Extra Long-Lasting Anal Fissure.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
STFU Sarek. Fuck off now. Thanks. :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure

"Shut the fuck up Sarek" would have sufficed. You really didn't need the "fuck off now" part. Besides, if I chose to "fuck off", It wouldn't be "now". I'd do it on my schedule, not yours. That knowledge is what separates the dingbats from the dumbshits, dumbshit.


"Shut the fuck up Sarek" would have sufficed. You really didn't need the "fuck off now" part. Besides, if I chose to "fuck off", It wouldn't be "now". I'd do it on my schedule, not yours. That knowledge is what separates the dingbats from the dumbshits, dumbshit.

Eat shit, asswipe. :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What a fun thread!!!

The Question

Fuck off, fag. :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure

If that's the best you've got, I don't see this particular anal fissure lasting all that long.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom



If that's the best you've got, I don't see this particular anal fissure lasting all that long.

You really are a dumb as a rock jackass, since I have been here for several years, you total moron. :joker:

The Question

You really are a dumb as a rock jackass, since I have been here for several years, you total moron. :joker:

But you forgot to ask if I care. :smooch:

The Question

No, I did not, you worthless asshole, since I don't care if you care, you worthless asshole. :joker:

stain stain go away, just fuck off and stay away

Awwwww, did a widdle Mister poop his itty didey?

The Question

mmmrrrfff... nnnngghhhh... nnnnmy anus... nnnnghhhehhhh... is... nnnnghhhhfff... mmmbleeding... nnnnhhhhghhhhggghhh...

That's fairly disgusting.


That's fairly disgusting.


The Stain, are you going to get back to your usual self-suck routine, or keep
talking to yourself, to impress yourself, since you are a total fucking loser, irl?


The Question

BYE, you buttmuncher.
Same to you, Sarek, you ass licker.
I am tired of your stupid boring ass.

Okay, see ya! Buh bye! Hasta la whoopie-cushions!