Black Feathers said:
I don't. The chance of getting in a fatal accident is infinitismel compared to the 100% chance of altering your brain's chemistry if you use drugs.
So, you think that speeding only indicates an infintesimal chance of having an accident? Thats total crap to be honest. Not only that you're gambling with other peoples lives, not just your own.
As for you banging on about brain chemistry changes, yes, that happens but it is far from proved that any noticable long term effects occur. As it happens studies have shown that certain improvments in cognitivity can occur. If you take anti-depressants those drugs are actively trying to change your brain chemistry but thats only positive, right?
And all studies taken ONLY see changes in frequent and excessive use. Using once and a while carries NO more risk than just about doing anything else in this world on a saturday night. Not only that, since you have not taken drugs yourself and have done no studies yourself you are less qualified to make judgment on effects than a user or ex user is.
If you want to know about my drug history for the last year which despite being ENTIRELY my buisness I will share it with you:
I have taken four ecstacy pills this year. Which is NOTHING. I have shared four grams of speed with three people over a two day period and have smoked a couple of ounces of weed and a few grams of solid resin. I have drank a lot of alchohol this year and smoked a fair few ciggerettes but have cut down on all quarters. I have had a better and more enjoyable time because of my light use than if I had not used. I am not sorry and I have no lasting effects.
A few years ago I was smoking an ounce of skunk a week drinking 4 cans of strongbow a day and doing about 10 ecstacy pills a month snorting a few grams of cocaine a month and occasionally doing speed, mushrooms, LSD and pure MDMA.
When I went through my "episode" 3 years back I was using even more heavily. With your lack of objectivity you cannot hope to start preaching about drugs to me. All three periods are totally different.
I have nothing against drugs when used sensibly. Many times I have turned down doing drugs because I wasn't in the mood or I simply wanted to do something different. Calling me an addict was laughable btw, you had no evidence whatsoever.
Its my Birthday soon, will I do drugs? No, allmost certainly not. I will not be looking for anything and I don't activley seek anything but weed anyway.
IF one of my friends passes me a line to do then I will certainly do it. It will make me feel amazing and the night will be stellar. But its a non-issue either way, it would be nice but its really no big deal either way. And if I do do that line then I am willing to take the non existant risk that anyhting will happen to me because it wont, I understand how my body reacts to things.
I am really not going to bother talking on this subject anymore because I do not need to defend my past actions or my future actions. You should know that I am not a drug addict and your high school teacher views on the subject are not worth the time of day.