Captain Jack
New member
Utahraptor said:"Fuckwit" is my word! Everyone but me stop using it!issed:
Or am I also A Karas? It's hard keeping track of my duals.
Silly dino, you don't have any duals...

Utahraptor said:"Fuckwit" is my word! Everyone but me stop using it!issed:
Or am I also A Karas? It's hard keeping track of my duals.
Enkephalen said:Wow, I've been posting my brilliant parodies here at TK for years for everyone's enjoyment. They've never found them hurtful before. Maybe I should have put a disclaimer in in the first paragraph -- ya think?
Enkephalen said:An open love letter to TK:
I just wanted to say a few things here about how much I love this place and you guys. I've tried and tried to get you to see things my way, because my way is the right way, the only way. You know that don't you? You know how much time I spend in the only place I can call home, the only place that will accept me for the way I think you want me to be? It scares me to think that I'm losing my home. So please, everyone, please just listen to me! Stop feeding the troll!! Just say no to feeding the troll. If you don't stop feeding the troll our board is going to implode. This used to be such a great place, I was so happy here, and now it's all gone bad, and everyone has bad feelings, and I feel so bad, and I'm sure you all feel so bad and helpless too. Please ban me because I can't stop posting posts trying to fix things. I just want us all to get along, is that so much to ask for? Why won't you guys listen to me?! I post and post all day long and no one listens to me. Can't you understand that I'm trying to save our wonderful board from the troll. Can't you see that I'm here to help you? If only you would listen to my words of wisdom, feel the love, feel my need to be needed, to be loved in return, to have you all make me one of you: a moderator or administrator. Heck, I'll even settle for watchdog because I'm so hypervigilant just like Scraps the dog I used to have this one time, and I loved him so much too, just like I love you guys, but he ran away one day, now I hate him and I wish I could. . .uh, forget I said that. . . just so I can be close to you guys who have all the power and I can feel that I am a bigger part of this place that I love so much. Haven't I proved to you guys how loyal and friendly I am? I want to be your friend, your confidante, your trusted advisor, your stalwart shoulder to lean on in times of danger like when you feed the troll - 'cuz it scares me when your attention is diverted from me to the troll. Then I think these thoughts that you love the troll more than me. Please, listen to me! Trust me, I know what's best for the board and for you. Just listen to my voice, so calming, so reasonable, so sensible, so gentle, so loving. Stay away from the troll, don't listen to the troll. I am your only friend. You can trust me. I'll always be right here for you every day without fail, and I'll always post in each and every thread everywhere on the board just so you know how much I love you guys and how much I want to be accepted -- until I'm not and I get angry and I call you bad names and I think bad thoughts and then all I want is to hound your every step and show my rage. But my rage voice is quiet now, I keep the bad voice under control. You don't have to worry about my bad thoughts, or my rage voice because I like you, for now, and I just have your best interests at heart because I alone know what's best for you and for this board. I just want everything to go back to the way it was when I was happy. Okay? OKAY?! You don't want me to think my bad thoughts do you?
Love and kisses,
Enkephalen said:An open love letter to TK:
<edit dead on post>
You can trust me. I'll always be right here for you every day without fail, and I'll always post in each and every thread everywhere on the board just so you know how much I love you guys and how much I want to be accepted -- until I'm not and I get angry and I call you bad names and I think bad thoughts and then all I want is to hound your every step and show my rage. But my rage voice is quiet now, I keep the bad voice under control. You don't have to worry about my bad thoughts, or my rage voice because I like you, for now, and I just have your best interests at heart because I alone know what's best for you and for this board. I just want everything to go back to the way it was when I was happy. Okay? OKAY?! You don't want me to think my bad thoughts do you?
Love and kisses,
Enkephalen said:Yeah, you did Krass. Now you see why people don't read your long posts. Besides, it was just a parody. Wow, I've been posting my brilliant parodies here at TK for years for everyone's enjoyment. They've never found them hurtful before. Maybe I should have put a disclaimer in in the first paragraph -- ya think?
Utahraptor said:I think the only disclaimer you need is one explaining how your join date of Oct. 2005 translates into "years."
Enkephalen said:An open love letter to TK:
I just wanted to say a few things here about how much I love this place and you guys. I've tried and tried to get you to see things my way, because my way is the right way, the only way. You know that don't you? You know how much time I spend in the only place I can call home, the only place that will accept me for the way I think you want me to be? It scares me to think that I'm losing my home. So please, everyone, please just listen to me! Stop feeding the troll!! Just say no to feeding the troll. If you don't stop feeding the troll our board is going to implode. This used to be such a great place, I was so happy here, and now it's all gone bad, and everyone has bad feelings, and I feel so bad, and I'm sure you all feel so bad and helpless too. Please ban me because I can't stop posting posts trying to fix things. I just want us all to get along, is that so much to ask for? Why won't you guys listen to me?! I post and post all day long and no one listens to me. Can't you understand that I'm trying to save our wonderful board from the troll. Can't you see that I'm here to help you? If only you would listen to my words of wisdom, feel the love, feel my need to be needed, to be loved in return, to have you all make me one of you: a moderator or administrator. Heck, I'll even settle for watchdog because I'm so hypervigilant just like Scraps the dog I used to have this one time, and I loved him so much too, just like I love you guys, but he ran away one day, now I hate him and I wish I could. . .uh, forget I said that. . . just so I can be close to you guys who have all the power and I can feel that I am a bigger part of this place that I love so much. Haven't I proved to you guys how loyal and friendly I am? I want to be your friend, your confidante, your trusted advisor, your stalwart shoulder to lean on in times of danger like when you feed the troll - 'cuz it scares me when your attention is diverted from me to the troll. Then I think these thoughts that you love the troll more than me. Please, listen to me! Trust me, I know what's best for the board and for you. Just listen to my voice, so calming, so reasonable, so sensible, so gentle, so loving. Stay away from the troll, don't listen to the troll. I am your only friend. You can trust me. I'll always be right here for you every day without fail, and I'll always post in each and every thread everywhere on the board just so you know how much I love you guys and how much I want to be accepted -- until I'm not and I get angry and I call you bad names and I think bad thoughts and then all I want is to hound your every step and show my rage. But my rage voice is quiet now, I keep the bad voice under control. You don't have to worry about my bad thoughts, or my rage voice because I like you, for now, and I just have your best interests at heart because I alone know what's best for you and for this board. I just want everything to go back to the way it was when I was happy. Okay? OKAY?! You don't want me to think my bad thoughts do you?
Love and kisses,
Purple Haze said:ExIsle = Intelligence
TK = A-holes
Being kind to each other. Caring about each other. Not dismissing each other with "I don't care what you think." Going out of your way to say something nice to each other. Being considerate in posting. Disagreeing with the issue and not with the person. Generally acting as carefully online to each other as you'd have to if you wanted to get along with a RL neighbor, which means that not everything is always going to go your way but that's OK in the interest of maintaining strong relationships (don't even get me started on the leaf blower topic ).
Believing so strongly in the good of this place that you refuse to let the bad get you down, and can ignore what annoys you to focus on the happy things.
In short, what I think is present in most of the forums on EI, most of the time. But I'm such a dewy-eyed optimist I'm still an admin here....
^^Yes it should. I'm moving it now.
Eloisel, this is a warning. Please start such threads, if you must start them at all, in the Beach, or you will be suspended for spamming.
Thank you,
I love you all.
You're all cracking me up.
I'll see you in a few days.
I'm behind in my studies because I'm spending too much time reading all these threads.
Play on, play fair, play nice, and remember, when it is all over ...
{kum bah yah}