Extra Long-Lasting Anal Fissure.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Second (big) cup but it doesn't seem to be working yet. Looking forward to a three day weekend, maybe I'll have some wine and drunk post. Fun times.


Lawrence Connor will be overwhelmed that he's had some bearing on TK, other than feel like an extra long-lasting anal fissure.

Posted by Gagh:

Lawrence Connor will be overwhelmed that he's had some bearing on TK, other than feel like an extra long-lasting anal fissure.

This thread ranks FIRST in Google for the term " Masturbate Emma Watson"

Lawrence Connor will be overwhelmed that he's had some bearing on TK, other than feel like an extra long-lasting anal fissure.

How many people Masturbate to Emma Watson? (in The Mine Field)


Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
I like the name ELLAF better than Lawrence Connor, it makes me think of some middle Eastern flat bread that's dipped in hummus. Food names are always good.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
And now that I'm here, it's about to be disrupted even more. By my roaring bowels. And when the wind is finally clogged up, I shall leap directly into the air, squat on your head and shit in your hair. Like a monkey.

Welcome back...you've been missed.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Second (big) cup but it doesn't seem to be working yet. Looking forward to a three day weekend, maybe I'll have some wine and drunk post. Fun times.

Last time I did that I forgot what I posted, then I went back and read it and lmao.

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
I don't have enough wine to get that shitfaced. Even when I am shitfaced, I still type and post surprisingly well. People piss me off more though and I tend to get a little aggressive so I guess I'm a mean drunk.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm still a cheap drunk it would appear.

The Question

Get fucked, The Saint. :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure

Didn't I tell you I'd shit in your hair like a monkey? Now you've gone and done it! (Not sure what yet just what it is you've gone and done, I just got up. I'll think of something, though, and believe you me, it'll be horrible.)


extra long-lasting anal fissure

He is saving us from discussing anal fissures. YAY!

Butt you posted using the language "anal fissures" yourself, which is not such a great way to not discuss it, I hope you know.
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extra long-lasting anal fissure

Didn't I tell you I'd shit in your hair like a monkey? Now you've gone and done it! (Not sure what yet just what it is you've gone and done, I just got up. I'll think of something, though, and believe you me, it'll be horrible.)

Flush yourself down the toilet. :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure
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Vuhlkansu Wihs
I think even some of you dingbats are well aware that my nick and sig is the exact same language that has been used to describe me in an old thread about Emma Watson. I mean, there is a search function in vB that works just fine, after all.

Grow up and stop broadcasting the fact that you're butt hurt. We don't care. And dumbshits shouldn't be calling others "dingbats". We like the dingbats.


extra long-lasting anal fissure

Grow up and stop broadcasting the fact that you're butt hurt. We don't care. And dumbshits shouldn't be calling others "dingbats". We like the dingbats.

STFU Sarek. Fuck off now. Thanks. :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure
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The Question

Flush yourself down the toilet. :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure

I tried, but your mama's pussy ain't got no handle. Well, maybe it's her mustache.

The Question

Say, them's fightin' words. TO THE FISTICUFFS! :pissed:

The Question

I LOLed, you loser. Now, go bang your head against a wall until you knock yourself out. :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure

I'll make you LOL! I'll make you LOL 'til you shit your pants! Then I'll make you keep LOLing until you break into your neighbor's place and shit HIS pants! There'll be shit everywhere!



I'll make you LOL! I'll make you LOL 'til you shit your pants! Then I'll make you keep LOLing until you break into your neighbor's place and shit HIS pants! There'll be shit everywhere!


You are the shit stain, the saint. the saint = the stain :joker:

extra long-lasting anal fissure
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The Question

No, The Saint is The Satin. Smoooooooooooooth. And often laid on by naked women.