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I seem to have loaned my old copy out permanently, so will have to get one from the library. Annoying, but not insurmountable.
OK. the soccer game's over, [well-played Yanks, btw], so I have 1/2 hr before the library closes.
I was disappointed they killed him so quickly, though I guess it was necessary for what happens to Paul.
this is the nth go-round for us all, I should think; I havent read it in a coupla years and Cassie adores it, so whatever strikes your fancy is fair game, methinks.

If there is someone joining in who hasnt read it yet, and you want spoilers, let us know.
I read it a few months ago so I'm not reading it again (have other stuff.) Will post comments on stuff if you want.
It's very hard to do chapters since FH didn't do regular chapters (THE BASTARD). We could read up to the fall of the Atreides (I like that description!)... I assume you mean the death of Leto, and Jessica and Paul's escape? Or we could just discuss our thoughts as they occur, and not worry too much about spoilers?

I just started reading this morning, and for the first time wondered why Yueh wasn't aware of, or just didn't think of the fact that the BG can control themselves biologically. Shouldn't he have known that you can't really torture a BG? I can't remember if there is a taboo against killing yourself, but a BG could certainly stop her own heart. They also have ways of bypassing pain. I just find it strange that a doctor married to a BG wouldn't know about that.
I love the early descriptions of the Baron Harkonnen - it is very early on and I still remember it vividly three books on and about 2 years on.
I came to the part where Yueh explains to the Duke how the Baron was able to use him, he said "an override of his pyretic conscience". I don't know what "pyretic conscience" means, but I understand that he wants to kill the Baron and be sure that Wanna is dead.

I love the part about the Baron too! He's just a little bit shy of being comically evil. Fat old pervert, lol.

I just looked up "pyretic" the definition says: of or relating to fever : febrile

D'oh! the glossary says: so called "conscience of fire"; that inhibitory level touched by Imperial conditioning.
sorry, Cassie, RL has been mad and I havent opened the damn book yet. Today's Canada Day (yay= fireworks!) so I can take some time off and just get reading!
I just started reading this morning, and for the first time wondered why Yueh wasn't aware of, or just didn't think of the fact that the BG can control themselves biologically. Shouldn't he have known that you can't really torture a BG? I can't remember if there is a taboo against killing yourself, but a BG could certainly stop her own heart. They also have ways of bypassing pain. I just find it strange that a doctor married to a BG wouldn't know about that.

That's a good point. For all of how they go on about how impossible it is to break the Suk conditioning, The Baron did it pretty easily, no? A little too convenient methinks.
I just finished the part where Paul and Jessica meet Stilgar in the desert, that's one of my very favorite parts!