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Another night of not being able to sleep and waking up in the middle of long, unconnected dreams. The one I remember most strongly is the one where I could remove my cock and balls from my body. It seemed perfectly normal in the dream, at first. I can feel the sensation of removing them. It's weird. At one point I wondered how I could still pee and then if my cock and balls would die without receiving a blood supply. I concluded it must have been okay.
Not an actual dream in an of itself, but back when I was in high school I had one of those photojournalist/fisherman/utility vests and apparently Dream Me decided I needed one again, because the other day I was dreaming I was looking for something in my closet and there was a safari vest in there. I was like "Oh, that's right, I decided I wanted one for nostalgia. Cool." But now that I'm awake, I do not have one in my closet.

And this was over either multiple nights or multiple dreams I got it and now it is in my closet when I'm dreaming and I need to get something out of the closet.
Last night was a good cycle. Shit, I'm losing it as I type. First segment was kind of "Good Will Hunting." I'm in college. Had more of an undergrad feel at some points but other parts were like being in a postgrad "cohort." At some point we were all taking a dancing class but I really wasn't getting it. Too reserved. Then I'm in a room/space I share...with my professor?... It's a pig sty but the term is ending so we have to organize it and clean it out. He's asking me about my final paper and going through a stack of draft material but its all out of order and doesn't make sense so I give him a little speech to placate him along the lines that it isn't going to win a Nobel Prize or anything, but it will check all the boxes a typical paper does. Before long the place is cleaned up and looking sharp and we all have a big dance party, using the moves we learned in the class, but I still can't dance. Then I remember that I forgot to finish and turn in the paper so I have to go dig out the box it was in and try to get it done.

Then it is more of an "Odd Couple". I may only be a supporting character in it actually. There's this old guy who can't live alone or doesn't have a place or something and a young guy who is struggling so they live together. Once I was awake, I felt a little like the characters were 1970s Jack Nicholson and Burgess Meredith. Anyway, old guy gets to the place and it is a mess. Big high (but leaky?) ceilings and lots of Gothic details to the architecture. Good light, but very messy and rundown.

About that time the snooze woke me up again and The Dog started doing this long low, almost subliminal whine every 30 seconds or so--just enough to keep me from falling back asleep but she apparently didn't need to go Out, just choosing to be annoying.

Oh, that reminds me, there was another bit way earlier, where she was snoring in a way that it sounded like a tennis ball being bounced on a wood floor and this gave me a dream about The Cat running around, dragging stuff all over the house (only it was more like the house I was a kid in and the stuff was more from my early 20s).
I was in some sort of mode of transportation for work along with my fellow co workers. We were driving through town, which was also part of our work-checking out different routes or looking at buildings, I have no idea.
We were at an intersection, or maybe it was a side street and we are crossing the road in the vehicle and this school bus comes really close to hitting us (not that close actually) I am in the back of this vehicle and I wave my arms up and down like "HEY! WTF ARE YOU DOIN?!" and I sort of immedietly know that I probably shouldn't have done that, but I don't care anyway.
So we are still driving around, getting close to our destination-I think back to the work site to clock out AND The school bus driver is now going to ram in to us-and he does and next thing I know we are all in the office, which looks like the front of a school, with big windows and hallways and I guess we are all fine and survived the accident
and someone alerts me that the school bus driver wants to talk to me
So I cop attitude like "No way" but I go anyway because what is he going to do to me w/ the rest of my coworkers hangin around?
And I actually open the glass door to give him a moment of my time and this is what he says, "Are you an immigrant?" and then he calls me stupid and he says "WTF" and is like angry that I waved my arms at him like he was the bad driver. And I"m thinkin "Bad driver or not dude, you then decided to come back and crash in to us" He has the problem so I flipped him off and said "Fuck off"
And someone near by that is a co worker and sort of like a supervisor grabs me as they lock the door and the guy out and we walk down the hall

and then my cat meows and I wake up.

Dang that would have been a fun dream to continue, but then I was glad to wake up because I think shit was about to go down.

(This was not like any dream I've had where I am just telling people off.)
I was in the back garden of my house, it was a new house, I think it might have been my first day living there, not sure if I was in a bath, or sunbathing, but I was laid down naked, and a double decker bus pulled up outside and everyone on the top deck could see me, then a dog bit my hand, and I noticed the back of my garden had no fence, and was just open to the street. I went in the house and didn't like anything about it, I had real regret about moving in.
I was at a beach somewhere, maybe abroad, everything seemed nice, I wasn't in pain, but I needed to find a doctor because my dick was off and it was in my pocket.
Only snippets past few days: I had to fill out a form and the front and back were straightforward enough--8.5x11 paper--but for some reason the edge was a rough board, painted with white semigloss paint and it was hard to get the pen to write on it--and that's where the spot to sign it was.

Last night had good dreams. I was taking possession of a sailing ship. Like, a 50' classically rigged boat. Only it was totally white and below the waterline it was gold or silver--like a metallic foil or leaf. It was magnificent. And apparently it had an impressively large engine. I was considering taking the engine out because that seems like cheating on a sailboat, but thinking that would be stupid. I really wanted to see where this dream was going--also because I realized it was a dream, which meant I'd finally managed to get back to sleep from my 3am wakeup routine--when The Dog decided to jump back up on the bed (she'd got down to have water when I went to the bathroom and hand't come back) and lay down on top of my feet.

