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^after he's done counting his money.

OK, Jessica has woken up and realizes the doctor is the traitor!!!
*off to read some more*
I have to confess... I've already finished Dune and started on Messiah, lol. That's OK though, cause I've read them all so many times I can discuss any part.

well, it's been long enough between readings that I cant remember everything so there are still some pleasant page-turning moments.
I get that feeling every time I read Dune.

I forgot Duncan gets killed. :(

They've been found in the desert and Paul killed the guy. I did remember Jessica's response as soon as she saw he was feeling victorious over that.
I like how little clues about the role of the makers are revealed.....

Jessica and Paul are finally realising that water is wealth, which should have been fairly obvious to them before IMHO.
Yeah, I think they knew water was important, but they needed it to be hammered into them. Who thinks about losing moisture from breath?
and tears!
from the reaction of everyone at the funeral to Paul's tears, it sounded as if they teach the children from an early age not to cry?
Kevin J Anderson and Bobo Herbert have now written more books with Dune in the title than Frank Herbert, THE HACK BASTARDS :rwmad: I've never read any of them, but there is an internet campaign to make KJA's life miserable. He actually responds, lol PWNT.
It really is, I love the epicness of it. It doesn't matter how many times I read it, I always pick up something new.
what I love in particular is the scope of Herbert's attention to detail: you mentioned the water vapour from one's breath - he really has written an analogy that has come so close to home with the water shortages globally, hasnt he?
Yeah, and remember he wrote Dune in the 60's. The scarcity of water, and the spice were both sort of an example of what happens when a society depends on one thing too much for its energy. You could replace the spice with oil.

Sorry I was so terrible about discussing this book. I kinda suck at book discussions, especially Dune.. I always struggle to find the words!