Extra Long-Lasting Anal Fissure.


Let's discuss the subject of
"extra long-lasting anal fissure". :grouphug:
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
go away.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom





















The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

I Love Cunt

Watch It
Your name is funny. Not only have you explained it in your sig, but now you have made a thread about it. Would you like some more attention? Do you need us to ask more questions?


Your name is funny. Not only have you explained it in your sig, but now you have made a thread about it. Would you like some more attention? Do you need us to ask more questions?

I think even some of you dingbats are well aware that my nick and sig is the exact same language that has been used to describe me in an old thread about Emma Watson. I mean, there is a search function in vB that works just fine, after all.

I Love Cunt

Watch It
I think even some of you dingbats are well aware that my nick and sig is the exact same language that has been used to describe me in an old thread about Emma Watson. I mean, there is a search function in vB that works just fine, after all.

So you want me to do some research regarding these items?

The Question

He is impressing himself at his ability to disrupt my fantastic thread.

And now that I'm here, it's about to be disrupted even more. By my roaring bowels. And when the wind is finally clogged up, I shall leap directly into the air, squat on your head and shit in your hair. Like a monkey.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Your name is funny. Not only have you explained it in your sig, but now you have made a thread about it. Would you like some more attention? Do you need us to ask more questions?

I probably shouldn't admit this, but I hadn't noticed that his/her name was an acronym. :phpconfused:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I didnt either. Are they related? does "ellaf" stand for something?


Gmorning Ms Whore :D


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Im having some coffee, how about you?