After moving to the other side of the bed (my preferred side, but it had been occupied by The Dog at bedtime) I had a morning dream where I'd let my brother live in this neat quirky house that I'd fixed up and he had trashed it. As the dream progressed, he'd trashed it by turning it into a bar and I was going to kick his ass for it but then I got sidetracked and decided to just sue him instead. The actual plot isn't that thrilling, now that I type it, but the detail involved was amazing.
Last night was apparently sex industry night in my brain. First dream I remember was at some kind of strip club that had both male and female dancers and one of the guys was temporarily working as a server because his...ex-girlfriend? sister? was temporarily working there too. There may have been a regular dream in between but the next dream I remember, I'm on the set of this huge porn production. Like, they've got a bunch of shoots for each of 4-5 different niches. I'm on one of the sets but the girls aren't really thrilled I'm there so I'm wondering if it is a girl-girl shoot. Since nothing's happening, I wonder off to try to find a place to get on my laptop. Then when I come back there's some guys there so clearly it's for boy-girl shoots. There's also a whiteboard there, listing who's in what shoots. I'm trying to find my name but don't see it.
Someone was throwing a black party in one of my dreams.
In another dream there was a different type of party, but I can't remember details about it
Two dreams with wheels last night.

I'm the first I was on a push bike ridding through town, my wife was in the back and the peddles felt so hard to turn, eventually she passed me on a bike of her own, but my bike never got any lighter, we took a wrong turn and had to bike over a field which was even harder.

Later I was on a bus to work, I got off too early but instead of walking the rest of the way I was in a wheelchair, pushing the wheels to get down the street.
Started out boring--just dreams that I couldn't sleep because there was a log laying in the middle of the bed. This probably had something to do with the 60# dog, hogging the middle of the bed--and the 10" long "bully stick" I gave her that night, that looked a lot like a log.

Then this morning I got a pretty neat Stargate: SG-1/Star Trek type dream, where we* were a team, exploring some planet that looked very Earth-like. There was a kind of 18th or 17th century inn/meeting hall where we arrived. We were trying to get back but couldn't so we went to this clearing down in a valley. Pretty soon logs or maybe a forest fire or fireballs started coming into the valley but we managed to endure that. One person from the team had either headed back to the hall or stayed behind to keep trying to get reinforcements sent us a message that we should run but we decided to hunker down into a defensive position. But next giant claymation-looking monsters started attacking us. That's about when I woke up.

*I don't actually know if I was part of the team or I was just watching the dream like a TV show.
Last night's dreams were about things that were maybe innocent but could be taken the wrong way. And they were "Inception" level nested.

There's some kind of...thing. Like a wedding. But there's a costume party at some point in it. And 2 people from England that are here for it have brought Klansman costumes. Before anyone could intercept them, they dropped them off in the laundry, which was like, in a gym locker room. So I go to try to collect them unobtrusively before anyone notices them, but there's some kind of tournament or meet that day (softball? Possibly martial arts) so the locker room has been repurposed as a girls locker room. I'm in before I realize it and the girls are young enough that it isn't really a big deal--there were even some male coaches etc. I don't know what age that is, probably too young for organized sports, but that age where parents bring their kid into the restroom because they're too little to go alone. I'm debating what to do when I'm noticed and have to explain myself. Just as that happens, someone discovers the costumes. They're not very accurate--more like the old Halloween costumes from the '70s, but they are still clearly supposed to be Klan robes. So I'm trying to collect them up as quickly and quietly as possible but all the little kids have come over to look at them.

Next thing I know, I'm out in the bleachers at the gym and there's this girl I met a few years back that I had a crush on before I found out she was married (I mean, I still have a crush on her, but I'm not an animal). We have common interests so we stay in touch on Facebook chat and bitch about real estate investing and swap renovation tips. Anyways, we're up in the bleachers so I'm telling the story of the previous part of the dream to her--but also all the while trying to think if it's going to make me sound like a monster or a psychopath or if it will be an endearing humorous little self-deprecating story. But then she has to get up to go and the dream ends before I can finish telling the story.

There's some kind of interesting psychological stuff going on in all that but I don't have the training or the patience to roll up my sleeves and really unpack it.
Oh. Remembered another one. Not really related to the others: For some reason I got boxes and boxes of mail that hadn't been delivered. One of them was a check for a big bill that I'd sent and had been returned. I saw that I hadn't written a complete address on it but it also looked like a pretty bulky envelope for only one stamp. There was a sticker on it, explaining why it was returned but the sticker had been damaged and was unreadable. While I'm going through the boxes I'm in the back of a pickup truck or something that is being driven by someone I apparently know, along with some other people. We're going down the road at a good speed and I'm in the open air. So of course all my mail starts blowing out. I try to get the driver to stop and my dog jumps out while the car is still moving. (Oddly enough I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be my current dog, but she was just being played by a fairly generic border collie.)
I won't argue that point. But there are things you know you can read--the return mailing sticker on the envelope or the stamp, for example--and then there are things that are unreadable for the practical purpose of the dream too. And now I've pissed away an hour between this thread and the other one that I shouldn't have wasted. But I guess that's who I am. :(