
Zombie Hunter
OK. Two very odd dreams. I mean, they're fairly mundane but why I had them is odd.

First dream is an Indian family in a teepee. They just got a new buffalo hide to use for bedding and they're checking it out approvingly. That's it. That's the dream.

Second dream, I was actually in. Took the car into a shop for some kind of suspension/tire work. While they're working on it it is important for me to insure that I'll be able to use a jack on it when I get it home. I think I had some extra stuff I wanted to do that the shop wouldn't do for whatever reason. Meanwhile an insurance guy is checking in on the work on the car in the bay next to mine to be sure it is driveable and safe when they're done. Then maybe, just as the dream was ending, I got a look at my car and it wasn't anything like my car--or even any car anyone would want. It was almost like actual version of a minivan made out of clay by a little kid.


Zombie Hunter
Last night was the more mundane living in shared, dormitory style housing. Realize the closet for storing guns has a big sliding window to the adjacent unit--but I'm already out the door when I realize it and don't have time to go back. Then my roommate has to raid some building, since I'm there I decide to help but someone has swapped the mags for my AR15s for empty ones. Can't find any that are loaded and will fit in the magazine well so I finally just decide to grab my shotgun, which I suspect only has one round in it. Things were uneventful and no shots had to be fired. Got home and it turned out there actually were bars on the window for the closet but then I couldn't find any of my guns.


Zombie Hunter
Crap. Lost a lot of detail already. My good dreams almost always come in the morning. Woke up before the alarm and thought about getting up. Looked at the clock and it was 6:19 so I was like "fuck that, I'd rather lay in bed awake for an hour or so," and then had a dream. Something about property managers and renters and an apartment, where each of the renters was getting different deals and came with different baggage and the local government was creating headaches for the property owners. So basically, real life.


Zombie Hunter
Gah. I wish I could remember more of this one. It was extended and, in some way, loosely linked. The bit I remember, I'm walkin...nope. It's coming back. I'm kind of a Barney Stinson from "How I Met Your Mother" character and for some reason I'm creepy stalking this girl. Like, I stole her phone. It was one of those late model dumb phones, from just before the iPhone came out, where companies were trying to figure out how to differentiate their product so it was shaped a bit like a small TV remote with a shiny black plastic bezel on the entire front and the back was kind of a rose metallic. Anyway, I go stand outside her apartment and call her roommate from her phone while they're both home. He asks her why she's calling him and they have the expected conversation while he answers the phone. I don't say anything, just play Johnny Cash over the phone ("I Walk The Line"?) while leaving the apartment. She pretty quickly figures out what's going on and storms out to confront me. I've stupidly walked in the wrong direction and she's between me and my car so I need to walk fast enough to outdistance her and circle the block without calling attention to myself. It's a bad neighborhood and, like, 3 guys see how I'm dressed and decide they're going to rob me. So now I've got to walk faster than them (because for some reason, running would be inappropriate). They're closing on me, but I've got my hand in my coat. It's sticking in the pocket while I'm trying to get it out so they decide I have a gun and back off. But pretty soon they see an opportunity and jump me. While I'm trying to keep from being slashed by a pair that are working together, the other guy grabs the gun out of my coat pocket (because suddenly, now there IS a gun in my pocket). I grab his hand and get the gun positioned so it won't shoot me and try to pull the trigger. Of course it won't shoot. So I flip the safety off and try again. And again. Like, 3-4 times. I'm getting a good heavy squeeze, but when it gets as far back as it will go, the sear doesn't release. At this point I go "Oh, right. Because I'm dreaming and my guns almost never work in my dreams." At that point the dream ended. It was almost like I went "fuck it, I'm not participating if the rules change in the middle of the game," which is a little ironic because that kind of happens all the time in dreams, but it's one thing for the storyline to morph and another thing for you to try to do something and you're clearly doing it but the simple expected result doesn't happen.


I want to smell dark matter
Had a really long, several stage, dream where I was trying to get home from school. At one point I was on a bus when Elle and Dakota Fanning stood out on the road with plastic bags doing a "protest" against buses. I waved at them and my friend told me off because they were "terrorists." I was walking through the woods at one point when "the lights went out" which was confusing even in a dream, then I went through part of the school and ended up in my old living room. There were a bunch of people there listening to CDs and they kicked me out and I aplogised for being there.