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Yeah, Stilgar is pretty kickass in the beginning. He still is throughout the book, but his story isn't in the forefront as much.
ok, I'm heading off to Montréal on Friday for the Jazz Festival and a wedding.
may or may not do any reading, but at least I'll have it.
lol - forgot how much I liked Jessica.
Herbert makes me feel as if I'm standing right in the room with them. Wonderful descriptions.
Was it the unfamiliar words that kept you from getting into it? The first time I read it I had to flip to the glossary a million times, and I had to make up the way I said certain words in my head and just stick with that pronunciation. I still say some of those words incorrectly in my head because it doesn't really matter as long as I know what it means.
*reading frantically*
Cassie! slow down so I can get caught up!
what else can you read til I get back on Monday?!?!
ARGHH!! Ok I'll just stop reading for a couple days. Feyd just tried to kill the Baron with the poison needle in the boy's thigh, let me know when you get to that part!
I recommend The Da Vinci code. Very thought-provoking.

Now here is a man with taste who ignores the media snobbery around my books.

I can thoroughly recommend my new book "Tales of the Templar" in which a distinguished academic discovers a worldwide plot to control the source of Dairystix milk sachets with the help of an arcane society only known as "The maids"

On his journey through amakjlfaslkjfljksfanfsdmjfsalkfnhsaskadj