, it makes sense."
Dreams have been off the hook lately but for some reason I'm usually only able to remember 1 per night. Last night was a strange sleep pattern. Woke up before 3 to use the bathroom. Couldn't get back to sleep. Gas or something. So I decided to go to the bathroom again--more than an hour later. I think this took care of it, but it still took some time to fall asleep. So I wound up sleeping about an hour and a half late this morning.

Forget the first dream, but the second dream, I was living with the girl I rented a room from when I moved back to Oregon from Hawaii. Only I think she was renting from me. There was a leak in the ceiling. Then another and another. The girl is putting down pots and pans all over and I realize I'm going to have to go up in the attic. Which is interesting, because at this point in the dream it became an apartment building. And I'm going from floor to floor and by this point I'm lost and just trying to find my way back home.
OK. The one snippet I remembered from last night: We're all hanging out at the...lake?...some place where a bunch of friends would hang out on a summer night, and it's time to go home. But! The guys got a bunch of hookers that all show up. My hooker seems nice and classy, but I didn't really want a hooker and don't really know if I can afford one so I try to beg off. She complains that she gave up something else to be here. Luckily I'm on my motorcycle, so once everyone is in the car I ditch her by getting on the bike. Then when I find a decent spot to take a credible alternate route, I diverge from the car. But there's as stoplight or something so the hooker gets out of the car and starts walking to the bike. I want to just go but the light hasn't changed. So she gets there and says she's...scared? ride in the car. I can't argue with this because the guy that's driving is an idiot. I think she gets on the bike but I wake up around there.

Now, my IRL bike is not at all set up for a passenger. It's a cafe racer with a 1 person "butt-stop" seat and no passenger footpegs. The owner's manual says weight limit is 250# or something. Plus I've never ridden with a passenger. So this would all be an incredibly bad idea even in the girl in the dream wasn't a hooker.
Oh wait! I just remembered an extended and pretty good sequence. I think it was from last night though, not tonight: Another college dream. I'm significantly older than other college students, but maybe only in my 30s. At any rate I'm not in a dorm, I'm in some kind of apartment. And I think I helped renovate it, which is significant because the renovations are starting to come apart and suck and are getting nasty, which is a significant them in my dreams. But there's some cute girl who is sleeping over and she's in bed with me and up for sex--even dirty stuff. Of course I doze off or something and/or the alarm goes off around 3am because she has some class or something that she needs to get up really early to study for. So some guy from the class meets here there to go study (I don't think this was them hooking up, but maybe that just didn't occur to me in the dream, being dream 3am tired) and I say I'm glad I don't have to get up for any classes this early because I'm getting too old for that these days.

OK. I remember that being a lot more involved and interesting that it is as I just typed it. Oh well.
I was in a field I needed to be quite far away to steal a tank, I started to fly there, then I thought even that was taking too long so I just teleported there, I started filing the tank with petrol but then suddenly it was the size of a model and the petrol went everywhere.
I'm walking down the street on holiday with some male friends, a drunk comes up to me and starts ranting about star trek to me then leaves without ever noticing the friend to my left is William Shatner.
Enduring near record cold weather and a dog that, since 7:30am, decided she would "just hold it" rather than go out in it again. So after the 4:30am bathroom break I didn't know if I was going to get back to sleep for worrying. I did. In that insidious "dream you're still awake" way. Started out with getting some water from the kitchen sink but the water wouldn't come out. Great. Frozen pipes. But then, somehow, I realized I was actually asleep, dreaming the kitchen pipes were frozen. Opted to just keep sleeping rather than go monkey with the sink and hope I can get back to sleep. So then I dreamed that The Dog needed to use the bathroom but refused to go out, so I had to just leave her with the roommates and to go class or whatever (military again). So pretty soon a hot blonde officer comes running to the pay phones in fairly skimpy white panties with a short short lace robe thing to call her dad and ask him to get her a ticket home. Soon more people start coming out to use the phones, including one guy who has some clunky '90s cell phone (think somewhere between the "brick' and the Startac) who is trying to make a data connection on it. I ask what's going on and apparently there are some stupid terrible orders that came out that everyone is trying to get out of or otherwise deal with. I haven't heard anything and I don't know if that's because I'm such a bad officer that I got left out of the orders or I'm such a bad officer that I wasn't paying attention/missed the briefing when the orders were issued. I smile when I say that and everyone has a little laugh and it lightens the mood a bit. I'm sure there was some other stuff, but that's what I remember.